View Full Version : Painting light effects

08-05-2010, 12:14 PM
Hey all, I need a bit of advanced technique painting advice.

I am painting up some of the new Eldar Fire Prisms, and decided I wanted to try some lighting effects in the scheme - have some of the parts be "lit up" and try to show a natural reflected shine on the rest of the model to support the impression.

What I would like is some advice on how to go about painting the "shine" on near-by surfaces.

Specificlly, I am painting the "pipes" on the inside of the wings as if they were lit with blue-white light. I need a reflected glow off of all the nearby LOS panels. I am using a dark armor tone, with a bone undercarriage on the tank, and can't figure out quite how to do the reflection effects off the other colors to make it look natural.

I'm hoping to get a lead on a technique(s) to make this work.

Any advice for me?

08-05-2010, 02:28 PM
You can buy this transparent paint (there is a name for it but I can't remember it right now. It's basically paint minus the pigment, though). If you mix that with a bit of color, it makes it much easier to get a nice lighting effect. You want a bit of color, but you also want the transparency effects so that it looks natural.

08-06-2010, 03:44 AM
its tamiya the clear paint, but however there is s simpler method

figure out where the light comes from and keep it quite dark (nothing lighter than shadow gray)