View Full Version : Shooting in weapon groups

08-16-2010, 08:40 PM
So, we've been shooting in groups of weapons in my area, and the new wound allocation article is suddenly make me wonder if we've been doing it wrong.

The way we've been doing it is having each 'group' of weapons fire as a group, similarly to wounding. The melta gun fires, then the Sargent, then the bolter marines. You do that for wounding, so we figured that you would do it the same for shooting.

Is... this correct? It makes sense to me, and my group, but... that article makes me wonder, now. Is there a page that I missed that explains it better?

08-17-2010, 12:33 AM
BRB pg. 18 "When a unit fires, all of its weapons are fired simultaneously......."
So yes you have been doing it wrong.
Also all wounds happen simultaneously from a unit.

08-17-2010, 12:35 AM
So, we've been shooting in groups of weapons in my area, and the new wound allocation article is suddenly make me wonder if we've been doing it wrong.

The way we've been doing it is having each 'group' of weapons fire as a group, similarly to wounding. The melta gun fires, then the Sargent, then the bolter marines. You do that for wounding, so we figured that you would do it the same for shooting.

Is... this correct? It makes sense to me, and my group, but... that article makes me wonder, now. Is there a page that I missed that explains it better?

Here is how you shoot;

6 white dice for the bolter marines and Sargent, since they are firing the same weapon with the same BS.
1 red die for the melta

Roll all 7 dice together.


08-17-2010, 02:39 AM
It is entirely possible to allocate, say, multiple plasma wounds onto the same model to minimize casualties, so long as there are enough other wounds to do so.

For example, if you hit a Tactical squad out in the open with 3 plasma shots and thirty lasgun wounds, all three plasma can be put on a special weapon/sergeant and only one Marine will die from those three wounds.

08-17-2010, 09:09 PM
Ok, thanks for the reply. I've looked it up in the book, and now I see the rule.

I must say, it seems strange. But, meh. That's the breaks.
