View Full Version : Your moment of glory?

08-06-2010, 08:26 PM
What is the greatest, most glorified, and heroic, moment you have ever had in war gaming? What kind of insurmountable odds did you overcome for victory? What unit did you have annihilate your opponent’s entire army single handedly? Share your tales of glory here!

My most recent came in 40k when my Ironclad Dreadnought emerged from his drop pod and proceeded to wreck merry hell with the forces of Chaos. Singlehandedly, it destroyed a ten man squad of traitors and their Rhino, burned and smashed through ten Berserkers and their Rhino, castrated a Defiler, and if the game had continued beyond turn five, he would have likely trampled a Lord and a Vindicator as well. It overmatched everyone it faced except the Skull Champion with a Power Fist and the Defiler. Still, a four to one return on its points is impressive. It definitely earned a back banner and a name after that.


08-06-2010, 10:20 PM
Biggest moment of glory: 2nd ed. Eldar guardian (with lasgun no less) beating a SM Term in close combat. (when all he needed to save was to roll 3+ on 2d6).

Latest stupid moment of glory--warlock single handedly tying up a squad of burna boyz in assault for 3 turns. If he had just died, I could've counter shot the unit to bits, but noo....

08-06-2010, 10:56 PM
3rd Edition: Plasma gunner "Rico Suave" (a plastic Necromunda Cawdor juve) press ganged into the Imperial Gaurd loses his entire squad. Alone in a small piece of woods rico steadies his rattled nerves, levels his plasmagun and in 3 successive turns blows up 2 fully loaded wave serpents and all occupants, then guns down Jain Zar....

Needless to say, to this day his little Cawdor vest is adorned with three crossed Alaitoc sword kill markers.

08-06-2010, 10:58 PM
3rd Edition: Plasma gunner "Rico Suave" (a plastic Necromunda Cawdor juve) press ganged into the Imperial Gaurd loses his entire squad. Alone in a small piece of woods rico steadies his rattled nerves, levels his plasmagun and in 3 successive turns blows up 2 fully loaded wave serpents and all occupants, then guns down Jain Zar....

Needless to say, to this day his little Cawdor vest is adorned with three crossed Alaitoc sword kill markers.

Now that's some bragging rights when/if lil' Rico ever makes it back to Necromunda...

08-07-2010, 12:40 AM
Apocalypse. As Marneus Calgar, the Masters of the Chapter and a ten man Honor Guard squad are rolling up towards my side of the field in a Land Raider Crusader, Commander Dante comes down from the high heavens and single handedly stops their advance...With a Vortex Grenade.

Commissar Lewis
08-07-2010, 12:51 AM
Also in Apoc: my friend who played Chaos had summoned An'ggrath who was wrecking my team's forces. After bringing him down to 4 wounds through Bring it Down ordered HWTs, I saw Colonel Straken and his squad nearby, in charge range. My team all said I was mad, but I did it anyway - Straken's team charged the bloodthirster lord. The command squad were cut down, leaving only the badass Colonel. He attacked - all 5 hit, all 5 wounded, and my friend failed all 5 Invul saves.

Colonel Straken had brought down An'ggrath. Everyone was stunned. In my head I imagined an awesome synch-kill style animation like in DoW, set to Eye of the Tiger.

08-07-2010, 12:58 AM
Latest moment of glory? Cutting down Saint Celestine in close combat with a Crisis Suit Commander.

Greatest moment of glory? One Storm Guardian holding off an entire squad of Terminators for 4 turns.

08-07-2010, 02:27 AM
5th Edition. My Dark Angels against my Friends Ultramarines 1500 point game.

Last move of the game he had me 1 objective to none (it was a bloody battle!) i had 1 Heavy bolter Tactical Marine in range of the 1 Marine he had left on the objective. 2 shots hit, 1 wounded. 3+ and he won, he rolled a 1 and i scraped a draw.

Going against me was probably Azrael on his jetbike being reduced to 1 wound by 5 Ratlings in close combat.

08-07-2010, 02:53 AM
A few years ago I was playing at an event where a mission involved picking up and keeping the most tokens on the table.

At the end I won despite having just a CSM raptor and a biker left trying to hide behind a low wall compared to my opponent who had two-thirds of his SM army left.

The morale - remember to play the mission.

08-07-2010, 05:35 AM
Back in 3rd edI had a five man scout squad infiltrate into cover. got first turn and managed to get lucky on terrain roll- they assaulted and killed an obliterator, sweeping advanced into havocs killed them, sweeping advanced into another Csm squad- killed them and the last remaining scout then held up the enemy daemon prince for the remainder of the game.

08-07-2010, 07:33 AM
Three Firewarriors get assaulted by two TH/SS Terminators.

The Imperium rolls more 1's and 2's than I had ever seen before.

The Greater Good rolls 4+'s, followed by 5+'s.
Terminators roll snake eyes for saves!

The entire Game Store erputs in laughter.

08-07-2010, 08:20 AM
Most Epic: BoLSCon 2009 - Horus Heresy narrative track
In the final battle, at the gates of the very Imperial Palace itself, the forces of good stood against the Betrayer's army, hoping to force their way through. As the battle raged, mighty Space Marines, loyal Imperial Army soldiers, and the Arbitrators of His Law held firm against a tide of renegades, mutants, traitors, and daemons.

Finally, a great winged monster, a greater daemon of Nurgle, ascended onto the wall where Proctor Giliam and the lone Arbitrator in his team stood. In the short battle that followed, the beast struck down the Arbitrator, but the Emperor had his eye upon Giliam, who not only wounded the beast, but beat it in combat and inflicted further wounds upon its Fearless body. The lone Proctor had been blessed by the Emperor, had reduced the greater daemon to 1 wound, and held it in place for a Shock Team to deal with the next turn. EPIC!

Most recent: WAR Games Con 2010 - Siege of Vraks narrative track
Hired for a stint by the Heretic of Vraks, the Kroot of the Ironbeak Kindreds Mercenary company held defensive positions within the traitor's citadel. Some of their number had already dispatched the super-heavies of the loyalists, and things seemed to be going well, when an Astartes Thunderhawk came flying through the clouds, landed inside the citadel, and disgorged Terminators and Assault Marines. As victory hung in the balance, a nearby Shaper Council (the 'Can Openers') decided that only death or glory, one, awaited them, and assaulted the Thunderhawk. As they reduced to to a pile of scrap, the reactor went critical and a massive fireball consumed everything within 15" of the ship...everything, that is, except a Terminator, a Chaplain, and a handful of Kroot, including one of the Shapers that had assaulted it. he's definitely getting battle honors!
Catastrophe had been averted thanks to a massive explosion.

08-07-2010, 08:21 AM
Oh I just remembered another one from Adepticon 2 years ago.

2 broken Tactical Marines are falling back when a fully intact winged Tyranid Hive Tyrant swoops in to finish them off. Next Marine turn they rapidfire their bolters: 4 hits, 4 wounds, and the nid player rolls 4 1s.... dead!!! Both players kind of sat there stunned for about 30 seconds before we all broke out laughing.

08-07-2010, 11:07 PM
i had a Grey knight grandmaster (with retinue) take down Skarbrand, after assaulting out of a land raider... it was epic, the retinue died in glory as the Grand master's NFW slayed the beast, and banished him back to the warp ;)

he also did that to a "corrupted" Swarm lord (different game though) ^.^

Vaddok Sek
08-10-2010, 05:15 PM
Two come to mind, one in which my opponent ran a chaos land raider of termies and Abaddon through my lines and tried to assault, he fell half an inch short, the next shooting phase saw two of my IG infantry squads and my command squad opening up with lasguns, plasma guns (which only one wounded), and heavy bolters, which, combined with more saving throw ones rolled than I had ever seen in my life, saw Abaddon and his retinue sent back to the warp, the next was a a game in which I played a Vulkan build marine army and the guy ran his landraider up to my lines (such an original stategy : P) and deposited a terminator squad with Vulkan and a Master of the forge that assaulted and destroyed my Leman Russ Punisher, I brought in my rough riders from reserve the next turn and assaulted them and wiped out the whole unit scoring the HQ and Elite kill points for that round.

08-10-2010, 05:57 PM
From the Narrative this year... When I my Big Mek Stompa's Gaze of Mork blew up a Reaver Titan and it went all Apoc BOOM.

Course the same Stompa blew up the same Reaver again on Sunday two.

08-11-2010, 09:40 AM
My greatest moment of glory was against a min/maxing, whiny guy with no personality who was playing the 'leafblower' IG list shortly after it won Ard Boyz. I, on the other hand, was playing a balanced Chaos Daemons army in a competitive setting for the first time.

I wasn't aware (my own fault for not checking his codex) that mystics could allow a nearby unit to shoot at deepstriking enemies. I thought only the mystic's unit could shoot. I deepstruck some of my best units in, only to have them immediately wiped out by a volley of 3 blasts from a unit of leman russes.

Confident in his shooting advantage, he just had his army sit back and shoot away. In a last ditch effort, I threw everything in my army at him, with my Daemon Princes assaulting and/or bolting his vehicles, as my Keeper of Secrets lunged into the back lines, with only 1 wound left.

My remaining monstrous creatures tore through his lines like a hot knife through butter. The Keeper of Secrets, despite only having one wound left, kept using 'hit and run' to leap from combat to combat, unscathed, as the Daemon princes bolted open transports and then assaulted the survivors.

In the end, I managed a narrow victory, despite all the setbacks, and the fact he was using one of the cheesiest and most competitive armies of that time.

08-12-2010, 11:04 PM
My most notable I can think of off the top of my head is one where my Canoness took on, and defeated, a Greater Daemon over the course of four rounds of combat. She rushed into stall the thing on a hill, where I assumed she would deny a charge, stall a turn, and then martyr for more Faith points. Since she was going last anyway, I faithed up, and was swinging for 3 attacks at S7 each, with a 2+ Invulnerable save. She failed to die, and actually did a wound, so I figured, what the heck, and kept pumping in the Faith. It took most of what I had, but eventually brought down the beast, only to die to a hail of fire from the left over Chaos Marines. Best part? +2 Faith points from Martyrdom!

Another, maybe not the BEST, per say, one really notable one is a game where my Rhino tried to Tank Shock a group of my buddies Fire Warriors, 4th Ed. The Fire Warriors dive out of the way, but the squad's lone Gun Drone decides to Death or Glory. Guns blazing, it glances the Rhino, and then rolls another 6 to destroy the thing. The Rhino grinds to a halt an inch from the furiously shooting drone.

Bedroom General
08-17-2010, 03:41 AM
In 3rd once I had a greater daemon of Khorne (Gordon the Bloodthirster) Take on 30 terminators. He killed 25 before being taken down. Needless to say that Termie sports a Daemon head marking on his powerfist.
Gordon was standing on a hill in front of a gorge like the one in 300. Looked seriously cool, knee deep in terminators. That was a bloodbath, that battle.