View Full Version : Plastic Plaguebearers and Ku'Gath WIP

08-08-2010, 07:47 AM
I'm sure this has been done before but here are my plactic plaguebearers converted from bloodletters with a bit of green stuff work. Other bits are some eyes from the spawn kit and a couple of genestealer heads for variety.


08-08-2010, 07:53 AM
The last of my four greater daemons is the Nurgle special character Ku'Gath. It says in the codex that he takes his laboratory with him and rides in a planquin. I updated this for 40k and have got him on a rhino with lots of cauldrons and and tanks of noxious chemicals. When finished, he is going to be pushed along by 4 plaguebearers (that's what the spikes are for). Some of the pieces I cannibalised from old models I didn't want anymore so are already part painted.

The main parts I used for Ku'Gath himslef are a lizardman stegadon and the daemon part of the soul grinder (and a lot of green stuff)


08-08-2010, 01:07 PM

that is sooo cool

the plauge bearers look exactly as the art (not little fat gremlins)

and kugath is well...

not just a fat guy (with a mawloc mouth in his belleh)

08-08-2010, 06:59 PM
Any WIP pics of the Plaguebearers or a lil lesson how you did it I love them

08-09-2010, 02:23 AM
love the plague bearers and I second the request for WIP shots, also consider this idea stolen.

08-09-2010, 02:38 AM
I really really love the Plaguebearers. They look so much better than the metal ones.

Ku'gath is cool, too, but he's just so HUGE - like Gargantuan Creature big, almost. xD I just use Mamon (the FW Nurgle Daemon-Prince) myself, since he even has that little tank on his back with the Nurgling rot-bath.

Awesome models!

08-09-2010, 08:23 AM
Or maybe a couple pics of them unpainted if you do not want to do a WIP pic


Hairy Piggy
08-09-2010, 10:30 AM
The green stuff work is very well done.

08-09-2010, 12:16 PM
My WIP pics didn't come out so well (see below).

If you want, I'll take some better WIP pictures when I make the next lot this week.

Step-by step is as follows:

You will need:

One box bloodletters
Some green stuff (or your preferred equivalent)
(Optional) some leftover spawn bits, particularly the eyes, spare genestealer heads


1) Take the bloodletter head and glue the pieces together then cut off the horns and the back part of the head so it's not so long (or use a genestealer head).

2) Drill a hole and hollow it out with a knife where the main eye is going to be. Cover the bloodletter's eyes with green stuff if you can still see them and put one eye in the middle. If you've got some spawn eyes, these fit nicely. Otherwise, just use a blob of green stuff and (optional but looks better) when it is dry add two thin slivers to be the eyelids.

3) Finally, put one of the bloodletter horns (or something similar from the spawn kit) on top of the head.


1) A big blob of green stuff will serve as a rotting belly, then smooth it out at the edges so that it joins to the body. (optional) thin sausages of green stuff work as exposed entrails.

2) Fill the gap on the back where the bloodletter's spines go either with green stuff or just cut down some of the spines so that it looks less uniform.


1) Make the edges of the sword more jagged and uneven so that it looks older and more corroded.

2) Three tiny blobs of green stuff on each side of the sword handle cover up the khorne symbols (with a nurgle symbol).

Extras see the Ku'gath pics

1) Pustules are blobs of green stuff with the edges smoothed out to meet the skin.

2) Sores can be made by flattening out a blob of green stuff and then gouging holes in it with the sculpting tool.

3) Rough skin can be made the same way but use a pin to poke smaller holes in the GS.

4) Sinews are the same again but this time scoring in lines with the tool/knife

Finally cut/file off any remaining khorne symbols.

For painting, just avoid the colour red and the finished models should not be confused with the bloodletters they started out as.

08-09-2010, 02:18 PM
As a die-hard tzeentchian player, ive got a bone or two to pick with nurgle ;-) Theres a LOT of nurgle players going around and nurgle gets so much love from GW that it makes me sick....But this?! Dude, hats off to you, man. This is just f*cking incredible. Kugatth is an incredible conversion and that took a lot of vision and creativity to pull off. Great job!

08-09-2010, 03:34 PM

08-14-2010, 05:53 AM
As requested, plaguebearer step by step with pictures:


09-02-2010, 12:21 PM
Finally finished this guy:

He looks suitably disgusting I think


09-02-2010, 01:41 PM
my head just exploded at how awsome that is :D

09-02-2010, 07:32 PM
Nifty; as a devoted follower of Father Nurgle myself I may just have to give the Plaguebearer conversion idea a go :)

09-02-2010, 10:48 PM
My head also exploded... That is amazing.
