View Full Version : Orks are Kicking My Tail (Need help Orks vs BA)

08-04-2010, 12:33 PM
Hey all,

Not new to the game, but new to BA. I have my hands full beating the orks in a gaming group campaign. I just can't seem to get any sort of upper hand against them.

-Blow up the Truks, only to have a mob of orks ready to assault
-Don't blow up the truks, to have them move fast up into my face, disembark (fast vehicles), and assault.
-Battlewagons either full of Burna Boyz (ummm... 90 hits on my squad? Is there no errata on that trick?) or full of nobz... all with 2 wounds, Power Fists, and invulnerable saves.

I just can't break him down before he has inflicted critical casualties. The Blood Angels are a fairly small army due to points cost... and don't hold up well to receiving assaults. I am open to army composition suggestions... I have a wide range of models available.

08-04-2010, 12:53 PM
What is your typical army composition?

08-04-2010, 01:36 PM
Depends on what you normally take.

Handflamers in drop pods. Flamers in general. Not owning a BA codex myself, nor play them isn't the Baal Predator a lot of flamey death?

Assault troopers with heroic intervention to block the advancing ork throng.

For the battle wagons i'd say use a storm raven loaded for bear to melta it to slag and then have death company jump out on the stranded buggers.

08-04-2010, 04:04 PM
have a dev squad or 2=-3 tacs to kill the transports :D

blood claws LOVE orks

2 blood clawing death company furisos (in drop pods with dual flamers?) LOVE orks

use you skills to your advantage, deathmasks S10 libbys

deathwind launchers LOVE orks

ba are NOT the most powerfull CC army dont use them like nids,GK or orks however use them like a scalpel the advantage of playing ba is you strike where you want, how you want, pick and choose you targets.

oh and are all those power claws killing YOUR tanks dont worry have a local =][= and vindicar assasin help you out inq with
artifaceri, force weapon,needle pistol and word of the emperor, bionics , digital weapons
put him with a squad in a drop pod or terminators and use him to full effect: (remember auto pass or fail moral and pinning and youve got to pass a ld to assault him and old school force weapon :D)

i ALWAYS take a vindicar as a powerful pistol SUPER POWERFUL sniper he can pick and choose targets and hes not a CC slouch :D

oh and if youv fallen into the low model trap have a plan

if not engage the orksies ar rang and close

as said by white dwarf

"shoot the fighty stuff, fight the shooty stuff"

aka twin furisos and a assault squad drop pod behind the orks lootas and long range or objective holding stuff ant then kill key targets (warboss, mek , nobs)

then on the other side of your line Lr reedemers, sang priests, tacts scouts, vindicators, baals and CC counters (read 1-2 squads of assauts, vets and dreads)

then have some units (land raider reedemer + 10 assaulty hand flamery goodness with a corlubo) to take the middle objective

and a note if your playing orks and KNOW that you lines are going to get hit swap the taacs for scouts :Dcheaper but just as shooty plasma cannons should also help (what it kills infantry AND tanks) and Heavy bolters for truks

if he plays a certain list brig counters for everything (read hordes -> mobility at rande, mobile-> devs and assault troops to counter, small model count -> devs)

remember colurbo and sang priest ARE your friends.

Dr. Doctor
08-04-2010, 04:28 PM

-30 Man Death Company without Jump Packs + Chaplain. Get them in contact with the boyz on the charge you get 93 S5 I5 attacks on the enemy that hit on 3's with a chance to re-roll missed hits. This gives your BA the momentum it needs in assault to beat back mobs of orks.

- Vindicators could move quickly up the field and lay down demolisher cannon fire that could knock out infantry and trukks alike

- Let the Trukks get close to you and allow the Boyz to hop out, then have a Furioso with a magna grapple yank the vehicle towards it and tank shock them.

- Baal Predators with Flamestorm Cannons and Heavy Flamer sponsons can easily burn through orks and their abillity to move fast can make ramming a viable tactic.

- Land Raider Crusader loaded up with Death Company, get a drop pod with a locator beacon dropped behind the orks, deep strike it in, unload the units inside and unleash hell.

-Heavy Bolter Devastators + Librarian with Shackle Soul; Trukk Boyz have a maximum squad size of 10, down the trukk, have the boyz disembark, hit them with heavy bolter fire that will reduce the squad's size to reduce the effects of Mob Rule and then hit them with Shackle Soul, it has a good chance of preventing those units from moving, running, and assaulting for a turn, this buys you extra time to strike


- Keep moving, Orks are most dangerous when they assault en masse having squads in multiple positions means that your opponent can't focus all of his forces on a blob of troops, out flanking, infiltrating, and deep striking can give your opponent multiple threats on multiple fronts to face.

You stand a better chance in assault if you can divide up your opponents forces, less boyz means you can leverage mathhammer against the opponent rather than vice versa.

-Momentum Is Key Blood Angels pack considerable assault strength, but lack the shear number of units required to keep pouring on the hurt, adding in sanguinary priests or chaplains give your units the moral and physical staying power to keep tearing it up in assault.

Sir Biscuit
08-04-2010, 08:48 PM
The most important question is this: do you have to build a single list to use against all your opponents, or do you know who you're fighting, and then you get to make a list?

08-04-2010, 09:35 PM
My advice against any army you play is always to take a balanced, all-comers list. Don't tailor a list to a specific enemy.

Against orks you need to keep them as far away as possible. Kill the trucks and battlewagons at range with whatever works (lascannons, missiles, whatever).

If a few survive, take some choice units and park them in their way. Drop landspeeders in front of them to block movement (kinda like Tau Pirhana tactics). Whittle down the mobs enough and your marines should have no problem beating them up in CC with your better initiative.

08-05-2010, 03:55 AM
-Have fire support to kill their Trukks/etc. This means Devastators, Rifleman Dreads, Razorbacks, etc.

-FNP bubbles will carry the day. You strike first and can minimize casualties against them via your 3+/4+. For this to be effective you need something other than the 5-mans in Razorbacks, though.

-Death Company is at its best against Orks. If you get the charge, there should be nothing left.

-As a rule, you want to control the charges. Have throwaway stuff in front so that when he charges you, you can bring your strong units to bear on him.

-Battlewagons are pretty fragile. With Burnas inside, they are close to 350pts of unit right there. Get some side shots with Las or ACs on it and it won't be doing anything next turn.

Both BA and Orks are dependent on getting the charge to win fights. BA have better mobility and anti-tank, so you should be at a major advantage there.