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View Full Version : Moving through friendly units

08-11-2010, 09:44 PM
A friend and I played our first game of 8th ed last night, my Skaven vs his Tomb Kings. A situation came up that we just couldn't find a rule for, which also brought up another question of my own.

The situation from last night's game was a unit of clanrats that contain a Screaming Bell, moving 4" in the magic phase due to the Bell's effect. I had a unit of ratswarms 2" in front of the clanrats however. The clanrat unit was 5 ranks deep, so that movement would have basically placed the clanrat unit on top of the ratswarm unit. As we could find no rules regarding moving through friendly troops (compulsory or voluntary) we ended up rolling for a decision, but I'd like to know what should have happened.

As a side question, I see no rules regarding moving a unit through a friendly unit voluntarily. Is that allowed, assuming the moving unit can completely pass the other friendly unit and leave at least a 1" gap in bases?

08-12-2010, 12:02 PM
p13. 1" apart rule

Basically it says that you can never move to within 1" of any model from another unit(friend or foe), this does not mean that you cannot end your move within 1", it means that AT NO TIME may you be within 1", whether the unit is moving through, past or towards the unit in question. So with your skaven the clanrats would have had to stop 1" away from the rat swarms.

08-16-2010, 03:05 PM
So then the answer is NO! I guess. Friendly models cannot move through friendly models. Unless running away. In which case they move through, and cause all sorts of craziness!