View Full Version : GW needs to focus on core game!!!

08-16-2010, 02:26 AM
Anyone else thinks GW needs to focus more on the core game instead of releasing "new gamplays"! Apocolypes, planetstrike, ect. they are fun but its not something you play everytime! The core game needs updates badly!!! Because of the expansions the core game becomes messy, release apocalypse model this, planetstrike model that, WHO CARES!!! Give us models we really want and update/work on the metal models and units that only exist in the codex!

C'MON GW work on codexi!!! And work on something else then marines! I'm a space wolf player myself, but it would be fun to play against Tau, Necrons or Dark Eldar/whatever again. I know marines are popular and stuff but in a while the name is gonna be Marine Hammer... and you get stuff like "wow do you remember the time that there where other races with their own codexi and models"...

08-16-2010, 04:44 AM
Are you suggesting they just stop releasing the massive selling additions, and the many marine codexes that earn them millions and instead just release a new rule book every 6 months?

The new gameplays are what keeps it fresh in the 4 year gap between your armies codexs. Battle misisons book added so many new misisons, planetstrike a way of playing it a new way, apoc a way to cater for all those people who collect large amounts, big models and multiple armies.

I collect 3 armies that all could use new books (and hopefully my dark Kabal will be getting one soon). I have no problem with the supplementary books, new terrain and scenery that goes with them. Yes the constant marine loving is annoying but its neccessary for GW to make the money so that they can "take the risk" on the lesser selling xenos codexs

08-16-2010, 05:02 AM
I'll second what the good Doctor said, and then add in that I beg, no, I IMPLORE Games-Workshop to PLEASE PLEASE PRETTY PLEASE come out with more Battlefleet Gothic stuff. :(

08-16-2010, 05:19 AM
i like the supplements, for campaigns they add more interesting conitions, and though i'd like more codex updates, 3 a year is not bad, and more would be a detrimnt to other systems

08-16-2010, 05:33 AM
I dont suggest they must stop doing the stuff they do now, i also like the apoc/planatstrike stuff. But Look at the Necrons and Tau who plays them? Exactly almost no-one! And why because the codex is outdated and doesn't rally work in 5th edition. If they make the "other then marine" armies more interesting people would play them to.

And the Battle missions book SUCKS! Its has the same missions as in the core book but with a story (kuch...LAME...kuch). In the older editions you really had 9 to 12 different missions, now is just 3 "missions" with 3 different deployments and then they try to sell it under "we have 9 new missions". If you have mission 1 with 782852 different deployments it is still only 1 mission...

And besides if they claim to have so many missions why the expansions?

08-16-2010, 05:55 AM
well, at a game on saturday, we had a necron player(well over 1500 pts), a tau player(recently started after deciding tha mehreens werent his kettle of fish, a SoB player(me), some Orks, a lot of nids, chaos marines, and a hanfull of marines(works out as 5-3 in favour of non marine armies on the table, no guard whatsoever). so id say quite a few people play the "unpopular" armies. do they need updating? some do, yes. should this be at the expense of the enjoyment the entire community gets from expansions? hell no! these add ons actually enhance the game for everyone(though some are left to one side*cough cough*), and as such has more inherent value to the community than a codex for a niche force(playing Khornes advocate here). would i personally prefer for my dex to be updated? hell yeah!, but not when we can get an updated way of plaing that offers broader opportunities to the entire community(guess i may be slightly commie, but thats fine), including the less updated armies.

08-16-2010, 06:09 AM
I play CSM, Chaos Daemons, and *Gasp* Necron, and I still love the supplements and Games-Workshops' other games. The system isn't perfect, but it's damn good, and I LOVE Battle Missions. Clash of Heroes is a REALLY fun game type. It's actually why I bought my most recent Chosen Squad - so Abaddon could have an awesome, fluffy bodyguard as he hunts the battlefield for his foe. Spearhead is also really fun...so, really, I can't agree with what you're saying.

08-16-2010, 07:59 AM
Some of you are really missing the point! I'm NOT saying they should stop doing expansions OR that it isn't fun, im just saying focus a bit more! Why bother to create something alter the main rules and then let em collect dust (speaking in general). Of course there are Tau/necron/whatever players but im speaking of majority here. Of course the make millions on the marines but that is because you can get hardly around it.

Logical is if you change the main rules, then change the codex, then go for expansions. This is easier said then done but whats next: hey look an expansion lets make a rule book with this...

08-16-2010, 08:34 AM
They do come out with those codexes - Tyranid, for example, were one of the first 5th edition codexes, as were the IG. The Dark Eldar are going to be here "any day now", and the Necron are rumored to get a new codex next year. Tau, well...lol. But to be frank, both Space Wolves and Blood Angels were both in dire need of new codexes as well. Before the new 'dex, I don't remember the last time I saw a real Space Wolf army, rather than one that was painted in their colors and that counted as Space Marines. And the Blood Angels' last codex, while decent, did NOT do their fluff justice.

You're taking the short-view - "all these codexes coming out aren't what I want, even though I play Space Wolves, where're the Tau?" Consider the fact that GW has REALLY been pumping out new books for both Fantasy and 40k this past year, as well as War of the Ring. Hell, they just released a whole new set of rules that (so I've heard) are REAL game-changers in the world of WHFB.

But I've a question for you: how will releasing codexes that aren't Space Marine-flavored make the core rules not collect dust any faster than releasing an expansion? Neither the new 'dex nor the new expansion actually change the rules to the point of a new edition, but I would actually say that expansions do more for the core rules than a new codex does, simply due to the fact that it gives you more options, more scenarios, and more twists to use and add to any game, whereas a codex army must work within the bounds of the core rules UNLESS they are playing in one of those expansions you seem so set against.

08-16-2010, 08:54 AM
Some of you are really missing the point! I'm NOT saying they should stop doing expansions OR that it isn't fun, im just saying focus a bit more! Why bother to create something alter the main rules and then let em collect dust (speaking in general). Of course there are Tau/necron/whatever players but im speaking of majority here. Of course the make millions on the marines but that is because you can get hardly around it.

I guess peoples point is that they cannot focus more without completely dropping everything but codexes.

You say that they have released way too many extra rule books; they actually released very few.

Let's name them off:
1) Cities of death
2) Apoc
3) Planetstrike
4) Battle missions

Spearhead doesn't count as it was released in white dwarf, and didn't affect any codex or model releases (unless you count a huge amount of models released and a new unit with rules were due to Spearhead).

4 Supplements in the last 5 years isn't that many. What could they have done in that time instead? Released another late 4th ed codex (and have everyone whine about it like they do with Tau, Chaos and Eldar), and maybe a single 5th edition codex (even though we know Dark Eldar and Grey Knights are next, and 'Crons and Sisters are in development)?

I think that an extra "fun" release once every year or two is a lot better, then fitting in an extra codex every two to three years (and yes, it is much, much quicker to create and release a supplement book with a few models, then it is to release a new codex with a lot of new models).

Sister Rosette Soulknyt
08-16-2010, 09:05 AM
Want to make GW millions as you say, simple to easy in fact....stop bringing out scenery, rules, supplements and YES bring out the codex's that have yet to be brought to 5th ed.

Why you ask, its like this, make anything nice and shiny, bring out the codex, make them cool or cheesy or what ever you want to call them and people will buy them it that simple, its called marketing.
Now GW are great at doing that with SM, but for the other older codex that is in need of much wanted demand and updates, how will it not make money for GW when lots of players out there want a change from the commen armies.
Where i am i know about a dozen just in the local store who would love to play DE, DH or WH armies and even Necrons but are waiting to a new dex is released.
Many new players would flock to the game if GW staff upsell new armies, make older ones poplular instead of worrrying about there quotes or sales.
Sales = money, New armies = sales = money for GW.
Also if there games designers concentrated on just these four armies and brought them outi would bet my army that many new players could be brought to the game, and older players may be enticed to try a new army, pull away from SM dominance and try something all shiny and new.

Ok, at our local store, most people play SM's, one necron, 3 IG,5 chaos, 3 nidz, and only me with my Sob. But even then some have multiple armies. From memory that is.
GW just need to bring out and market these codex's and they will pour in money, how many people jumped into BA's when they came out???

spartan-117: master chef
08-16-2010, 09:26 AM
This is my first post so.....

I play Tau (amongst others), and while yes, The codex hasn't been updated for a long time, I am still happy enough pottering about tables, and anything about not competing with newer codices is just whining. Although I wouldn't like to play against leafblower guard, I can still win.

My point is that apoc, planetstrike et al (planetstrike especially- the attacking list options are pretty much heaven for tau) have all brought me something new to play, with my Tau, regularly. Would I have rather had a new codex? No! A new codex would have meant what, 4-5 new units, some without models, and then maybe being able to create 'hyper lists', but expansions have kept the game fresh and interesting.

Would you still rather be playing only the core missions, but with more necrons?

08-16-2010, 09:33 AM
Sigh... you still dont get it, but that is what you get for a discussion on a forum...

Well thats simple update other codexi and promomte (its marketing after all /sarcasm). People don't care if it is a marine or a eldar they want cool models and rules that work. Everyone wanted space wolves because they were "beardy" and had cool new models, now the blood angels have the "best" codex and a whole load on models everyone plays blood angels (i know there are more but its an >>EXAMPLE<<), if they would do the same thing with other armies people would start playing/buying them, you'll have the "omg, its new/these rules kick ***" period, GW gets money, we have none but cool models and different armies.

And now that the expesions are already there they can put more time in that.

Voila problem solved!

08-16-2010, 09:48 AM
while yes, codex updates are needed and wanted, the flavor, that expansions bring are needed as well, you could look at it as the lesser of 2 evils. ;)

and i agree, MORE Battle-fleet Gothic!!! MORE Epic!!!!!!

08-16-2010, 10:22 AM
A new codex release only sells to people who play that army (and may pick up some new players for that army along the way). An expansion has the potential to sell to ALL players.

Personally I'm all in favour of new expansions. I want a detailed skirmish expansion, and a narrative campaign expansion and so on.

By the way, it's pretty rude to say that people who disagree with your opinion don't 'get it'. That's just insulting. Maybe the posters in this thread do indeed get it, but genuinely feel your point is flawed. I certainly do. GW has a finite amount of development resources. There's only about 5 or 6 game developers in the studio, doing everything for all 3 core games, plus articles for White Dwarf etc. Despite your protestations to the contrary, your calling for more 'focus' on the core rules would indeed come at the expense of cool stuff like the expansions.

08-16-2010, 12:14 PM
i think space wolves is actually an odd one to discuss in this context, as they are both percieved as mainsteam(purely due them being marines), and as having had an old dex(werent they amongst the oldest before the new dex), and as being very powerful since the update(compared to the old dex they seem godly i guess). as such they could be used for all sides of the discussion.

08-16-2010, 01:44 PM
The only good accessory to come out for 40k was the Battle Missions book.

Everything else, you just buy the book, play 2 games, and shelve it to collect dust.

08-16-2010, 03:32 PM
OK first of al if i insulted people, i apologize, im not here to pick a fight!

But still... expansions are cool but don't fix the gaps there are now, certain rules/units (armies) are just outdated. Maybe outdated is not the right word, let me put it this why: certain armies lost their strenght and that is i guess thats 1 of the main reasons why you hardly see em.

08-16-2010, 04:04 PM
OK first of al if i insulted people, i apologize, im not here to pick a fight!

But still... expansions are cool but don't fix the gaps there are now, certain rules/units (armies) are just outdated. Maybe outdated is not the right word, let me put it this why: certain armies lost their strenght and that is i guess thats 1 of the main reasons why you hardly see em.

The problem you're describing is not a function of GW's "focus" it's a function of how they market and release their game.

Every 5 to 6 years they come out with a "new" edition of core rules, then over the next 5 or 6 years they update individual codexes & models, but not all of the codexes......How many new codexs get released per year for 40K, 2 or 3? Do you know why they only do a small amount per year?

Cash flow. It costs money to develop a new codex, and it costs even more money to develop to models, and more importantly new tools to produce the models. Some armies needs lots of models (like Dark Eldar), some need only a few new ones. The point is each new codex/model release cost a cerain amount of money, whereas, a simple expansion release is smaller scale...less develeopment, usually less models to make, less money. So they've figured out they can do2 or 3 of codex updates per year with an expansion thrown in every year, for just a little more money than just doing 2 or 3 codex updates. Getting rid of the expansions won't speed up the codex release schedule, if expansions aren't very resource intensive.

If you want every army to get updates are the same speed, they'd have to change how they're releasing the game.

08-16-2010, 04:29 PM
The main problem with the OP's original post is that game expansions don't bump Codex updates. The Expansions fill in the months where very little is planned for release. Their purpose is to give us a reason to go to the store and buy models and books and to sure up what would otherwise be a financially weak month.

08-16-2010, 09:07 PM
Really are you guys seriously upset with the last 12 months releases? Really am I mad or is this a silly thread. In the last 12 months

1. Space Wolves
2. Skaven
3. Tyranids
4. Beastmen
5. Blood Angels
6. 8th Fantasy
7. Battle Missions
8. Planet Strike
9. New IG Tanks
10. Eldar Fire Prism
11. Daemons
12. Fortress of Redemption
13. Empire 2nd Wave
14. Island of Blood
15. New High High Elves

Do you realize that there was a period not too long ago that that list would have been 2 to 3 years on new releases. How can you not say they are concentrating on the Core Games. Hell I want some Love for Necromunda and BFG and Mordhiem and Blood Bowl.

Just my 2 cents

08-16-2010, 10:07 PM
Really are you guys seriously upset with the last 12 months releases? Really am I mad or is this a silly thread. In the last 12 months

1. Space Wolves
2. Skaven
3. Tyranids
4. Beastmen
5. Blood Angels
6. 8th Fantasy
7. Battle Missions
8. Planet Strike
9. New IG Tanks
10. Eldar Fire Prism
11. Daemons
12. Fortress of Redemption
13. Empire 2nd Wave
14. Island of Blood
15. New High High Elves

Do you realize that there was a period not too long ago that that list would have been 2 to 3 years on new releases. How can you not say they are concentrating on the Core Games. Hell I want some Love for Necromunda and BFG and Mordhiem and Blood Bowl.

Just my 2 cents

100% agree.

08-17-2010, 07:43 PM
DE and necrons do need to be up dated and soon. But BA and SW both were outdated and I do believe that minus the new releases the Necrons codex was the last one up dated out of those 4 until recent. I would accually like to see a new army throne in the mix something completely new. Come on we have played all these armys so many times that any player could tell you how to beat them on paper with pretty accurate details. Some new blood would be nice.

09-27-2010, 09:12 PM
I think GW makes more money off new codexes than a lot of stuff. If you think about it, when a new army comes out not everyone will buy it. But most people, especially those who play in tournaments, are kind of obliged to buy it to know their enemy if anything else. I don't often buy new WHFB books, but I always buy 40k codexes to know the rules, and just to read.

I agree with the previous posters, 40k and WHFB are doing just fine at the moment. Dark Eldar are being released, how is that not paying attention to the core game? You could argue that when they release other stuff, the detract from their 2 core games.