View Full Version : Imperial Guard Modular Spam - mass Hotshots and Lascannons(1k+ armies)

08-02-2017, 04:46 PM
Ok, so I like theorycrafting, and mathhammer. I don't actually play this (or plan to play this) but on paper it seems sane. First of all, here goes the base list (I'll explain everything after the list, keep reading!):

Battalion Detachment - 364 points

Tempestor Prime with Chainsword, Tempestor Command Rod
Tempestor Prime with Chainsword, Tempestor Command Rod

Scion w/ Hot-shot Lasguns, Scion w/ Voxcaster, 2x Scion w/ Hot-Shot Volley Gun
Scion w/ Hot-shot Lasguns, Scion w/ Voxcaster, 2x Scion w/ Hot-Shot Volley Gun
Scion w/ Hot-shot Lasguns, Scion w/ Voxcaster, 2x Scion w/ Hot-Shot Volley Gun
Scion w/ Hot-shot Lasguns, Scion w/ Voxcaster, 2x Scion w/ Hot-Shot Volley Gun

Spearhead Detachment (Yarrick) - 346 points

Commissar Yarrick

3x Heavy Weapon Team, all with Lascannons
3x Heavy Weapon Team, all with Lascannons
3x Heavy Weapon Team, all with Lascannons

Spearhead Detachment (Catachans!) - 296 points

Company Commander w/ Chainsword and Laspistol

Sergeant Harker

3x Heavy Weapon Team, all with Lascannons
3x Heavy Weapon Team, all with Lascannons
3x Heavy Weapon Team, all with Lascannons

TOTAL: 1006 points
NOTE: if you're going to play at 1000 points, downgrade a single Scion with Volley Gun to a normal Scion, and you'll be OK.

Ok, so the "modular" part of the list is that you can take multiples of that Battalion Detachment. But first the basics.

With both Spearhead Detachments, we have a grand total of 18 Lascannons, which thanks to Yarrick and Harker will re-roll 1s to hit when shooting. That is, of course, assuming you take Catachans, which you should. And assuming you don't fight Orks, because Yarrick hates them and is better against them. Either way that is a LOT of Lascannons hitting on 3+ with re-rolls. Either of these groups, you could take with you on pretty much any army if you have the points, and you'd probably enjoy playing it. You could technically swap out the Lascannons for other stuff, but I like my metal bawkses burnt to a crisp.

Now for the Battalion Detachment, which you can also take multiples of since there are no special characters. I'll assume people don't know what these guys do, so I'll explain briefly.
The Tempestor Primes can give 2 orders a turn, which are things like re-rolling 1s to wound OR to hit. Good stuff. But everything else is armed with hotshot las-weapons. The Hot-shot Volley Guns are Heavy 4 and Strength 4 with 24 inch range, and the Lasguns are Rapid Fire 1 with a little less range and one less strength. But all of them asit at an AP value of -2. This means that even if they are shooting at well-armored stuff, well, they'll do lots of damage.
The kicker is that all the Tempestor units can parachute down from reserves, as long as they stay at least 9 inches away form the enemy. This is a limitation if you're an assault unit... not so much if you want to shoot stuff to death.

This army's plan is to deploy the two Spearheads in cover (or as much in cover as possible), keeping stuff hidden so you're not tabled on the first turn (you have 11/36 chances of stealing initiative with the re-roll, but you're VERY unlikely to have less drops than your opponent. But on your first turn you deploy your Tempestor Battalions, in range of their weapons but not too close, and fire away. Even though your Volley Guns are Heavy and count as moving, you can use orders to re-roll 1s, and they Tempestors have a base BS of 3+ so you can hit a lot.

The point here is you can play the objective game quite well, since you have quite a few things parachuting down. You can play 3x Battalions at 2000 points if you shave a few things, or play something else to support the army. But since you don't have any tanks or monsters, any heavy weapons the enemy brings to the table is pretty much wasted.

So thoughts, comments? Again, I'm theorycrafting here, so all opinions are welcome! :D