View Full Version : Sturm Orks - WW2 Wehrmacht Theme Army

08-23-2017, 06:19 AM
Yes... We are World War II addicts too! For us it probably all started thanks to mr Spielberg and Tom Hanks and their little movie "Saving Private Ryan".
Few years later we got the most awesome tv show ever - "Band of Brothers".

Lets be honest here for a moment - we all love Airborne, Shermans and stuff but we all know who looked best in the uniforms and had coolest tanks!

Meanwhile we got stuck in the Warhammer 40000 universe and since then we always dreamed to bring our favourite military era to it. There were ideas to focus on Death Korps of Krieg. But they all look a bit like World War I.

Luckily for us the salvation came from our neigbours and friends from - Kromlech. We are happy to say they have supported us from the beginning back in 2013 (check the work in progress photos >>click<< (http://www.lounge.belloflostsouls.net/showthread.php?29342-Sturm-Orks-Wehrmacht-Theme-Army) ). They are makin awesome bits, parts, weapons, heads and even whole models like those fellow below. Please visit their website for more epicness >>Kromlech.eu<< (http://www.kromlech.eu/)

No need to explain more... World War II, Wehrmacht Theme - Sturm Ork Army is here!

"We've been training for years
Now we're ready to strike
As the great operation begins!"







>>Full gallery<< (http://www.denofimagination.com/gallery/599d48b1e7361d00041f9e64/599d48b3e7361d00041f9e65)

Always do whatever's next.

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