View Full Version : New here, got a question...

Wargamer's Cave Ray
08-18-2010, 04:45 AM
Hi everyone, I'm new to the Lounge. My name is Ray. I bring with me, my store, Wargamer's Cave. I'd like to advertise my products in here, but I don't know which forum? Or if I even can.

But on to personal ramblings. I usually play 40k. I am an enemy of the Imperium. I play/collect Orks, Eldar and Necrons. It's been over a year since I played my last game. I was scheduled to play a recent floor hammer game known as Siegeworld. My models attended, but I didn't play. See, I have MS and I didn't feel real confident walking around all of the models. I'd hate to misstep and break something (let alone my foot).

I'm looking to go to a physical storefront. Right now my little hole in the wall is just a home based e-store. I'm carrying 40k, Warma-Hordes, Malifaux, Monsterpocalypse and Wings of War. Once I get the storefront, I'm going to go into Flames of War and Firestorm Armada.

I look forward to hearing from people here.

08-18-2010, 11:26 AM
Hello and welcome Wargamer's Cave Ray.

08-18-2010, 12:18 PM
Welcome to the Lounge!