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View Full Version : Suggestion: Daily "What the Hell Were They Thinking?" Thread

11-03-2017, 03:47 AM
Since a lot of the streamed games go right up to time and it's sometimes not practical to do before the evening break (and that I find this stuff interesting and edumacational), I thought it might be fun to have an after-action report for games, so whoever was playing can go through their thoughts and tactics, what worked, what didn't work, units they like or not, enemy units they were determined to nuke... and that sort of thing; maybe even answer a (polite!) question or two without that annoying stream-delay and chinese whisper game that twitch forces us to play.

To that end, I wouldn't mind starting a "<DATE, ARMIES> What The Hell Were They Thinking?" thread, hopefully every day, so this could take place.

Of course, this would only work and/or be good if the players actually wanted to spend the time to comment... which is a bit of a time commitment and imposition, I know.

So... thoughts?

EDIT: Just to be clear what I *don't* envision is starting a daily thread to just verbally skewer whoever lost and tell them their tactics are no good or whatever. What I *do* envision is just an opportunity to go into (in however much detail they want) what they were thinking at various parts of the battle, from set-up to the bitter end. The "What The Hell Were They Thinking?" title is meant light-heartedly. :p

11-03-2017, 04:17 AM
I wouldn't mind seeing some more battle report style analysis post game as well. Its educational and stuff

11-03-2017, 10:49 AM
Keeping after action comments and Q&As with us here is great.

the main issue with trying to do these on stream is our schedule. Dark Apocarypha can't go long - to ensure the afternoon show can start on time.

But I'm sure Matt will love answering your questions and talking about his tactics.

11-03-2017, 08:26 PM
That's the thing isn't it; when would the players actually have a chance to participate and give their thought's on a day's game, assuming they even wanted to? Not just Matt either, but whoever he's lined up against, too. (As funny as it would be to see a daily thread of Matt, And Only Matt, Shares His Thoughts On Ultimate Victory)

I can't think of a time that either isn't an imposition on their time or too far removed from the game to be really relevant. Someone else with a better brain than me might have some better ideas... I hope. :)

11-05-2017, 12:29 AM
Honestly, even better than after action reports might be to just put up a thread for each weeks games so we can post comments and get responses from the players at their leisure. Or if they want to call out a specific "I wish I had done X instead of Y" that would be a good place for it.

Maybe a sticky for the weeks games at the top of the sub forum and "unsticky" it when the new week's thread starts?

11-05-2017, 05:57 PM
But I'm sure Matt will love answering your questions and talking about his tactics.


But yeah, I usually get a good couple minutes between the shows. I think I would really enjoy doing that. Also, I think it would also just help me pinpoint my mistakes and such.
So long as everyone else is studio doesn't mind me not helping tearing down the table and all, I could do post game analysis instead.
Which sounds way better because tearing down the table is boooooooooooorring.

11-05-2017, 11:38 PM
We've got to figure out the logistics of exactly when to make the thread and when to have you folks hop in and ask/answer questions.

It's a great idea - but we can't let Sallstice weasel out of table teardown :)

11-05-2017, 11:59 PM
but we can't let Sallstice weasel out of table teardown :)

11-06-2017, 12:51 AM

All you need to do is loudly say, "Hey guys, you're doing a great job taking down the table!" every so often while, in reality you just go about your business. After all, someweasel has to provide OHSA supervision AND provide valuable (some would say priceless) encouragement. That's helping!

11-06-2017, 01:10 PM

OH GOD THIS MEME. I love this. This is the meme we wanted but didn't deserve.

I LOVE THIS IDEA. We definitely will start a daily wrap up/spitball post here. This is a fantastic way for us all to keep learning more about the game and breaking down our performances. GREAT IDEA ICENDAR!!!

11-10-2017, 09:50 AM
Hey, just another thought: how about in the first post on the wrap-up thread not only put in the army lists but have;

Mission/Open War Cards