View Full Version : bitz???

08-08-2010, 03:06 AM

for a while now i have been wanting to produce a "lovley" model for GD uk. the model i would like to make is a deathuarg terminator with autocannon.

i have tried using BITZBARN and a load of other sites sadly there is NO reaper autocannons outside of WARStroe :( so ive decided to order from them but there not too clear on the shipping ?

does anyone know how much shipping from "THE WARStoRE " is to the UK ??

Kieranator K82
08-08-2010, 03:20 AM
Don't have a clue but I am now very interested in seeing this Deathuarg Terminator.

08-08-2010, 08:21 AM
Have you tried ebay? You can generally find bits there sometimes cheaper than warstore, and they usually tell you if they're going to be shipping internationally or not.

08-08-2010, 12:27 PM
@ keiranator

for some reason i like marines

i like big guns

and i like painting fancy designs over banners.

my first diorama of this sort was at conflict and got into the final cut (yes i was the kid jumpin around liek on cocaine, beating the salamanders :P)

so i decided i wanted to do a terminator but id alredy done an assault cannon (being held by a power armourd vet with harness and ammo train ^_^)

so auto cannon, on a rock with a banner and in either green or off white (ive found a GREAT way to pint white - 10-20 layers of increasingly diffrent mixes of codex grey and "Skull white" which is a weird pot due to the amount of red, blue , yellow and green ive accidently lefft in :P

08-08-2010, 08:04 PM

is excellent for bits for auto cannons.
I picked up this and 2 cheap aobr dreads and had 2 awesome guys

then i sold the walls for like 10 bucsk, so not bad imho