View Full Version : Eagleboy's Demons

08-03-2010, 07:07 PM
So about a year down the line and I finally have the first 1500pts of my demons army built, painted, and ready to rock in the tournament scene. I must admit this army is a first for me because it is the first army that I have paid someone to complete for me rather than attempt to paint myself. I got Bill Kim to complete the army for me, and for dirt cheap too I might add. Here's his site: http://www.bkarmypainting.com/ His thing is that he's not an individual model builder, he's an army builder. His prices are really good for what you get, $4 for infantry, $15 for a tank, and so on. I think my total bill came to about $280 and that included assembly of half my army, stripping my Fateweaver and pinning him for me, and basing the whole thing. He even went out of his way to pin all my metal models for me which I thought was just over the top for horrors and such.

Basically its a 1500pt list at this point:



Fateweaver and a Demon Prince - the "conversion" is mine the rest is all Bill

Far from an optimal list, just what I really really liked model wise or what interested me unit wise. There will be more on the way come Xmas time but I'm taking a break from collecting / buying for the football season which is fast approaching. The models look alot nicer in person. The pictures which are blurry anyway don't show another stage of blending and clearcoat which was applied. Most of my stuff is low quality for Bill, he does a three tier system of painting so I stuck near the lower level for the cheapest price, after all I'm plaining on playing with my guys nd not hiding them in a case and then you factor in the poor college student part... so what do you all think?

08-03-2010, 07:09 PM


http://lh6.ggpht.com/_HigXGeW7HCM/TFECHwaBqJI/AAAAAAAADNI/TcBmY3jVFwM/s912/P7280100.JPG A pair of Soul Grinders

08-03-2010, 07:10 PM


Noob Crushers (the herald model represents a fool running around with Fury)


08-03-2010, 07:11 PM

http://lh6.ggpht.com/_HigXGeW7HCM/TFECNc33W8I/AAAAAAAADNg/VcnG2JV0irE/s1024/P7280120.JPG Flamers of flaming


http://lh5.ggpht.com/_HigXGeW7HCM/TFECO6FkhiI/AAAAAAAADNo/UoyJ9UF-fDY/s1024/P7280124.JPG 15 Horrors & the Changling being represented by the Fantasy Sorcerer

08-04-2010, 03:22 AM
its about average quality.. good if your wanting a fully painted army but an effect that probably could be done with 20 mins beafor collage/ work each day. oh and if your dong that DONT buy the paints gw tells you to buy buy humbrol/ revel accrilics (there alot better and cheaper) and try to experement with washes and blending (cmon hasgreat tuts by the way )

but if you paid for it and you think you got a good deal well good for you :D

but still as a paint oh holic i will always say that the more you paint and try out new stuff the better and funner it is :D and within a year or so you could be a LOT better then BKstudios .
