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View Full Version : Saving Throws??

08-16-2009, 09:54 AM
Can someone tell me when a transport gets destroyed by a none MW weapon does the infantry inside eiterh
1) Get saves?
2) Get destroyed? or
3) Disembarks unharmed and then fired at by remaining AP weapons?

Can you also point me to the page that this is on in the Armageddon rulebook, I've been looking for ages and can't seem to see the woods for the trees and it's driving me nuts.

08-16-2009, 10:37 AM
Can someone tell me when a transport gets destroyed by a none MW weapon does the infantry inside eiterh
1) Get saves?
2) Get destroyed? or
3) Disembarks unharmed and then fired at by remaining AP weapons?

Can you also point me to the page that this is on in the Armageddon rulebook, I've been looking for ages and can't seem to see the woods for the trees and it's driving me nuts.

I too had trouble finding this information in the epic book, i believe the information has been released in a FAQ which i cant seem to find.

What i can find and do have is the epic armageddon 2008 handbook, it says the following under the transport rules.

"If the transport unit
is destroyed, then any transported units may make their normal armour save OR make a 6+ cover save as if they had been hit by the weapon which destroyed the transport."

By the way,


08-16-2009, 12:06 PM
Figured as much from reading the MW rule and must download the update from the GW site.
Wanted to be sure though all the same.
Thanks very much for the help.

Yes, EPIC does rule.

08-17-2009, 05:37 AM
You have been hit by a macro weapon. Unless the transported infantry have reinforced armour they don't get a save, so they are very dead. Likewise no cover save as MW hits negate cover saves.

08-17-2009, 01:06 PM
Yeah, I know the fact that if you get hit by a MW in a transport your dead unless you got reinforced armour, I was more or less stating that was how I was deducing that ordinary infantry got saves from non MW.
This aside I've got the handout that Jack_Hammer mentioned and it's like he said, happy days, now we can get on with killing each other.

08-18-2009, 01:08 AM
I recommend you use the Epic Compendium as your reference rulebook as it includes in the body content the many and varied FAQ entries--ridiculously handy. :)

You'll find it here:

http://www.tacticalwargames.net/forums/index.cgi?act=ST;f=69;t=15716;hl=epic+and+compendi um