View Full Version : fluffy CSM

08-06-2010, 02:34 PM
I know its a bit of an oxymoron according to GW but...

So I was reading the 4th Chaos codex, and comparing it to the first, and thought how little GW could've done to the current 'dex to make a lot more better, so I thought I might have a go.
The rules below are NOT official by any means, but just me making up some stuff, I haven't playtested them yet, comments would be appreciated if you can be bothered to read it all:D.
Note-it turned out longer than I thought it would, I tried to space it out to make it easier to read
[edit] not sure if this in the right place or not.

Veteran Abilities:
Each of the following may purchase up to the amount of veteran abilities in brackets;
chaos space marines(2);Chaos terminators(3) ;Chaos Lord(3) ;Chaos Chosen (3);Sorceror (2) ;Chaos Raptors (2) ;Chaos bikers(2) ;Chaos Havocs(2).

Acute Senses 10 pts
Feal No pain 30 pts
Fearless 20pts
Furious Charge 30pts
Infiltrate 15pts
Move through cover 10pts
Slow and purposeful 10pts
Stealth 10pts
Tank Hunters 15pts

Daemon weapons
daemon weapons are power weapons with extra affects listed in the entry, at the end of every player turn they are used the user must pass a successful Ld test ot suffer a wound with no saves of any kind allowed.

Book of Khorne
mark of khorne 30pts/10pts for Character
+1 attack, rage special rule

Each independent character/aspiring champion with the mark of khorne may take:

Axe of Khorne 20pts
Rolls to hit of a 6 will generate another attack
Blessing of Khorne 20pts
Psychic powers directed on the model's unit will be ignored on a 2+
Bloodfeeder 40pts
Daemon weapon, 2D6 attacks
Flesh Tearer 25pts
daemon weapon, gives 1 extra attack for every unsaved wound caused last turn
Hell Blade 20pts
power weapon +1 strength

In addition each aspiring champion may take a warshout, warshouts are tested in the start of the shooting phase, the unit takes a Ld test on the majority Ld of the squad, on a fail nothing happens, on a pass the following effect occurs for one full game turn:

"Blood for the Blood God" 20pts
The unit gets +d3 attacks for charging instead of the normal 1
"Skulls for the skull throne" 15pts
The unit gets the rending rule
"Kill, Maim, Burn" 15pts
The unit gains fleet

Note- not sure about warshouts, thought they were a cool idea, but writing them up, hmm...

Book of Tzeentch
Mark of tzeentch 40pts/25pts
-the unit/model gains a 5+ inv. . if they don't have one or +1 to their inv
-the aspiring champion and chaos Lords are also allowed to take one psychic power
-sorcerors may attempt to pass two psychic tests in one game turn.
-The bolters/bolt pistols etc are ap3 instead of the normal ap5
Each independent character/aspiring champion with the mark of tzeentch may take:

Death screamer 25pts
daemon weapon;
rng:24", Str:4, Ap:3 Assault D6
Kai Gun 25 pts
Daemon weapon;
rng:template, Str:3, Ap:2 Assault 1
Pendant of tzeentch 20pts
enemies casting psychic powers are -1Ld on the psychic test, multiple pendents are cumulative
Ruptured Standard 20pts
Once per game one unit withing 12" takes 2D6 str5 ap3 Hits, roll to wound as normal.
Third eye of tzeentch 20pts
If the model suffers a perils of the warp attack, then one enemy IC within line of sight will be affected instead on a 3+ (this doesn't have to be a psyker)

Psychic powers of tzeentch

Bolt of change 25pts
rng:24", str: 8, Ap: 1, Assault 1
psychic shooting attack
Boon of chaos 30pts
one unit within 12" loses all of its weapons (apart from a single CCW) for a single close-combat turn.
start of assault phase.
Flickering fire of tzeentch 20pts
rng:18", str: D6+1, AP: D6, Assault D6+1
psychic shooting attack
Transmorphing Gaze 25pts
one enemy unit's Ld within 12" is reduced by 2 for a whole game turn
psychic shooting attack
Rise to ascension 20pts
one friendly unit within 12" gains stubborn and preffered enemy for one game turn.
start of players turn.

Book of Slaanesh

Mark of Slaanesh 20pts/5pts
gains +1 I, gains access to sonic weaponry as C:CSM

Each independent character/aspiring champion with the mark of slaanesh may take:
Blissgiver 25pts
daemon weapon
causes instant death
Combat Drugs 20pts
rolls a D6 for every effect below, any doubles cause a wound no armour saves allowed, abilities last for one CC phase only
-+1 attack
-+1 WS
-+1 strength
-feel no pain
Rapturous Standard 25pts
enemy units in close combat with any unit with this standard count as I1 unless they can pass a Ld test at -1 for every standard within 12"
Shrieking blade 30pts
daemon weapon
The enemy unit must take a Ld test at the start of every combat or be WS1 for the that combat turn.
Warp Amp 20pts
The sonic weaponry in the same unit may re-roll failed wounds

Psychic powers of Slaanesh

Aura of aquiescence 20pts
One enemy unit within 12" counts as having rage for the entire enemy player's turn
casted at start of enemy's turn
Beam of slaanesh 20pts
one unit within 30" counts as moving even if it hasn't when firing its weapons.
must be within line of sight, tested at start of opponent's shooting phase.
Lash of submission 25pts
one unit within 18" moves 2D6" in player's chosen direction
Scream of slaanesh 25pts
every enemy unit within 12" is at -2 Ld for a whole game turn
She who thirsts 35pts
every psyker or enemy model within 6" (apart from the caster) has to take a toughness test or lose a wound with no saves of any kind allowed, in addition they can't move, shoot or assault next player turn.
tested at start of movement phase.

Book of Nurgle
Mark of nurgle 50pts/20pts
gains +1 toughness as biker toughness, unit gains blight (defensive) grenades

Each independent character/aspiring champion with the mark of nurgle may take:
Armour of filth 20pts
every enemy model in base contact must take an I test or fight at I1
Parasitic Totem 25pts
Once per game every enemy unit within 12" takes a str6, ap 2 hit, roll to wound against their I instead of T
Pandemic Staff 25pts
daemon weapon
in shooting phase instead of firing one enemy unit within 12" takes 2D6 str3 hits
Plaguebringer 30pts
daemon weapon
user gains poisoned attacks(2+)
Plaguesword 10pts
ccw, user gains poisoned attacks (4+), enemies wounded reduce their T by 1.

Psychic powers of Nurgle

Aura of decay 15pts
every enemy model within 2" has their attacks reduced by 1 (to a minimum of 1) for the CC phase
tested at start of assault phase.
Father Nurgle's Affliction 30pts
One enemy unit within 12" rolls D6 toughness tests or takes a wound with no armour saves allowed for every failed test
psychic shooting attack.
nurgle's rot 15pts
all enemy models within 6" take a str3 ap- hit
psychic shooting attack
Plague swarm 15pts
All shooting attacks directed to the caster and the unit they have joined use the night fighting rules and vice-versa.
tested at start of either player's shooting phase
Rot glorious rot 40pts
one enemy unit within 24" has to re-roll successful to-hit and to-wound rolls for the player's turn.
casted at the start of either player's turn.

Well thats all I think, comments and criticisms are welcome, I got some ideas for summoned daemons but haven't written them up yet.

08-07-2010, 02:44 AM
I always thought pink faux fur jackets would be a good way to make Emperors Children more fluffy but my green-stuff skills aren't really up to it:D

08-07-2010, 11:03 AM
I always thought pink faux fur jackets would be a good way to make Emperors Children more fluffy but my green-stuff skills aren't really up to it:D

I guess you could do that :D, but then the rules for the units aren't changed.

08-08-2010, 08:02 AM
Really like what you did here, man. I agree that the 4th ed codex was a lot more interesting, albeit complicated. But I'd take complicated with endless possibilities over "streamlined" (AKA, bland) any day of the week! If you were in my gaming store, I'd play against this adjusted codex any day...

...If you fix the tzeentch stuff, that is ;-) . I love the talismans of tzeentch making it more difficult for enemy psykers in general. Those used to be really cool, but nobody took psykers back then. Nowadays, psyker defense would be great to have in a chaos dex. What about the old rules where tzeentch units auto-pass psychic tests? And deathscreamer demon weapon is, and always will be, a joke. "oh look! More opportunities for me to hurt myself with this useless weapon! Hooray!". And for what? MORE S4 AP3 shots? Yeah, like thousand sons players dont have enough of those...

The biggest problem for thousand sons and tzeentch units in general is that they are way to expensive, die far too easily, and for all those ap3 bolters dont do nearly enough damage. The synergy in the unit is wasted if you take bolt of change, but if you get charged by a drednaught, you're whole unit is screwed because they dont have grenades OF ANY KIND. Thousand sons are the only unit in the whole codex (aside from demons and spawn) that dont have 2 close combat attacks base and dont have frag and/or krak grenades.

It costs 996pts to buy 3 units of thousand sons in rhinos with a decent sorceror power. Almost 1000PTS.



I digress. Anyway, i like what you've done here, but what im really REALLY hoping for is that tzeentch gets a serious attitude adjustment by the next chaos codex. Hes been getting the shaft for...what? 3 editions now? *grumble grumble*...

08-08-2010, 10:51 AM
Nice job on the books. In regards to the sonic weapons/slaanesh. I get how the idea is squads can buy sonic weapons per-the noise marien entry. But this doesn't cover buying sonic weaponry on your vehicles.

Maby something alone the lines of, "If the army is lead by a HQ with the Mark of Slaanesh. Vheclies can swap the following weapons as so..." Sort of like the empror's children war band apoc data sheet.

That also leads me into a small rant about something that bugs me about the new chaos dex.

Chaos really needs some vehicles unique to them selfs besides the defiler.

Loyalists get the 2 Dred variants, The Drop Pod, 2 Landradior variants, The Razorback, and the Whirlwind.

Chaos get's the Defiler....

I just hope when ever a new codex dose comes out, we just don't get thows kits with spiky sprues thrown in.....

08-09-2010, 01:53 PM
For EC and Sonics simply refer to the "Emperors Children Warhost" - Apocalypse Datasheet from GW.

The Veteran abilitys are a little bit to generous and FNP should be more expensive same for "slow and purposeful" think what havocs can do with that for cheap points you take the main drawback from them.

The D-Weaponary seems a bit too powerful and not very balanced - flesh tearer seems better than axe of khorne for tiny 5 pts. Warshouts donŽt seem to fit.

Beam of slaanesh for an expamle is too powerful in range! youŽll reach almost every devastor/weapon team on the table in a normal game.

08-09-2010, 02:11 PM
The Veteran abilitys are a little bit to generous and FNP should be more expensive same for "slow and purposeful" think what havocs can do with that for cheap points you take the main drawback from them.

The D-Weaponary seems a bit too powerful and not very balanced - flesh tearer seems better than axe of khorne for tiny 5 pts. Warshouts donŽt seem to fit.

Beam of slaanesh for an expamle is too powerful in range! youŽll reach almost every devastor/weapon team on the table in a normal game.

I didn't really know the points value as this was off the top of my head, and I haven't playtested these rules yet. Remember the beam can only hit one enemy unit. I might change it.

08-09-2010, 02:18 PM
Nice job on the books. In regards to the sonic weapons/slaanesh. I get how the idea is squads can buy sonic weapons per-the noise marien entry. But this doesn't cover buying sonic weaponry on your vehicles.

Maby something alone the lines of, "If the army is lead by a HQ with the Mark of Slaanesh. Vheclies can swap the following weapons as so..." Sort of like the empror's children war band apoc data sheet.

That also leads me into a small rant about something that bugs me about the new chaos dex.

Chaos really needs some vehicles unique to them selfs besides the defiler.

Loyalists get the 2 Dred variants, The Drop Pod, 2 Landradior variants, The Razorback, and the Whirlwind.

Chaos get's the Defiler....

I just hope when ever a new codex dose comes out, we just don't get thows kits with spiky sprues thrown in.....

I was thinking of dedicating vehicles to the different gods, like the 4th ed book.
I would hope for chaos to get some really cool new vehicles, I mean the defiler's great and all, but I would rather have other chaos exclusive vehicles as well, and as I play iron warriors...

I was wondering if anybody would like to playtest these rules, as I haven't had the chance yet.

The wolf's claw
08-09-2010, 02:29 PM
i like all of your ideas mysterious stingray, personally i think chaos are overbent as a standard and this is making them even benter, but i like the sound of the warshouts and stuff khorne are really at a disadvantage without having any magicalness (even though they are basically enveloped by the warp, which is magic) lol
i think you should share your thoughts on your summoned deamon ideas :)

08-09-2010, 02:57 PM
summoned daemons

All summoned daemons are 10pts basic with the following stats
WS 3 BS 3 S 3 T 4 W 1 I 4 A 1 Ld 10 Sv 5+ (inv.)

special rules as C:CSM

they can be brought the following options:
daemonic fury: furious charge 3pts/model
daemonic resilience: feel no pain 4pts/model
daemonic speed: move as beasts 3pts/model
daemonic wings: jump infantry 3pts/model

The squad may also be given a mark:
khorne 30pts
slaanesh 20pts
Tzeentch 40pts
Nurgle 50pts

I was thinking of keeping the daemons the same as how they set up, as there is nothing really wrong with it, but I was thinking of being able to dedicate them to their gods and give them the abilities so all the daemon models can be used fluffily (don't know if thats a word or not).

Anyway thank you for all the comments, I might get a chance to playtest some of it tomorrow so I will edit the points values etc. soon(ish)

The wolf's claw
08-10-2010, 02:34 AM
I hope you're not suggesting playtesting them against me lol
Nahh that'd be interesting.
I think their good but T4 may be high for a 10pt model and or not fluffy for slaaneshii daemons
Other than that it sounds good. If other people are reading it too try playtesting it and post your results

08-10-2010, 03:22 PM
To anyone whos interested I managed to play a battle against my friends space wolves and I writ up quick report at chaos vs Space wolves 1500pts (http://www.lounge.belloflostsouls.net/showthread.php?p=92652#post92652)

Comments & Criticisms welcome