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08-14-2009, 05:51 PM
What do you feel is the best point for point troop option?

I say its deathguard.

08-14-2009, 07:45 PM
Deathguard are good...

I think sisters of battle are pretty decent. Low points (comparatively), power armour, bolter, BS4, good Ld, faith. And they can come in squads of 20.

08-14-2009, 07:57 PM
death guard

08-14-2009, 08:39 PM
The best troop CHOICE is the IG platoon, I'd say. jus the fact that one troop slot covers so many bases and so many troopers is great. It's the most effecient packing of bodies per troops slot.

Best actual SQUAD is death Guard, yeah.

08-14-2009, 08:54 PM
Berserkers and Chaos Glory CSM are the best, in my opinion.

Drew da Destroya
08-15-2009, 12:58 AM
How about Nob Bikers? Even without WAC-ing them out, they're hard as nails and hit like a truck.

Although Plaguemarines are ridiculously tough.

08-15-2009, 01:56 AM
Well, if its point for point, Ork Boyz are very good. 6 points, mobs of 30, 4 attacks on the charge (If armed with Slugga and Choppa.) and have toughness 4.

08-15-2009, 05:09 AM
i think there are many good choices. most of the new dexes have good troops.

the best would prolly be ork Nobs because they can be an armies centerpiece and stil score.

ifyou take pointscost into account I think normal chaos marines are an extremely good deal. you get the full kit of boltgun, pistol and ccw, a better armoury (up to 2 special weapons per squad) and 1 lds point more than normal marines while only loosing their kinky special rules. additionally you can give them icons and if you want even make them dirt cheap by using a 20man squad (+1T for 2pts/modell...yes pelase!).

my prefered one is a 20man squad of csm with 2 meltaguns, a powerfist, an icon of nurgle and fabius elite upgrade. that is 20 wounds with 3+ save and t5 and 40(60) A s5-6 and fearless!

08-15-2009, 09:31 AM

08-15-2009, 09:58 AM
Dark Eldar Warriors. 8 points for a BS 4 model in a unit that can purchase two Dark Lances at 10 points each. Its like having an army full of havocs.

08-15-2009, 10:04 AM
Gotta say the IG platoon/vets combo right now. If you mix both, the horrid volume of powerful fire and the wall of bodies/chimeras you can put out is fearsome.

Also I generally consider the Berserkers to be an excellent choice, too.

08-15-2009, 10:40 AM
Genestealers are plain awesome. There's nothing they can't kill, they're troops choice, and they outflank.

08-15-2009, 10:59 AM
Agree Ulf, genestealers are awsome as a basic model and can be uberfied to be even more mad

08-15-2009, 11:00 AM
Voting for the Sisters of Battle as well. Their own real downside is the T3, in my opinion, but the ability to rapid fire bolters, beef up to 20 in a squad, and the versatility that faith points give is amazing.

Nothing more fun than tailoring your squad to what you need. My favorite being making all those wonderful 3+ armour saves into 3+ invulnerable saves...

08-15-2009, 01:40 PM
Reckon for value for points its vanilla CSM - shooty bolter death but 2 hand-to hand weapons? Quality.

08-15-2009, 02:26 PM
Agree with Denzark. Point per point, plain CSM.

Great statline, and even better basic equipment. Marks are just the frosting on top.

08-15-2009, 07:56 PM
consensus mean says death guard?

08-16-2009, 01:48 PM

Overall I would have to say the Orks are the best value for the points. For roughly the price of one DeathGuard you can have four Ork Boyz. That's 12 base attacks vs. 2 base attacks for the DG. Sure the DG have power armor and most importantly, FNP, but as I've learned when fighting against massed hormugaunts, all that fancy ****e won't help when your opponent is like "Okay, lets see...I've got 45 attacks in range...Okay rolling...Alright, make 30 armor saves on your squad of ten guys."

Best troop models in the game:

Ork Boyz 6 points
Dark Eldar Warriors 8 points
Sisters of Battle 11 points
Space Marines 15 points
Necrons 18 points
Death Guard 23 points

Best armies to play in 40k right at this moment?

Imperial Guard (Artillery Heavy)
Orks (180 Ork army)
Vanilla Space Marines
Chaos Space Marines

Best Model in the Game? (Cost Vs. Effectiveness)

Lelith Hesperax. At 90 points, and five I8 attacks on the charge, and a 2+ Inv. save, she is one tough nut to crack, and can practically take on any model in the game, including Annggrath the unbound. (Well, she will at least be able to get a wound or two in before being turned into a puddle of goo, but the uber demon costs 10x her points)

Runner up: Guardsman Sly Marbo. Nothing better than being able to place a S8 AP2 template practically anywhere you want, and you can use Marbo more tactically as well, if you don't want to use him as a suicide bomber.

08-16-2009, 02:10 PM
i think that ork boys and plague marines

08-16-2009, 08:06 PM
I think Noise Marines are really underrated. A squad armed with sonic weapons can put out a ton of shots at 24 inches, plus they come with BP and CCW and they're Init 5.

08-17-2009, 05:01 PM
Agree with Denzark. Point per point, plain CSM.

Great statline, and even better basic equipment. Marks are just the frosting on top.

Can't agree more. That's pretty much exactly what I was going to say.

08-17-2009, 05:05 PM
I'm going to favor the underdog and go with Deathwing Squads. Their strong points are ability to mix SB/PF with the various close combat loadouts, being able to Deathwing Assault them scatterless as long as there are RW bikes present, and scaring the hell out of GEQ opponents.

person person
08-20-2009, 02:22 AM
Although Plaguemarines are ridiculously tough.

Not when you hit 'em with 4 plasma cannons:D

My fav troops, in my experience (not much) quantity over quality= ORK BOYZ.

I have seen a 140 something boyz + warboss in 1000 pt.s go HORRIBLY WRONG, though.

Few words: Emperors Champion, prefered enemy, Land Raider Crusader. The champion alone had a 40+ kill streak, he was also atatched to a 5 Neophyte + 10 initiates in LRC

Mike Dunford
08-20-2009, 07:43 AM
Under 5th edition rules, and particularly with the 5th edition assault to-hit table, the best troop choice in the game is grots.

08-20-2009, 08:01 AM
A unit of Khorne Berserkers and Champion with power fist is my choice.

Shas'O D'Narb
08-22-2009, 11:46 PM
Yes, I know they have no armour, and merely adequate initiative, toughness, and ballistic skill... but Kroot can outflank, they come in squad sizes of 10-20 (or up to 32 with Hounds, or 35 with Krootox), are extremely cheap, have decent-strength rapidfire weapons, and are difficult to kill in woods/jungle area terrain (2+ when going to ground!). Did I mention they can outflank? For their points cost, they're simply far too versatile to ignore. Sure, they're not statistically powerful for any particular task but the fact that they can fulfill so many roles makes them an effective choice.

Katie Drake
08-23-2009, 12:11 AM
The best troop option point for point is probably either Plague Marines or Ork Boyz. The former is insanely tough, Fearless and no slouch in a fight either. They have excellent basic equipment and have a decent range of upgrades as well. They can also take a very cheap and efficient transport.

Ork Boyz are just mean as well, because they're so cheap in points that it's unbelievable and are actually fairly hard to kill! Most extremely cheap models in the game are pushovers in any sort of fight like Guardsmen, Kroot, Grots or even Eldar Guardians. Boyz can one-up all of these guys by costing a comparable amount of points and still fight pretty effectively while surviving a decent amount of the time, too. Armed with a shoota, an Ork Boy can shoot fairly decently, but it's in close combat where he shines, since he'll get 3 Attacks on the charge as well as pick up a Furious Charge bonus. Also, these guys have probably the most infamous squad leaders in 5th edition - the dreaded power klaw armed Nob.