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View Full Version : How do you want to see the other Space Marine Chapters handled

08-15-2009, 08:57 PM
The new(ish) Codex: Space Marines is great, as are the things I've seen for the upcoming Space Wolves book.

However, there are 1000 chapters of space marines and not much leeway to explore the possibilities.

I personally loved the divergent chapter rules in the previous book. But now, GW seems content to expand the horizons of the space marines through the use of Chapter Tactics attached to special characters, or individual codices.

I would love, LOVE, if GW would just forgo writing entire codexes for the divergent chapters and just come out with an expansion for Codex Space Marines called NON-Codex Space Marines.

Include the divergent chapter rules, rules for creating unique vehicle variants, methods for creating characters with special Chapter Tactics and premade builds for represent the big divergent chapters we know and love.

Sure, you'd have to ALSO own Codex Space Marines, but lets face it; Space Marines are by far the most popular army. People WOULD buy ANOTHER codex if it meant being able to put a more personalized force together (at least I would). If they positioned it like the Witch Hunters and Daemon Hunters books (a force more or less designed to augment an existing imperial force) I think it could be extremely compelling.

But, what do YOU want to see?

08-15-2009, 09:34 PM
Yeah, it would be very cool if there was a codex for non-standard Marines. Even something that had a few established non-codex chapters as "arche-types," with a few rules to diverge off of those. Anything that allows a little more flavor into the Non-codex chapters, because as of right now, being forced to try and represent them in the current SM rules is a bit contricting. Plus, it would be a chance of GW to consolidate all the old Non-codex (Dark Angels, Black Templars, Blood Angels) chapters into one book and update all the rules in one fell swoop.

08-15-2009, 10:20 PM
I share your thoughts almost exactly. Hopefully you are either submitting your application to GW so that you can see this through, or at least someone important glances over your statements.

08-16-2009, 02:07 AM
I'm afraid me and mine are still playing by the old SM codex. Having traits meant that you could modify your own chapter without seriously unbalancing play. The new codex has made all chapters pretty much the same flavour - ultramarine.

Extra codices just means more cash for GW, not enhanced gameplay. What next? Codices for different Ork Tribes or Craftworlds?

Less is more (if well written).

08-16-2009, 07:44 AM
We have enough SM as is, bring on something different.

If the current SM book isn't flexible enough for you, I really don't know what to say.

08-17-2009, 06:15 AM
I'd have
Codex: Space Marines
¬WD Minidex: Blood Angels
¬WD Minidex: Space Wolves
¬WD Minidex: Dark Angels
¬WD Minidex: Black Templars
¬WD Minidex: Ultramarines

And obviously I'd have the SM codex focus far less on the smurfs, so it was a codex that fed every big chapter out there and was appropriate for any SM chapter (traits or similar). I wouldn't have any chapter with its own proper codex though; since they're all bound by the same rules and conventions the differences in army lists are never significant enough to require an entire codex.

You can handle what makes Space Wolves unique, what makes Dark Angels unique etc in a WD mini-codex.