View Full Version : Converted Slaanesh daemon models

08-05-2010, 12:28 PM
My Slaanesh Daemons. I wanted some more consistency between the different types than is available from the official models (also all plastic).

The Fiends were made from some Daemonettes and Tyranid Raveners but a cheaper way would be to use the new seekers kit and some greenstuff.

The Daemonettes were originally going to be fantasy witch elves. They combine dark elf corsair legs and swords/daggers with Daemonettes.

The Daemon princess/Keeper of Secrets is made from a wraithlord and lots of green stuff. (I've posted it before but the pic got deleted)


08-06-2010, 12:56 AM
Great work! I rather enjoy the lower parts of the body on the demonettes? Im guessing thats what they are going to be.