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View Full Version : Madrak World Ender with freehand runes

08-17-2010, 10:06 AM
This is another mini that I painted for the P3 Grandmasters painting competition. He was awarded a silver medal (which I'm proud of, given the competition at the event).

For those of you less familiar with the mini, I extended the base and cut off some embossed runes in order to paint them back on as freehand.

I've also posted him up on CMON (http://coolminiornot.com/257140) if anyone is interested in voting.


08-17-2010, 12:06 PM
Wow. Just wow. That is absolutely stunning, and thoroughly deserving of a silver medal.

The palette that you've chosen makes him look very Morrowan; was that deliberate? If so, I like how you've kept the Trollblood influence with the subtle chequers on the quitarii.

08-20-2010, 10:16 AM
Thank you.

I hadn't actually thought of it as Morrowan, but I did want to use very light colors on him. The white quitarii was something of a challenge from my wife (she wanted to see me do a white on white pattern on him, and checkers seemed like the best way to suggest a tartan).

08-20-2010, 12:08 PM
That is down right stunning. Brilliant work. I like the fact that the colors make him look drained by the weight of his axe.

Just excellent, well done!

08-18-2011, 09:58 AM
Wow what a great paintjob, just beautiful.

08-18-2011, 10:45 AM
This is just awful. Seriously. Why would you post this here....

...and make the rest of us feel so bad.

I love the Madrak skin. You'd be a saintly man were you willing to share the recipe.

08-31-2011, 09:51 AM
This is just awful. Seriously. Why would you post this here....

...and make the rest of us feel so bad.

I love the Madrak skin. You'd be a saintly man were you willing to share the recipe.

Well, Madrak's skin was painted using a two tone shading that I like to do on skin tones. I really like shading skin tones in this way because it gives the skin a complex organic look.

The base color is P3 Frostbite, which was shaded first by a wash of Frostbite and Sanguine Highlight, then with a wash of Frostbite and Battledress Green, then with a very small area shading done with a wash of Battledress and Sanguine Highlight. After that, I reclaimed a lot of the areas with Frostbite, then highlighted by adding Morrowan White to the Frostbite.

08-31-2011, 10:45 AM
Okay, I'm certainly going to try that!

To be clear, though, because terminology varies, are your washes more of a wash akin to applying straight Devlan Mud (in my lingo, a very watered down mix of the paint that is applied to the crevices) or a glaze (again, in my lingo: heavily watered down color with the excess water offloaded before applying the remaining pigment).

Thanks again; I sincerely love this model. So much that I almost want to commission you do paint my albino Trolls.

09-01-2011, 09:46 AM
Okay, I'm certainly going to try that!

To be clear, though, because terminology varies, are your washes more of a wash akin to applying straight Devlan Mud (in my lingo, a very watered down mix of the paint that is applied to the crevices) or a glaze (again, in my lingo: heavily watered down color with the excess water offloaded before applying the remaining pigment).

Thanks again; I sincerely love this model. So much that I almost want to commission you do paint my albino Trolls.

Well, let's see. The purpose of this is shading, and your 'glaze' technique will really more set a mood and less shade your base color. So we'll call it a wash.

Make sure that the third wash is applied only to small portions of the mini (the deepest shading areas). The other two layers can be applied a little more liberally.

09-01-2011, 10:11 AM
Cool, so it is a wash for shading and not for gradual build up of color. Really appreciate your time!

03-05-2012, 08:04 PM
Incredible. Would love to see it in person. I particularly enjoy the tartan, and the very nice use of a limited palette (conscious or not) :)