View Full Version : Marine tank movement stats

07-31-2017, 12:40 PM
OK, this is embarrassing but I can't find the answer anywhere. I have the iBooks version of the Marine codex and a few of the tanks (Repulsor) have asterisks for movement, attacks etc. I know 8th has variable stats based on wounds lost but I can't find them in the codex. Going a little nuts, help is greatly appreciated!

Captain Bubonicus
08-01-2017, 10:37 AM
Huh, that's weird - it should be just to the right of the stat profile. Not all vehicles have 'em - Venerable Dreads don't have variable stats, for example, while Contemptor Dreads do - but if you're seeing asterixes on the profile the damage table should be just to the right of the stat profile.

Is it possible there's some kind of "interactive" filter that you've got turned "off," or something?