View Full Version : New Squat Codex 5th Edition

08-01-2010, 01:50 PM
*Link update. Special Character Yurgret Onceminer cost changed to 124 - don't have the current pdf file onhand.


Link is to a new, complete Squat Codex compatible with 5th Edition.

Codex is in pdf file format. Name is some long garble assigned by the hosting site - haven't used it before. Sorry about that.

Features 15 regular unit types, 2 special characters, 4 vehicles. Rule set is not restricted to OOP models, but follows an, "If I could do anything I wanted with the Squats" approach to help bring them current. Codex explains in more detail.

37 pages overall with Table of Contents, Introduction, Original Back Story (much has happened to the Squats since the Inquisitorial Order removing them from records), Special Rules, complete Army List, Unit Introductions, Special Character pages, a Weapon Overview sheet (wargear options are currently limited, as units are designed around specialized roles), and Summary.

Rule set has been tested, but not vetted as thoroughly as I'd like. Have run a number of games with them against Blood Angels, Orks, Space Wolves, Tyranids, and Tau in order of most common opponents. Hope to run them against Necrons this week. More thorough vetting by anyone interested in the community would be helpful to iron out kinks.

It's been a little hard getting consistent performance results down the way 5th edition codices are shaping up - each seems more powerful than the last, which isn't helping with some of the finer details, and armies still using 3rd edition codices (Dark Eldar especially, I'd expect) might be especially troubled by a few Squat special rules and artillery weapons. I don't regularly game with Dark Eldar players, so any vetting on that front would be particularly helpful. Any questions about rule clarity would be helpful, too - I know what I meant to write, but did it come out the right way? Don't know yet.

I apologize to anyone who didn't want to hear anymore about the Squats. It's not my intention to force them on anyone - just offering some rules that people who still like them can use, or people who like new codices can read if they get bored. General consensus is that they were a little goofy in their 40k incarnation. The models look a little dated, but by 1st edition standards they still seem pretty nice. As I've been working on this rule set and codex, I've grown to like them more, and if I were to do it all over again (we're talking a lot of hours invested) it could probably come out first rate.

Anyway, thanks!

08-01-2010, 03:04 PM
I am interested in reading this, but where is the link to the PDF?

08-01-2010, 03:16 PM
You can also post this in the correct forum for non official stuff.


Go Squats!

08-01-2010, 03:55 PM
I am interested in reading this, but where is the link to the PDF?

click the little X symbol that ususally means something has gone wrong.

Great JOB! one thing is Terranim canon or homebrew? I'm a little hazy when it comes to fluff on squats/zoats/jokaro etc

08-01-2010, 04:14 PM
click the little X symbol that ususally means something has gone wrong.

Sorry, not seeing an "X" either.

EDIT: I use Firefox for Mac and so it removes any bad links. I put it into Safari and the bad link is there, so I have pulled it up, but remember not all browsers deal with errors the same way.

08-01-2010, 04:16 PM
http://media1.youshare.com/uploads/01/Guest/2ee8c1c98132b52b-T.jpg (http://www.youshare.com/Guest/2ee8c1c98132b52b.pdf.html)

Its at he very top of the post



I broke the link in half there so it should deffo come up

08-01-2010, 08:39 PM
Instead of posting a link through a hotlinked image (This is the url of the picture you posted (http://media1.youshare.com/uploads/01/Guest/2ee8c1c98132b52b-T.jpg), which gives me "403 forbidden"), try posting the link itself instead... not all sites allow you to hotlink.

For everyone else:


08-01-2010, 11:12 PM
Thanks folks!

I changed the link in the main post like you suggested.

Sorry about being in the wrong forum - looked, but didn't see the homebrew forum.

Can I kill this thread by deleting the main post in order to move it, or should I wait for a moderator to kick it over?

08-01-2010, 11:15 PM
I had a quick look at it. Nice. I like the story line with the Technomancers saving the squat race, from destruction from the Tyranids and the Traitorous Imperial Inquisition Crusaders including Adeptus Astares, and Adeptus Mechanicus looking to exploit the weaker PDF forces left on the squat home world, and steal their STC and other lost technology.

I like that they are stubborn and relentless, however I think Squats should be toughness 4, or strength 4 to represent their squat strong bodies.

But I like the parts I read.

I have to read more about what their equipment and units are, but I th ink I will enjoy it.

08-02-2010, 01:33 AM
I agree with the toughness of 4 fits in with fluff
I think they need more tanks and artillery especially artillery
Not real keen on the skimmer technology aspect to my mind doesnt really fit
Also not a fan of sappers self destructing sappers being more combat engineers than sucide bombers
No squad leaders ?
Some of the squad options need a bit of clearing up thunderers for one do they all have the neo plasma cannon the picture shows 1 leader 2 support personel and 2 with cannons

Also I would have had Thunderers heavy support and Hearth guard as elite

Overall I like it especially since I can resurrect an extensive squat collection with a decent codex

08-02-2010, 02:31 AM
I'd like to add more vehicles as well. Was sort of toying with the idea of a Bobcat with a conversion beamer, kind of like those Grot Tanks. Every new entry means that much more that has to fit in well (not to mention time spent on unit entries and rules), so I'm trying to take things a step at a time. Check out the Barrage rules for the Thudd Guns, though. Almost nothing outside of Imperial Guard uses them, and even then it's mostly Large blast templates instead of small. Those things have crazy firepower.

Toughness 4 does fit in with the fluff. There are just so many T4 armies. IG, Sisters, Eldar, Dark Eldar and Tau are T3, Tyranids are largely T6 now, and Space Wolves, Blood Angels, Chaos, Space Marines, Dark Angles, Necrons and Orks are all T4. T3 also lets you field more units. I'll think about it. :)

Oddly, Squats were well known for advanced skimmer technology. I'd field hordes of plasma skimmers in 2nd edition with Squats.

Sapper fluff is mutable. I went with criminals for the "using every aspect of society" fluff, but it can be changed if enough folks want.

Thought about Squad Leaders. Aren't they just expensive leadership bonuses that add a little extra while costing specialization? If I can get the rest of the rules hammered down, can maybe add them and more wargear options.

For gear, the units have what the rules say they have. The Thunderer pic is actually of an old Squat Command Squad, I believe. I was a little liberal with the unit pictures since I can't draw very well (time consuming, too), and there aren't as many nice Squat pics on Google as I'd like (I have this huge collection of pics now).

Thunderers and Hearth Guard were an odd swap. Did that for two reasons: it mixes things up a little (not so much like Space Marines with Termis and Devastators, but not entirely like IG with Heavy Weapon troops), and it emphasizes how these unit roles are a little different from 1st and 2nd edition Squats (Hearthguard are now largely durable fire support and Thunderers are more anti-heavy infantry than anti-tank).

I'm still working on things, but am looking for more feedback (just like yours!) first. Thanks for commenting!

08-02-2010, 04:02 AM
Skimmers tech -- true but back then IG had a jetbike

I am not saying it wont work just doesnt appeal to me
But I can always use a counts as option anyway like to me your surveyor squads scream out gyro copters to me so the rules still work

As for Artillery I am thinking things like the ig colossus and medusa
Tanks have to be heavy with over the top armour bigger than leman russ but smaller than a baneblade

Looks like I have to finish the Leviathan I started and finish up the drawings for my landtrain
Squats in Apoc will be fun

08-02-2010, 04:40 AM
How about...NO! Just NO!

Squats = EPIC FAIL!!!

Besides the role of space vikings is already taken...

08-02-2010, 04:56 AM
Gyrocopters would be great. I just saw someone in a forum come up with the scratch-built pic I used, and it seemed too cool to ignore since it was for 40k instead of fantasy.

Apocalypse units would be lots of fun to add. Something to work on.

Oh, for not liking skimmers, it would be pretty easy to use a land variant and just say it ignored terrain when moving - lot of Squat tanks do that. They're not fast, so they can't move Flat Out anyway. Always good to come up with personal touches. :)

08-02-2010, 05:02 AM
How about...NO! Just NO!

Squats = EPIC FAIL!!!

Besides the role of space vikings is already taken...

Dont like it dont read simple hey ... go away

08-04-2010, 09:35 AM
Very nice set of homebrew rules, and very well put together (although the image for the gladiator is a bit weak). It's very clear and straightforward, something most homebrew rules aren't.

It really makes me wish they brought the Squats back in some fashion. Here's my list:


High King w/mole tank [270]

Technomancer w/3 cyber squats, 2 conversion beamers [190]


5 Thunderers [135]

Raging Gladiator [110]


20 Squat PDFs [140]

13 Miners w/cutting torch [80]

12 Miners w/cutting torch, bulk lifter [130] x3

15 Miners w/cutting torch [90] (attach to King)


5 Surveyors [125]


Magma Tank [155] x3

The only unit that seemed sort of weak were the sappers. They're not bad, but without a dedicated transport, they just don't seem like they'll do much. Instead of a unit of sappers, I opted instead for a unit of 13 miners with a cutting torch. That'll do well against tough vehicles, hold objectives, and have a lot more close combat punch, all for the same price.

Great job!

08-04-2010, 12:17 PM
I created a Squat Codex for 4th edition years ago (Yes, I have a Squat army... Is there anything I don't have?) and here is an example of a vehicle in my codex, as the OP asked for vehicle ideas.

Iron Rhino 45 Points

Squats society actually leaves very little use for conventional vehicles. Just about every aspect of Squat life is hand made, handled with care and slowly contemplated. Squats only use the Imperial Rhino more out of an ancient tradition than anything else. All other Imperial vehicles have been forgotten or lost over time. In the mines, Rhinos are fitted to bring squats to and from the work site, and nothing else.

Front Side Rear BS
13 12 11 3
Type: Vehicle, Tank, Transport
Crew: One Squat guild driver

Weapons: A Twin Linked Heavy Delver.

Fire points: None. Squat Rhinos have no firing ports as the hull is completely sealed.

Access points: One – Squat Rhinos Have only a single opening in the rear of the vehicle, as the side doors have been sealed.

Transport: A Squat Rhino may carry up to 12 Squats or 6 Squats in Exo Armor.

Enforced Iron Hull: Squat Iron Rhinos have increased armor plating integrated into old rhino hull designs. This gives the Squats inside greater protection, yet limits their ability to exit the vehicle when needed to do so.

Pressurized Seals: Complicated seals and locks take time to open for the Squats inside. If an Iron Rhino moves past 6", the unit inside may not voluntarily Disembark from the Iron Rhino during that player turn. If the Iron Rhino suffers a Vehicle Destroyed result, models inside the Iron Rhino suffer Strength 5 hits instead of Strength 4, due to the highly pressurized environment inside the Iron Rhino.

Heavy Delver, Rock Buster Mode Range27” Strength 6 AP6 Heavy3
Heavy Delver, Ore Smelter Mode Range18” Strength 3 AP3 Heavy3

If anyone is interested in seeing a copy of my Squat Codex, I can post it up here on BoLs.

08-04-2010, 07:38 PM
myname, sorry about the images. If I had time / more skill, I'd hand draw some concept images. If I run across better, I'll certainly add them in.

For Sappers, I've been using them a lot in condensed games. They're a good way to discourage Marine Dreadnoughts, as their attacks usually only squish ~3 Sappers in a round, and of the remaining 7 you'll likely get 2 penetrating hits (I've managed a little better with good rolls). Same with Monstrous Creatures - blew up a winged Hive Tyrant last game against 'Nids. They're a little expensive to buy a Mole Tank for, but if you have a high value target to go after, they pay for themselves.

BuFFo, that's a nice concept, counter-balancing the exceptional armor for cost with rules limiting mobility and causing greater damage to occupants. I'd probably increase the cost a bit because of the 5th edition armor buff and Technomancer ability. A very neat unit.

08-05-2010, 01:12 AM
BuFFo, that's a nice concept, counter-balancing the exceptional armor for cost with rules limiting mobility and causing greater damage to occupants. I'd probably increase the cost a bit because of the 5th edition armor buff and Technomancer ability. A very neat unit.

In my Squat Codex, there are no other vehicles (besides a Termite Drill Transport) because I never got around to making them, so this is the only vehicle I have. Also, my version has no Technomancers.

08-06-2010, 02:12 PM
The pictures was just a small gripe, honestly. Overall, the appearance of the codex looks quite good. I also really liked the fun and unique style of the units. They didn't seem like a MEQ/IG clone at all, but their own army.