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View Full Version : Units with Awesome Minis and Terrible Rules

08-15-2009, 10:49 AM
Perhaps the most bitter fruit. You love the minis, and just have to have them in your army, but thier rules just aren't up to snuff.

Lets hear your examples.

I'll start off with what I consider the lamest unit in the Dark Elf list:Cold One Knights, but perhaps the best single model box in the entire range..

CURSES!!! I still field a small 5-knight unit as a second line countercharge unit just out of love for my models.

08-15-2009, 11:39 AM
Most of the Kislev models, especially the Gryphon Legion and Tsar Boris. The models are great, fantastic even, but the Gryphon Legion's rules suffer from older-ness (they're not bad, they just cost too much for what you get), and Tsar Boris has fantastic stats and abilities, but it's damn-near impossible to field him (either a 3000pt Kislev/somebody combined army, or a 2000pt Kislev-only army).

Not sure how good they are, but I've always loved the look of Kroxigors and Ushabti.

08-15-2009, 09:57 PM
Does the entire Ogre Kingdom army range count? :rolleyes:

08-15-2009, 11:30 PM
Iron Breakers.

The models are ace. The rules......well lets just say that looks aren't everything.


Skitter Leap
08-16-2009, 12:34 PM
Skaven Rat Ogres. Nice new models but are overpriced point wise for a unit that doesn't have great hitting power and being toughness 4 with no armour sees them run off after one round of shooting/magic or poor dice rolling in HtH.

08-16-2009, 07:11 PM
Skaven Rat Ogres. Nice new models but are overpriced point wise for a unit that doesn't have great hitting power and being toughness 4 with no armour sees them run off after one round of shooting/magic or poor dice rolling in HtH.

I second that. And they are ws 3 :(

08-17-2009, 10:06 AM
I concur with the Giant Rats and the entire OK range.

My pick: Chaos Warhounds.

Why aren't they s4? t3? sure. s4? WHYYYY and they're not even fast cav. and they're terrible.

08-17-2009, 10:23 AM
Night Goblins LD is bs they are just as good as humans but with a FIVE I feel as if I am playing nids with no big creature to keep there LD up. Oh wait that right I can't. . Best I can get in the goblins army is having a goblin big boss that gives me a 6 or a 7 at best and most people have spells to nock my ld down by four so that is pointless to say at best.

Also one more,

Black Orcs there models look like they should be in plate to me, but they are "heavy armour" it says. :confused:

08-17-2009, 12:55 PM
Black Orcs there models look like they should be in plate to me, but they are "heavy armour" it says. :confused:

Plate is heavy armor. The only armor that gives more of a save is race specific armor (i.e. chaos armor, gromril armor, etc.)

And you're paying 2 points per night goblin! Something's gotta be bad...especially since they launch those damn fanatics.

08-17-2009, 01:13 PM
Plate is heavy armor. The only armor that gives more of a save is race specific armor (i.e. chaos armor, gromril armor, etc.)

And you're paying 2 points per night goblin! Something's gotta be bad...especially since they launch those damn fanatics.

I don't have Fanatic models and I can't play what I own have a model for. And goblins are 3 per models plus you have to pay for there upgrades on having spears or bows. -.-;

If they were 2 per model I wouldn't complain at all I wouldn't care at that point.

But as is that they can be up to 7 points per model at the end of upgrades it becomes a pain to think that humans are better then them. -. -

08-17-2009, 05:17 PM
I'll start off with what I consider the lamest unit in the Dark Elf list:Cold One Knights, but perhaps the best single model box in the entire range..

CURSES!!! I still field a small 5-knight unit as a second line countercharge unit just out of love for my models.

Umm, I'd love to know how lots of high S attacks with hatred for so cheap is bad?

I concur with the Giant Rats and the entire OK range.

My pick: Chaos Warhounds.

Why aren't they s4? t3? sure. s4? WHYYYY and they're not even fast cav. and they're terrible.

Probably because they're meant to be cheapo screens and bait units.

I don't have Fanatic models and I can't play what I own have a model for. And goblins are 3 per models plus you have to pay for there upgrades on having spears or bows. -.-;

If they were 2 per model I wouldn't complain at all I wouldn't care at that point.

But as is that they can be up to 7 points per model at the end of upgrades it becomes a pain to think that humans are better then them. -. -

Then don't get upgrades...Without Fanatics NGs are more or less pointless beyond baiting, screening, or massed shortbows.

I love the Blood Knight models, I just wish they weren't such a gimped unit. "Hey look at me, I cost 5 bajillion points and I murder EVERYTHING!! Oh look, a 25 point skirmisher unit, must KILL. Hey, how did I get in the forest? What do you mean the game's over?"


08-18-2009, 07:58 AM
Umm, I'd love to know how lots of high S attacks with hatred for so cheap is bad?

Probably because they're meant to be cheapo screens and bait units.

Then don't get upgrades...Without Fanatics NGs are more or less pointless beyond baiting, screening, or massed shortbows.

I love the Blood Knight models, I just wish they weren't such a gimped unit. "Hey look at me, I cost 5 bajillion points and I murder EVERYTHING!! Oh look, a 25 point skirmisher unit, must KILL. Hey, how did I get in the forest? What do you mean the game's over?"



Oh yeah, 4 s7 attacks with hatred, the ability to regain lost models, and the fact that per kill they are the cheapest cav out there is TOTALLY gimped. if there are skirmishers even NEAR a vc battleline, the VC player did something wrong.

08-18-2009, 08:24 AM
if there are skirmishers even NEAR a vc battleline, the VC player did something wrong.


So you're proposing that the Vampire Counts player shoot them then? Oh, alright...

Yeah Blood Knights have Frenzy. which can be a problem. But that's what Fell Bats were made for, there are tons of ways around it.

08-18-2009, 08:53 AM
Yep, Vampires have all that shooting and magic missiles to deal with enemy skirmishers...

08-18-2009, 03:50 PM
Yep, Vampires have all that shooting and magic missiles to deal with enemy skirmishers...

Oh yeah, I forgot, those are the only ways to deal with skirmishers ever.

They have some amazing fast cav, flying characters everywhere, other small units, RAISING UNITS OUT OF NOTHING to protect a flank from skirmishers... All of those don't even equate to shooting and magic missiles. Sheesh, remove MY gamer license and call me a Yu-Gi-Oh player.

08-18-2009, 05:11 PM
Oh yeah, I forgot, those are the only ways to deal with skirmishers ever.

They have some amazing fast cav, flying characters everywhere, other small units, RAISING UNITS OUT OF NOTHING to protect a flank from skirmishers... All of those don't even equate to shooting and magic missiles. Sheesh, remove MY gamer license and call me a Yu-Gi-Oh player.

Luckily, good armies have access to magic and shooting to knock out fast cav. Flying characters, especially your important casters, catch trouble from said magic and shooting flying solo. 3+ ward or not, it's only 2 wounds to get through. Raising units to block smirmishers...also blocks your Blood Knights.

VCs are a horribly one-dimensional army and once you realize that it's not a good idea to play to their enemy's strengths (blockhammer, battle of attrition, dividing fire to panic units) and exploit their weakness (no shooting, no offensive magic, super expensive fail Core and pricey characters) they will do a lot better.

08-19-2009, 07:30 AM
Luckily, good armies have access to magic and shooting to knock out fast cav. Flying characters, especially your important casters, catch trouble from said magic and shooting flying solo. 3+ ward or not, it's only 2 wounds to get through. Raising units to block smirmishers...also blocks your Blood Knights.

VCs are a horribly one-dimensional army and once you realize that it's not a good idea to play to their enemy's strengths (blockhammer, battle of attrition, dividing fire to panic units) and exploit their weakness (no shooting, no offensive magic, super expensive fail Core and pricey characters) they will do a lot better.

I didn't say those were the best options, just that they have more than one.

And their core is unbreakable, causes fear, can be raised from nothing, and are really not terrible. Ghouls are actually damn good.

08-19-2009, 09:10 AM
Problem is, they're slow and not at all resilient. It's easy enough to avoid getting bogged down with them, then just focus your fire on one unit at a time to wipe them out (no more unit = can't be raised). I don't see people going crazy over Empire state troops, which is basically all Skeletons are for almost twice the cost. Ghouls are handy with Ghoulkin and poison, but they've no armor.