View Full Version : High Elf Confirmations and Skaven 2nd Wave

Herald of Nurgle
08-19-2010, 03:07 PM
From Whats New Today: http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/content/blogPost.jsp?aId=12500042a

There's a list of the stuff which ISN'T changing in the 2nd Wave:
- The Plastic Hero Kits
- Spearmen and Archers
- Chariot
- Repeater Bolt Thrower
- Silver Helms
- Lord on Dragon

Therefore the rest of the range is either being ignored (Alith Anar for example, or other metal heroes) or is being redone.

- Phoenix Guard and White Lions (likely to return in a Greatsword like pack of 10 for £25)
- Ellyrion Reavers
- Dragon Princes (Already rumoured on Warseer to be combined with Reavers for a £18 set of 5)
- Eagles (3 for £15, Plastic)
- Swordmasters (NOT the Starter Set ones, but similar. £25 for 10)
- Shadow Warriors (Probably going to be the Metal release. Just resculpts or repackaging too?)

I'd also expect a Battalion release - probably replacing the Bolt Thrower with one of the new Special choice kits.

I was asking my local GW d00d about a Skaven 2nd Wave. He's not heard anything but theres a set of Slings (10 Slings and 10 rock pouch things), Old Metal Rat Ogres, and something else coming out for Skaven Bitz. They fit in with the Clanrats sprues, thankfully, but everything else is quiet.
If there's no 2nd Wave for Skaven, then that surely opens it up for another Army Book release in November...

08-19-2010, 03:30 PM
Not convinced we will see anything from the starter kit redone again.

I'd put dragon princes and white lions on top of the most likely list for plastic kits. Dragon princes look good and are fairly iconic and white lions go with the lion chariot and are badly in need of a resculpt IMHO.

Scryer in the Darkness
08-19-2010, 04:38 PM

I'd also expect a Battalion release - probably replacing the Bolt Thrower with one of the new Special choice kits.
The Battalion is already showing up in stores and replaces the Silver Helms with a Chariot, and the addition of 4 Spearmen and 4 Archers. There's also all sorts of things wrong with the rest of your list but I can't be bothered pointing them all out - just look at the summary on WarSeer.

Kieranator K82
08-19-2010, 04:49 PM
I am thoroughly disappointed that the apes GW call Spearmen and Archers aren't being corrected. For shame.

08-19-2010, 06:37 PM
The Battalion is already showing up in stores and replaces the Silver Helms with a Chariot, and the addition of 4 Spearmen and 4 Archers. There's also all sorts of things wrong with the rest of your list but I can't be bothered pointing them all out - just look at the summary on WarSeer.

Forget what Warseer says this is on GW site so we konw what is not being done so the list of what COULD be done is VERY SMALL so he is DEAD on

08-20-2010, 01:09 AM
Agreed, it is the one thing stopping me expanding my High Elf force dramatically.

I am thoroughly disappointed that the apes GW call Spearmen and Archers aren't being corrected. For shame.

Scryer in the Darkness
08-20-2010, 04:47 AM
Forget what Warseer says this is on GW site so we konw what is not being done so the list of what COULD be done is VERY SMALL so he is DEAD on
No, most of his speculations are wrong or at least inaccurate. The summary on WarSeer is dead on. I should know, I posted most of it, have the GW product list in front of me and know what's coming out. Funny that.

If you want to look at a list that contains incorrect information and ignore a list that is correct, that's your own look out.

08-20-2010, 09:00 AM
Here is the quick and dirty: (thanks Scryer) (http://www.warseer.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4924874&postcount=1)

Updated High Elves Batallion Box with:

-20 Archers
-20 Spearmen
-1 Chariot
-1 Bolt Thrower

Phoenix Guard
White Lions
Dragon Princes

2 metal boxed sets
2 metal blisters

Apparently this is another release window in the trend of Games Workshop phasing out older metal kits with new plastic ones. They do seem to be briskly putting the torch to the days of metal as fast as they can get kits transitioned over to plastic.

Scryer in the Darkness
08-20-2010, 09:05 AM
Updated High Elves Batallion Box with:

-20 Archers
-20 Spearmen
-1 Chariot
-1 Catapult <------ Bolt Thrower
^*psst*. Bigred. :)

Apparently this is another release window in the trend of Games Workshop phasing out older metal kits with new plastic ones. They do seem to be briskly putting the torch to the days of metal as fast as they can get kits transitioned over to plastic.
And this time around (thanks mostly to price restructuring) they'll be quite a bit cheaper than the metals.

08-20-2010, 09:36 AM
Funnty you have the List so you work for GW then cause thats the only one with "THE LIST"

08-20-2010, 09:41 AM
unless they get the eldar support gun treatment :( less options less cool more plastic :(

Scryer in the Darkness
08-20-2010, 10:01 AM
Funnty you have the List so you work for GW then cause thats the only one with "THE LIST"
Nah, I just happen to know some people who work for GW. ;) Though I wish I did work for them because then I could get my wardollies at Employee Discount! :D (Though that'd still be too expensive for my tastes.:()

unless they get the eldar support gun treatment less options less cool more plastic
It has less options?* I must admit it's one of the recent kits I haven't managed to put my hands to and have a good look at. Must do that.

*EDIT - The previous metal one could build a D-cannon, vibro cannon or shadow weaver, and so can the new plastic one. So... huh? :confused:

09-07-2010, 06:20 AM
Good Man Scryer, GW have just posted the DPs, PG and WLs on the advance order page,

Dragon Princes - £18
Phoenix Guard - £25
White Lions - £25

I am a bit disappointed with the pricing, its a bit ridiculous, nearly the same as the metal
equivalent. I sent GW a little email, no harm if others do the same. Its hard to validate
buying them, given I can either get two packs of WLs or spring for a batallion box set.

09-07-2010, 06:36 AM
Rubbish, better quality, more easily convertable kits for around the same as the old metal models is no bad thing. No reason to expect otherwise, either, beyond the ridiculous levels of entitlement many hobbyists seem to have.

Good Man Scryer, GW have just posted the DPs, PG and WLs on the advance order page,

Dragon Princes - £18
Phoenix Guard - £25
White Lions - £25

I am a bit disappointed with the pricing, its a bit ridiculous, nearly the same as the metal
equivalent. I sent GW a little email, no harm if others do the same. Its hard to validate
buying them, given I can either get two packs of WLs or spring for a batallion box set.

09-07-2010, 07:33 AM
WOW, well that reply was a bit over the top, guess I should be more careful with expressing
my opinion around you then. Thanks for that.

09-07-2010, 07:40 AM
Seen these in store today, (well the Lions and the Dragons, phoenixs hadn't come in yet.)

Holy god these are gorgeous. I can't compare them to the old ones cos i haven't got any old ones, but the're so detailed. The Princes dragon heads for horses, their helmets, the cloaks and epiletts for the lions are simply gorgeous.

Duke Rich
09-07-2010, 08:07 AM
Just saw the new models on the GW Advance Orders section.
Dragon Princes look really nice, might get some if I can work them into a list.
White Lions look great compared to the older models, only put off slightly by the way they've painted the faces, seem to similar to the helmets.
The Phoenix Guard (In my opinion) aren't that great, they seem to bulky, however, this might just be me acting sour because of my unit of 20 metal ones, or not. In the end though it's down to if you like it yourself or not, don't be hating them just because of what I think.

09-07-2010, 08:43 AM
Just saw the new models on the GW Advance Orders section.
Dragon Princes look really nice, might get some if I can work them into a list.
White Lions look great compared to the older models, only put off slightly by the way they've painted the faces, seem to similar to the helmets.
The Phoenix Guard (In my opinion) aren't that great, they seem to bulky, however, this might just be me acting sour because of my unit of 20 metal ones, or not. In the end though it's down to if you like it yourself or not, don't be hating them just because of what I think.

The PG look bulkier because with these sculpts, the cloaks are actually flaring wider, rather than being more closely wrapped around the body.

09-07-2010, 09:22 AM
I didn't mean to cause offence, and I apologise. I disagree (strongly) with your opinion on the pricing of these models, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't hold that opinion* or refrain from expressing it.:) The second line of my response was not aimed at you specifically either, I should have made that clear.

*Though I think I make a pretty good empirical case for it being incorrect.;)

WOW, well that reply was a bit over the top, guess I should be more careful with expressing
my opinion around you then. Thanks for that.

09-07-2010, 09:41 AM
I didn't mean to cause offence, and I apologise. I disagree (strongly) with your opinion on the pricing of these models, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't hold that opinion* or refrain from expressing it.:) The second line of my response was not aimed at you specifically either, I should have made that clear.

*Though I think I make a pretty good empirical case for it being incorrect.;)

No worries eldargal,

I do agree they are awesome models, white lions with double headed axes - how can you go wrong

and I am glad they brought out plastic Dragon Princes, I have the habit of bending the lances on the metal minis, no matter how hard I try to avoid it.

Really wish they made a boxset of plastic eagles, I think there's only 1 mini now, and they are handy at taking out enemy warmachines or great for converting into mounts. I can use them in WE and Lord of the rings too.

Maybe its just me, but how large can they make a HE helmet, sure mithril is light, but I'm guessing neck pain must be common amongst High Elves. Still though if I had a nice shiny helm I'd probably want a big dragon on the front of it :)

09-07-2010, 09:55 AM
It depends how much lighter than steel ithilmar is. An average plate helm from the 16th century is around five pounds/2.5kgs, if there is twice the metal in an elf helm (I assume the decorative bits are hollow) at half the weight then it wouldn't be out of line. Or it could even be lighter than that.

Some clever chap on Warseer had the idea of converting Phoenix Guard into Spearmen, which I think is a cost effective way of avoiding the apalling spearmen sculpts. No help for archers though.

No worries eldargal,

I do agree they are awesome models, white lions with double headed axes - how can you go wrong

and I am glad they brought out plastic Dragon Princes, I have the habit of bending the lances on the metal minis, no matter how hard I try to avoid it.

Really wish they made a boxset of plastic eagles, I think there's only 1 mini now, and they are handy at taking out enemy warmachines or great for converting into mounts. I can use them in WE and Lord of the rings too.

Maybe its just me, but how large can they make a HE helmet, sure mithril is light, but I'm guessing neck pain must be common amongst High Elves. Still though if I had a nice shiny helm I'd probably want a big dragon on the front of it :)

09-07-2010, 11:26 AM
True, with weight aside, strapping a sail to my head wouldn't be ideal if I'm flying around on a griffon or an elven steed though ;).

Without getting into the finery of physics and fluid mechanics, I whole heartily agree with a previous post that most high elf players field swordmasters, it is a pity they were not released, but surely with them being removed off the GW website they must be in the pipeline, otherwise how else do we get our hands on them, through the IoB? Hopefully theres more to come.

Edit: Looks like they are back, all is well