View Full Version : New Forgeworld mk sm armours

08-16-2010, 10:17 AM
I've seen on the FW site the new awesome models for the space marine armours.
I immediatly decided to collect a squad of heresy armours marine (mk V if i remember correctly) but now I found a problem I'd like to share.
How would you complete the squads? I mean, what would you use for sergeant bolt pistol? The new one or the old ones found in the oop space marine metal assault squad boxed set?
The same question is for the chainswords, fortunately FW produced also vintage melta and missile launcher..
Would you use a bare head or two or maximise the aestethic effect of the old helmets and use an all 10 helmeted squad?
thanks for the inputs

08-16-2010, 03:31 PM
the models arnt single part so an assault/black tempelar/ darkangel/ death company box should give you enough parts for the 2 squads and mix up the hersy stuff (e.g. you get 24 weapons in the DC set (5 chainsaws, 5 bolt pistols, 5 bolters, a PF , TH 2 plasma pistols, 2 melta pistols, 2 hand flamers anda power weapon ! and 8 heads) in fact a tactical/ combat box should give you enough bitz !