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View Full Version : Some fun Ariestia! teams

11-08-2017, 08:11 AM
Since we played it last night and seems like it went over well with everyone, I thought it would be fun to build a team or two.

Team Lockdown


This team is meant to be really cheeky.
Essentially the idea is to get Max and 8-Ball into the enemy team as quickly as possible. Using the variety of displace abilities you have, get every enemy fighter adjacent to both Max and 8-Ball. Keep hEXx3r within range of that blob too. She'll be able to use Vade Retro to displace any escapees back into Max and 8-Ball and Gotcha to keep them there. Max and 8-Ball both have rull good Brawn and so long as they remain next to each other, they will get a bonus black die on their Brawn rolls. So the idea is every enemy will not be able to disengage from Max and 8-Ball together and won't be able to get onto the scoring objectives. We saw last night just how good Max is at keeping his targets engaged.

Otherwise, use the displace abilities on your own fighters to help catch up to someone who did manage to escape and pull them back into the fight.

Meanwhile, Gata is doing all of the scoring. Each round she runs to the objective and scores on it while the rest of the team is holding everyone tight. She's got Quicksilver tactic in case she gets trapped somewhere and Go All Out is just a real good card for anyone.

Max will eventually die as he should be absorbing all the damage. When that happens, make sure to move everyone off your respawn objective of choise. With all the displace abilities available, it shouldn't be hard to clear the bad guys off of it too. Bring Max back as quickly as you can and start the whole process over.

You might be able to swap out hEXx3r or even 8-Ball maybe for Parvati to keep Maximus alive, but I think hEXx3r's Gotcha ability is really strong in this team too. Just a straight up immobilize is exactly what this team wants.

I have a few other team ideas to try, but this actually took longer than I thought it would lol. So I'll do them later.

11-08-2017, 08:43 AM
...every enemy will not be able to disengage from Max and 8-Ball...

That's the main thing I got out of last night's game: don't ever voluntarily move next to Max :p

I hope you guys can play this again on-stream, because it did look like it was fun; sort of like a cross between Shadespire and Overwatch; and it'd let you try your ideas out in the pressure-free environment of live streaming.

Having the dev-dude in chat was pretty awesome, too. There was another game (https://media.giphy.com/media/eS0YyZb7BphbG/giphy.gif) that might have benefited from that...

11-08-2017, 09:41 AM
Shadespire and Overwatch

We were discussing that a bit more last nite. Shadespire is definitely fun and they have a lot of the same qualities but I think Shadespire will lend itself better to the competitive scene.

Still (I think I mentioned this on stream), I prefer the Overwatch-y feel to it. I like when each character has a role and a job. I played a lot of Team Fortress 2 also and that's that same feeling. Every Aristeia character is super different in playstyle, skills, abilites, etc. On the other hand, the only faction in Shadespire that plays different is the undead. And even that isn't that different.

11-08-2017, 11:12 AM
Skaven seem like they will play crazy different when they come out. They would almost have to.

11-08-2017, 11:39 AM
Skaven seem like they will play crazy different when they come out. They would almost have to.

Certainly not trying to talk down Shadespire. I really like that game too. But they are both aiming for different goals. Shadespire doesn't want a bunch of hyper unique characters. Aristeia does.
The benefit of Shadespire over Aristeia is because each team is preset and doesn't have a lot of variability, it will do better in a competitive scene. Like Gata has a lot of hard counters: Parvati and hEXx3r both shut her down pretty well. Shadespire doesn't have any such concept.

Just wanted to make it clear I wasn't trying to put down Shadespire. Just saying they are much less apples to apples than they appear.

11-08-2017, 01:03 PM
Apples to pears. At least pears...