View Full Version : Most disappointing Mini.

08-01-2010, 01:27 PM
I wonder which model or part disappointed the GW community when it was released? Gw has released some brilliant models in its time, but its inevitable that there have been a few duds along the way

I've heard a fair few people criticise the more recent plastic daemonettes, and the new daemon prince isn't all that great.

For me tho the prize lies with the Cadian Helmet, its lack of a brim just seems...wrong. The old metal helemets were much better. I hated them from the moment i saw them, which was unfortunate as i wanted a cadian army and the Guard was crying out for plastic cadians for years.

So have at you- which model or part most disappointed you when it came out and why?

08-01-2010, 03:23 PM
Nagash. Sweet Mercy, Nagash. I was about fourteen, and didn't really like Fantasy. Then , White Dwarf had this epic, epic description of Nagash's origins. It was amazing. Next month, the mini would be released. I invested in some skeletions, actually buying an army on the strength of this story, awaiting the model of this uber-necromancer... then they released what can only be described as the worst model GW have ever, ever done. Words cannot do justice to this explosive rectal prolapse of a miniature. I was awaiting a three-inch high Greater Daemon of Undeath, and what I got was a crossdressing juggalo. How / why gary Morley got to keep his job as a "sculptor" afterwards is beyond me.

Behold: http://www.coolminiornot.com/213681

Also, every model for the Necromunda line ever. Having awaited it after being a massive fan of the "Confrontation" game that preceded it, every single one of those cack-handed turkeys is a disgrace. From their massive hands to the total lack of knowledge of basic human anatomy, not one of those models is worth owning. I love Necromunda, I just use Infinity miniatures now. Soooo much nicer.

Agree totally that the Cadian helmet is godawful. This is not a problem if you've discovered the wonderful Pig-Iron miniatures replacement heads.

However, if we're going with biggest disappointment of all?

No female Guardsmen / Marines.

Seriously, what the hell is that about? I want my powered-armoured Vasquez! I want Buffy Summers in Terminator armour! I want Faith leading my Cadians. I want Willow Rosenberg as my Primaris Psyker. I want Cameron Baum and Catherine Weaver as Advisors. The fact that there's not one single female Guardsman or Marine is shameful. Anyone who quotes the Marine fluff that "all marines are male", well, fair enough. You enjoy the company of men so much, good for you; why can't I have female Marines (who don't wear corsets)? Considering how all-inclusive the 40K canon is, you think there'd be some by now.

And as for female Guardsmen, what "every Cadian can strip a lasgun by age five" except the 51% of the population who make up the girls? Where's my female grunts?

Yeah. Bit of a personal bugbear. At least Privateer Press get it right.

08-01-2010, 03:32 PM
Agreed, Malton. There really isn't a good reason why female guard models are so rare (only 1-2 oop models, as far as I'm aware). Eldar and Tau could use a few female models, too, at least as Forgeworld options.

I also really dislike the new plastic Horrors of Tzeentch. Too cartoony, and they had so much potential to be awesome.

08-01-2010, 03:39 PM
Nagash is pretty terrible,

the necromunda minitures on the otehr hand are very close to my heart particularly the escher models (which could be used as female guard) ok the goliath and spyrer models are rubbish and van saar aren't much better but the rest of the range is up there with anything games workshop has ever done. Ever.

08-01-2010, 05:46 PM
I agree with Lerra, the new Horrors are U-G-L-Y. Feed the person who sculpted that to the Squigs.

08-01-2010, 05:53 PM
My 2 cents

Khan from the current SM codex- the fact they didn't even make it so you could pop his torso on a biker is ridiculous.

The old medal Venerable Dread was horrible.

The entire Catachan and Dark Eldar ranges.

The new possessed CSM look good, but they just look too "slick" for the range. I can't explain. I much prefer the old metal ones.

The old ork bikers/trukks/buggies etc. where the drivers are half the size of a regualr ork boy.

Angelus Mortifer
08-01-2010, 05:56 PM
Nagash, and old school Lemartes for sure..

Dreg Warpspawn
08-01-2010, 05:56 PM
The Plastic Daemonettes are beautiful! They are lovely! Slaanesh makes such pretty toys!

But ugly models? Daemon Princes. If I wanted a giant Chaos Space Marine I'd probably be playing CSM and not Chaos Daemons. I like that the new one has many parts to do conversions, but didn't see anything particularly Slaaneshi, more's the pity. Other than that, I'm pretty happy with GWs models! They make some of the finest around!

--- Dreg

08-01-2010, 07:41 PM
Nagash, and old school Lemartes for sure..

That Nagash mini is pretty epic fail. And who can forget old Lemartes with his Mardi Gras Crozus!

The new Demonette minis have been one of the few that I feel are a step down from their predecessors.

08-01-2010, 10:03 PM
The recent Chaos Lord on Steed. It is just so static. If they had made the horse somewhat dynamic in its pose, it would be a definite purchase for me.

Basically all the Dark Elves look like their faces have been microwaved, in my opinion.


08-01-2010, 10:28 PM
While I am not personally a WFB player, I cannot help but shake my head in disbelief every time I see one of those Darl Elf hydras. What? Are they bulimic or anorexic? Their heads and necks make up 70+ percent of their mass. How the heck do they stand up? Awful. And in this day and age no less.

08-01-2010, 10:29 PM
The Possessed that came out with Medusa V. Jesus.

New horrors, new daemonettes. (Although they are closer to the fluff)

Dark Eldar Archon. The one with the... clown face and... power fist? Or is it a power claw? Agoniser?

08-02-2010, 12:44 AM
Termagants. Has anyone ever tried putting these guys in area terrain, or on a slope? They don't even stand up on flat ground most of the time. And they have slotta-bases so you can't put big, fat copper coins on the bottom to counter-weight them.

Mike X
08-02-2010, 01:26 AM
Seriously, what the hell is that about? I want my powered-armoured Vasquez! I want Buffy Summers in Terminator armour! I want Faith leading my Cadians. I want Willow Rosenberg as my Primaris Psyker. I want Cameron Baum and Catherine Weaver as Advisors. The fact that there's not one single female Guardsman or Marine is shameful. Anyone who quotes the Marine fluff that "all marines are male", well, fair enough. You enjoy the company of men so much, good for you; why can't I have female Marines (who don't wear corsets)? Considering how all-inclusive the 40K canon is, you think there'd be some by now.


And as for female Guardsmen, what "every Cadian can strip a lasgun by age five" except the 51% of the population who make up the girls? Where's my female grunts?

The fluff says there's plenty of female guard, so I have to agree that it's silly they haven't even made a single female guardsman model. I wonder why that is.

08-02-2010, 01:46 AM
The fluff says there's plenty of female guard, so I have to agree that it's silly they haven't even made a single female guardsman model. I wonder why that is.

They have. Two off the top of my head - there was a Catachan with a grenade launcher and "Rocket Girl" in the Last Chancer set - I think both are hard to obtain obtain now.

In terms on my least favourite figure - Colonel Commissar Gaunt. A great background and a figure that looked like it was mincing over the battlefield.

08-02-2010, 04:19 AM
you still can buy the last chancers which have 2 female models



08-02-2010, 05:59 AM
I'm not much of a fan of the new possessed models either. The reason I don't like them is because they're possed marines. Its the marine that should look demonic- not his armour. Ive seen some great old models and conversions where the demonic marine was bursting out of his amour and the understated space marine armour emphasised the demonic natre of the marine. Just my $.02

08-02-2010, 07:50 AM
After looking at the Last Chancers, I think I see why there are no female guardsmen models. With their flak armor bikinis, they are always the first to die.

08-02-2010, 08:13 AM
After looking at the Last Chancers, I think I see why there are no female guardsmen models. With their flak armor bikinis, they are always the first to die.

Even in the warzones of the 41st millenium a woman has to look good!

Either that or the sculptor is a 14 year old boy!

08-02-2010, 08:22 AM
Guess I'm strange. I LIKED most of the old Dark Eldar stuff (except the Mandrakes and Grotesques).

I would have to Nominate the Old Wolf Scouts, about 2 or 3 versions ago. I think GW changed the molds at least once since then because most SW players either used the regular scouts or customised their own...

In the Fantasy Line - I never liked the Karl Franz model. Yes, he's a Emperor and should look more "glitzy" than a standard Elector Count, but he is also a reknown FIGHTING Warrior! The model with all those ribbons and crap was too much for me. I put Karl in the Bitz Box somewhere and made a new rider for the Griffon.

08-02-2010, 11:03 AM
Hmmm, I can't really think of any off hand, im not a great fan pf the daemonette models but then again none of the Slaanesh stuff ever appealed to me so I'm not really bothered.
Also I like the possessed models, yes the armour's mutated because the daemon inhabits the body of the the possessed marine and the daemon's mutating influence leads the armour itself to twist and change, and in that process some of the armour does indeed fuse with the daemon/marine, remember that the daemon doesn't distinguish where the marine ends and the armour begins, especially seeing as the two are attached to each other.

08-02-2010, 12:16 PM
Guess I'm strange. I LIKED most of the old Dark Eldar stuff (except the Mandrakes and Grotesques).

You are not alone. But the Archon with the Agoniser is a pretty bad sculpt - his female counterpart therefore ist a beauty with the coolest haircut in the 40K universe:cool:

The 3rd Ed. Deamonettes were ugly as warp with their big crab-like-claws.

08-02-2010, 12:47 PM
And i'm gonna be really controversial and say it.

I cannot stand the new Sanguinor model.

All that man is doing is puffing out his chest and shouting "look at my shiny man nipples!". I really realy hate that model. Were i to do a BA army (unlikely), i'd make my own out of sanguinary guard and something else...

08-02-2010, 12:48 PM
Even in the warzones of the 41st millenium a woman has to look good!

Either that or the sculptor is a 14 year old boy!

Gee, I wonder which one it is, considering how pretty much all female minis look? Yeah, I'm going with the 'maturity of a 14 year old' here.

Mycroft Holmes
08-02-2010, 01:05 PM
All that man is doing is puffing out his chest and shouting "look at my shiny man nipples!". I really realy hate that model. Were i to do a BA army (unlikely), i'd make my own out of sanguinary guard and something else...

I wouldn't say it's terrible, but it's not good by any stretch of the imagination.

IG RoughRiders.
I really like the idea of humans from less technically adept planets still being required to provide their quota to the Empire and sending their best cavalry.

Except all we have are terrible horse sculpts and stupid mongol hats. Lame.


Bedroom General
08-03-2010, 02:54 AM
I think that the obliterators are a seriously ugly lump of fail, I can't buy them just for the crappy leg poses alone, not to mention the woeful upper body and arms, marshmallow I say!!
I still use my old models, wrong, and too small (they are based on 40mm however) but so much better.
I'd buy new Oblits in a second if'n they didn't suck.

Commissar Lewis
08-03-2010, 04:24 AM
My opinions:

- Lack of female Guard models. My regiment is an equal opportunity army, dammit.
- The new Straken model (wish it was the pose from his art pic in the codex)
- the new plastic Daemonettes. My god they are terrible IMO. I got into several debates with a GW redshirt about this. Well, it was more just my voicing my contempt for the new models and his saying "nah man".

08-03-2010, 06:33 AM
I personally don't like the Bretonnian Damsels. I know they kind of fit the fluff and all but in an army full of heavily armoured knights i have some bint in a ball gown and pointy hat sitting sideways on her horse! At least have her casting or riding like she means it.

Other than that i agree with the Nagash model.

08-03-2010, 08:20 AM
I think that the obliterators are a seriously ugly lump of fai

I had COMPLETELY forgotten those things. What an utter atrocity (and not in the way they're supposed to be). They really couldn't be any worse, and they're so outrageously expensive too! I'd just get the Fantasy Flight "Doom" Boardgame and use the Mancubi from that instead. Lovely sculpts. (Plus you can use the Cyberdemons as Daemon Princes, and the Hell Knights as Chaos Ogryns.)

I don't get why the hate for the new Daemonettes; the old ones were just as cack-handed. At least the new ones have the awesome flowing hair. They could do with being a bit more "Hellraiser", but you know, they'll do.

The new Horrors aren't great; they're just not Chaotic enough.

All that man is doing is puffing out his chest and shouting "look at my shiny man nipples!"

Isn't that the definition of most Space Marines? :p In all seriousness, I do like the Sanguinor sculpt; I just wish it was plastic, because those metal wings are just too damn heavy.

08-03-2010, 10:23 AM
Howabout the lame excuses for Greater Daemons? Great Unclean Ones have terrible sculpts, either frog-face or the What-the-hell-were-they-thinking tongue/vomit thingy option. Let us also not forget the Keeper of Secrets. Nothing says overindulgence like a cow-headed, crab-clawed beastie with overpronounced nipples and one hand giving you the shocker. Yeesh.

08-03-2010, 11:29 AM
i actually really like the gaunt model, the pose is very active. the only reason that it looks odd is that the mini is realisticly proportioned rather than all the other comissars' who have clearly been stealing the ogryns' 'roids

08-03-2010, 12:52 PM
The models I hate the most are the chaos daemons beast of nurgle, I doubt anybody has bought one its the worst sculp I've ever seen. I also hate all the dragon ogres and chaos ogres, they're just terrible. The tomb kings carrion is also terrible.

Laughing God
08-03-2010, 03:12 PM

Worse models I can think of. So much potential, yet so very dissapointing.

08-04-2010, 09:07 AM
Rough Riders. God only knows...WHY oh WHY no Cadian rough riders?????

08-04-2010, 05:08 PM
Another bad model is that Canis guy for SW. He looks terrible; and the pose is such that people (with low self esteem :D) who play them cannot easily convert the model. Thus, I see the slavering hordes of SW players looking for alternative models.

08-04-2010, 06:29 PM
Howabout the lame excuses for Greater Daemons? Great Unclean Ones have terrible sculpts, either frog-face or the What-the-hell-were-they-thinking tongue/vomit thingy option. Let us also not forget the Keeper of Secrets. Nothing says overindulgence like a cow-headed, crab-clawed beastie with overpronounced nipples and one hand giving you the shocker. Yeesh.

Agreed, most of the greater daemon sculpts just aren't there...

08-04-2010, 06:31 PM
Rough Riders. God only knows...WHY oh WHY no Cadian rough riders?????

If you go back far enough, there are non-mogolian rough riders with helmets or slouch hats.

As for the SW rending squirrel. The less said about it the better. I think I even prefer the killer clown to it (Nagash).

I can't speak for the cadian helmets. I've not used any of them (Pig Iron look so much better).
The entire line of catachan plastics are pretty crap (including the new command squads).

08-05-2010, 02:49 AM
st celistines face.. the rest of the model is beautiful but the face has 2 massive problems

1) the lips, THE SIZE OF THEM (and the pained by gw pic dosnt help what were they thinking when they painted it)

2) theres a bit of hair RIGHT where the eye sholud be>:(:mad: if you pint the eye and have a tiny bit of blcak shadows on the hair the eye/hair blent together >:(

08-05-2010, 02:55 AM
Aun'va's honour guards. They are just bobbins and completely out of character with the rest of the army. I actually quite like the aun'va model itself but only as an objective marker.

08-05-2010, 04:16 AM
The Canis model itself is a nice model, its the pose i dislike. In fact it seems to be the poses i dislike more than the sculps themselves on most models i can think of.

Canis, how does he ride the thing? He has no reigns or anything to hold on to and good luck trying to grab hold of the wolf with those gigantic lightning claws!

Eldar Jetbikes, while a little dated now i like the models. But the positioning of the rider is all wrong. Look at the Dark Eldar rider, hugging the petrol tank like a racer on a sports motorbike would do. Ie to reduce wind resistance and to avoid being blown out of the saddle. Now look at the Eldar one and he is sat upright like he is cruising along at 20mph. He also gives off a bigger target to shoot at.

Now i know i am arguing the realism of futuristic space elves riding jetbikes and super humans riding mutant wolves but surely a little real life research wouldn't go amiss?

08-05-2010, 07:32 AM
Wait....rending squirrels? I'm sure this is in reference to a model, but now the Rough Riders for my IG army must ride the most feared of all animals...THE SQUIRREL!!!!! :D:D:D:D

Unzuul the Lascivious
08-05-2010, 07:48 AM
Surely the worst miniature ever has to be Inquisitor Karamazov or whatver the retards name is? A giant Throne on legs? How the hell does this guy fight from it? Stands on the seat and swipes downward with his sword? Does he get off it, what? And where is the TV remote and six pack of beer? Absolute bosh.

There are a lot of clumsy sculpts of female characters knocking about. Sisters of Battle are crying out for plastics. I don't think there is enough t its and as s in the game IMHO - if there were some super sexy female combatants I'd be buying up like no tomorrow. The Sisters Repentia were cool, but they were awful to paint, the castings were really naff in places, and they needed to be flashing more flesh for me. This is because I am a pervert, so don't feel you need to point this out to me!!!

The old Ragnar model is a bit of a turd, as is the old Ulrik the Slayer model - now out of sync with the scale of new models and just a pain to paint. I like the Ulrik model, it's cool, but he's supposed to be a close combat hero, and he's smaller than a standard Wolf is now. Canis model is alright-ish.

The biggest heap of festering excrement has got to be that heap of festering excrement the Beast of Nurgle. I have never, ever considered using it, as the model is woeful. Not keen on Possessed Chaos Marines, the Archon with the stretchy skin face is laughable and I dislike every single Tau model that's been made cos they're based on Gundam, so obviously trying to get more Japs interested....

Phew, rant over but it felt GOOD!

08-05-2010, 07:49 PM
Rough Riders. God only knows...WHY oh WHY no Cadian rough riders?????

I know...

that is why I am going get Tallarn Rough Riders or start a Space Marine Bike army & make it so when I get Scout bikers I can make Guardsmen on bikes with demo packs or something to replace hunting lances.

anyway... the only model that I was disappointed with is Vulkan He'stan...:(

08-07-2010, 03:25 AM
For those who dislike the Possessed... I hated them when I'd only seen them in pictures from GW, not counting glances from across the room. But one day I was checking out what I had left in a kit I only bought because my lovingly converted Apostle needed bits. After a while I began to feel there was a lot of potential still in that box.

Some of the Possessed parts are hideous, and I'm not a real fan of how GW built theirs. GW's ones also suffer from GW's quirk of painting fangs that look to be on loan from Buggs Bunny. However, once I'd examined the sprue in person, I realized you can do better. You might have to give 4 of them dibs on parts, or bits box in a couple of things lower in booga booga, but still. There are some damn nice models to be found under the extra layer of rawr.

The key IMO is to avoid fully gluing them before you have the squad posed. They're potentially really dynamic, but it's easy to make them look disproportionate or awkward, and I couldn't always work with my first idea. Swapping/shuffling parts and tweaking joint angles had to be done with the whole squad's posing visible, otherwise I'd have backed myself into corners and my figures would look like spastic tourette's patients. I'd assemble the legs and torsos, but use sticky tac for everything else (parts and making them stand how you want), avoid finalizing any until the whole squad looks right.

Here's a couple I'm about to start painting:

(oh... oblits I hate, gun arms does not constitute a complete design concept. There's also this guy (http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/productDetail.jsp?catId=cat440108a&prodId=prod2020002), who clearly owes his existence to a bet and a bag of pot.)

08-07-2010, 05:06 AM
Come on, Unzuul, Inquisitor Lord Kamarov(sp?) is such a badass model. XD He's so 40k.

Let's see, for models I hate...

I hate the metal plaguemarines. Not so much because of the sculpt (which admittedly needs some work) but because true to their rotting names, they always seem to break on me. :/

Personally, I don't understand the hate on the plastic horrors...they really represent the ever-changing/mutating part of Tzeentch's minions if you ask me. My only quip is that they're not grinning. :(

Imperial Guard Stormtroopers look kind of challenged with those helmets, if you ask me. I much prefer the Kasrkin models and would substitute them for Stormtroopers if I ever made an IG army.

This guy: http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/productDetail.jsp?catId=cat500024a&prodId=prod1690009

I love the armor, but the pose is just...well...look at him. He looks like he should be hosting a show about how to brighten up that nice new dungeon on a budget, or armor tips for the fashion-conscious Northman.

And all metal terminators.

08-07-2010, 05:26 AM
Ragnar, I play space wolves but I have always hated that model. Who stands like that!!!!

08-07-2010, 06:27 AM
After just getting the gw email about the daemons release, I have to retract my initial thoughs and say the new horrors are just so...poorly done it boggles the mind.

Unzuul the Lascivious
08-10-2010, 07:17 AM
There's also this guy (http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/productDetail.jsp?catId=cat440108a&prodId=prod2020002), who clearly owes his existence to a bet and a bag of pot.)

This IS the worst miniature ever. This thread can stop now.

08-10-2010, 07:58 AM
For me, the worst mini is Ulrik´s one, of the Space Wolves.

They never changed it from the 3rd Edition and now, beside the new minis of Njal it literally stinks

Vaddok Sek
08-11-2010, 10:56 AM
-The Empire state troops, I hate these because they are not as variable in thier modelability (word I just made up) and they just arent as cleanly cast and sculpted as the 6th edition plastic and metal ones were.
-I also think the Empire wizards suffer from this too, they are just not dynamic in how they can be posed and they have no way to mount them on horses, I had to convert the HE Archmage for this.
-Hate the Balthazar Gelt model, you think the master of alchemy would be able to a afford a better looking mask and robe.

-I am dissapointed that they have not done anything with the rough rider models or even brought back the Khamir one. (Forge World excepted)
-The Sanguinary Guard with the Schumacher nips.

08-12-2010, 04:06 AM
Wait....rending squirrels? I'm sure this is in reference to a model, but now the Rough Riders for my IG army must ride the most feared of all animals...THE SQUIRREL!!!!! :D:D:D:D

The mount of Canis wolfborn. The rending squirrel. "Fenrisian wolves" have rending.

Whatever model he is riding, bares as much resemblance to a WOLF as it does a squirrel. More of a squirrel and a particularly retarded one at that.

This is even taking into account that the "Fenrisian wolf" is probably no member of the canis lupus family, just that it fulfills the same role as that terran carnivorous predator in its environmental niche.
It's local name just translates into "wolf".

08-12-2010, 09:52 AM
The mount of Canis wolfborn. The rending squirrel. "Fenrisian wolves" have rending.

Whatever model he is riding, bares as much resemblance to a WOLF as it does a squirrel. More of a squirrel and a particularly retarded one at that.

This is even taking into account that the "Fenrisian wolf" is probably no member of the canis lupus family, just that it fulfills the same role as that terran carnivorous predator in its environmental niche.
It's local name just translates into "wolf".

" There are no wolves on Fenris."

08-12-2010, 10:40 AM
Old lamartes model and current corbulo ... Nasty nasty stuff


08-13-2010, 05:42 AM
" There are no wolves on Fenris."

I was going to say that! (Just finished the book)

08-13-2010, 10:08 AM
Might I suggest that while looking fairly decent, the Tyranid Pyrovore is as useless in battle as a small soap dish.

08-14-2010, 12:48 AM
st celistines face.. the rest of the model is beautiful but the face has 2 massive problems

1) the lips, THE SIZE OF THEM (and the pained by gw pic dosnt help what were they thinking when they painted it)

2) theres a bit of hair RIGHT where the eye sholud be>:(:mad: if you pint the eye and have a tiny bit of blcak shadows on the hair the eye/hair blent together >:(
I have to disagree completely here. The entire model of St. Celestine the person is just amazing, and if there's a problem it is the pair of mongoloid demonic looking babies holding her veil aloft.

The model that is the worst in 40k, though, is probably The Sanguinor. My problems with him are pretty straightforward. First, to quote Phillip J. Fry, "Look at how all the perspective lines draw your eye straight to his dong." Seriously, this model should be so freaking awesome (look at some of the art they have for him! It's stunning!). Instead we have this guy uselessly waving a sword off in one hand and drunkenly sloshing a goblet around in the other (probably to represent that whoever designed this lump of crap was drunk and angry). Any of the normal Sanguinary Guard looks a thousand times more heroic and awe-inspiring than this doofus. Nearly all of the Vanguard Veterans are in poses similar to what we should see this guy doing.

I think that the real issue I have here is related to my prior opinion. The Sanguinor is 100% the Blood Angels character rip of the Sisters of Battle (they got two or thre of their weapons but even cooler, why not a character?). He's a big shiny doofus who is supposed to be the mysterious paragon of the Blood Angels. But where Celestine looks serene and composed in the midst of war, Sanguinor has this weird sort of "Look at me! Look at me! I can be cool too!" vibe.

Oh, and to second another opinion on here, the Bretonnion Damsels just need to go. Pro-tip: medieval armies were followed around by ugly women all over the places, and typically those were there to do some magic but not to cast spells, if you catch my meaning. In fact, most major royalty in France and England sort of had this problem where they openly detested women. So why a group of knights would gather around to protect a whore in the midst of a battle is beyond me.

08-18-2010, 03:54 AM
Agree totally that the Cadian helmet is godawful. This is not a problem if you've discovered the wonderful Pig-Iron miniatures replacement heads.

However, if we're going with biggest disappointment of all?

No female Guardsmen / Marines.

And as for female Guardsmen, what "every Cadian can strip a lasgun by age five" except the 51% of the population who make up the girls? Where's my female grunts?

Yeah. Bit of a personal bugbear. At least Privateer Press get it right.

Plastic Guard. All of them are ugly: Catachans are old and blocky and I couldn't agree more about the Cadian helmets. Hate them with a passion... Not sure about the pig iron heads... the masks need more detail I think (love the tanks though) http://www.lounge.belloflostsouls.net/photopost/imperial-guard/p1304-pig-iron-make-a-really.html

As for female guards, this is a bugbear of mine too and always has been. Make your own says I: http://www.lounge.belloflostsouls.net/photopost/imperial-guard/p1284-harker-28ish-29.html Body by forgeworld, head by Urban Mammoth, heavy bolter courtesy of Last Chancers, shoulder pad provided by Hive Fleet Lotan, scowl is models' own... Urban Mammoth and Hasslefree Miniatures are my usual stops for figures or parts for conversions... http://www.lounge.belloflostsouls.net/photopost/imperial-guard/p1282-captain-2c-psyker26amp-3b.html the psyker on the left if one of the best Hasslefree figs imo... they also have a range of heads which require a fair amount of sculpting... used to create the sniper on the right http://www.lounge.belloflostsouls.net/photopost/imperial-guard/p1411-female-sniper.html If in doubt, there is always Rocket Girl: who says she needs a flak bikini? http://www.lounge.belloflostsouls.net/photopost/imperial-guard/p1412-rocket-girl-reborn.html

08-19-2010, 09:25 PM
I had to stop lurking and join because of this thread. A couple good ones have been thrown out there (Obliterators look like bad necron conversions and Nagash looks bad, but at least he is old). The worst to me are:

40k: buck-tooth Tyranid Warriors (old, but clearly stupid looking)
fantasy: Orion from the Wood Elves, who seems to be a neptune-moose-minotaur with constipation.

From a concept POV, that Archon is one of the worst. Exactly what he was supposed to have was beyond me.

08-19-2010, 11:07 PM
I forgot about oblits... I hate those things!


08-20-2010, 10:52 AM
and possibly the space hulk models

*sees EVERyONE look at him oddly*

no whilst i LOVE the detail and pose there are some MASSIVE problems mainly: a foot blending into the knee (the guy bending down) amd loads of parts blending into each other ANDthe fact that im convinced they are plastic done in VACUFORMES 0_o

- rant over.

also the marine scouts. (i use cadins with marines arms and extra cadian sholders over the faceplates to give a judge dread esque look :D

oh and am i the ONLY person who likes the oblits ? i think they look pure cool !

08-20-2010, 11:32 AM
I can understand the space hulk concern...but they're gorgeous models

As for Obits...seems to polarize people. I like the concept, but the models don't quite live up to it

08-22-2010, 06:30 PM
How have I only just found this thread?

There's a good list to be made here but alot has been covered already - Dragon Ogres, Canis, Lemartes, all Van Sarr gangers from Necromunda, all Catachan IG (there's OTT and too OTT). Also pretty much anything Mike McVey did as a sculptor, especialy his Lemartes and Dark Reapers (which are still going) and even more so the horrible 2nd version of the Striking Scorpions.

However, the most modern travesty for me has to be one that's escaped mention yet...the Razorgor!
I'm kinda lost for words about this model, I just totally, completely, utterly disapprove!

My all time favourite rubbish model though isn't really a model, it's a whole range!


Now, as my name suggests, I LOVED this game and miss it a lot - the Rebel Grots are still some of my favourite models. The Orks though. The Orks produced for this were disgusting. Puny, 2D and couldn't stand up. They had the same physical build as the Diggas (humans) who also had pretty poor models. Thank Gork and Mork that GW found Brian Nelson around the same time - I switched my mob to he 'new' Orks overnight!

08-22-2010, 06:43 PM
Honestly? The Chimera.

It was ok before the remould, with the blockish armor plating at the sides. Now that they have flattened it down, it just looks...pfft. The turret is piddly, even for a LAV/APC, which gives it a distinct lack of gravitas.

Just needs to be more...chunky.

08-23-2010, 12:40 AM
Agreed, Malton. There really isn't a good reason why female guard models are so rare (only 1-2 oop models, as far as I'm aware). Eldar and Tau could use a few female models, too, at least as Forgeworld options.

I also really dislike the new plastic Horrors of Tzeentch. Too cartoony, and they had so much potential to be awesome.

Banshee's, and the last box of guardians I put together had female torso's.

I really don't see a problem with it, as the Eldar are a dying race, would you send all the females to war? Granted, I'm assuming they spawn in the same fashion we do. This leads us to A) they're trying to protect them, to prolong the race or possbly save it, or B) there are next to none left, hence why they're dying off.

08-23-2010, 12:44 AM
How have I only just found this thread?

There's a good list to be made here but alot has been covered already - Dragon Ogres, Canis, Lemartes, all Van Sarr gangers from Necromunda, all Catachan IG (there's OTT and too OTT). Also pretty much anything Mike McVey did as a sculptor, especialy his Lemartes and Dark Reapers (which are still going) and even more so the horrible 2nd version of the Striking Scorpions.

I'd have to agree that the reapers were pretty bad. The second versions (just skull helmets) were awesome and I can't believe they stopped making them. Glad I grabbed a whole crap load when I had the chance.

08-23-2010, 05:42 AM
Beeen away from Bols for a while on Hols.

Just noticed someone mention the Pyrovore- Am I the only one who think it looks incredibly Phallic?

08-23-2010, 07:14 AM
Nope, the Tyranid collecting houswife in our games group refers to her pyrovores (which she uses for novelty rather than effectiveness, I understand) as her 'ejac-ulating* 'nid super-phalluses'.

*Wordfilter, lol.

Ordo Dakka
08-24-2010, 09:43 PM
The cat-thing-wolf that Canus Wolfborn rides and the Beastmen Minotaur. I can give them a free pass on old models, but those are BRAND NEW.

I don't know why they don't like women, I'm an 18 year old guy and i'd still buy an all-girl guard army. Girls with guns are bad ***.

09-05-2010, 02:38 AM
This thing *


the first necron model in almost a decade- and it looks like some kind of giant cockroach

* going by what i've seen and if it does turn out to be a necron model.

09-05-2010, 01:53 PM
old Lemon Russ model by gw. It really failed to inspire what I think of primarchs not to mention the mighty Lemon Russ.

09-05-2010, 04:51 PM
It took 63 posts, but yep:
has to be the WFB Beastman Razorgor!

09-06-2010, 08:34 PM
You know, another bad model is that Thunderwolf guy. The pose is silly, and subsequently almost useless for conversions for those who can bring themselves to play Space Doggies. :p

09-07-2010, 01:14 AM
I also logged on for the first time because of this thread. Some hilarious stuff for sure!

Naggash easily takes it for me. Just dang. How can Morely live with himself?

All of the redesigns of the aspect warriors are bad too (maybe save the Dire Avengers) Jes's originals were so perfect. Why even mess with them. (Especially if you're not Jes?)

09-07-2010, 04:05 AM
All of the redesigns of the aspect warriors are bad too (maybe save the Dire Avengers) Jes's originals were so perfect. Why even mess with them. (Especially if you're not Jes?)

See that i disagree with. The new ones are significant'y better than the old ones...particularly the scorpions, banshees and avengers.

09-17-2010, 10:27 AM
This thing *


the first necron model in almost a decade- and it looks like some kind of giant cockroach

* going by what i've seen and if it does turn out to be a necron model.

I was right all along, its too terrible to be a new model. How disappointingly undisappointing.

The Nagash Model is coming in for a lot of flak, in its defence it is older than some of the people at my FLGS

09-17-2010, 01:19 PM
no whilst i LOVE the detail and pose there are some MASSIVE problems mainly: a foot blending into the knee (the guy bending down) amd loads of parts blending into each other ANDthe fact that im convinced they are plastic done in VACUFORMES 0_o !

Can I just say that snap fit models will always have this problem-my current island of blood minis are like that-not that bad though-love the griffon :D

In my opinion the eldar wraithguard look really boring with ridiculous helmets and sulky looking pose-they look like you could poke through their spongy looking helmets.

Sanctioned psykers are dull and out dated-that and a grand total of three poses. The primaris psyker is also in a silly pose (great detailing etc) he looks like he is contemplating his staff instead of doing what psykers do best.

09-17-2010, 01:20 PM
I have to agree that all the new aspect warriors look better than the originals.

As for horrible models I say the warlock with antlers, and the old harlequins. WTF???

09-18-2010, 02:29 PM
LotR Ent?

09-18-2010, 06:19 PM

wyches say hi!

09-19-2010, 09:56 AM
Now I think those models are quite characterful-you know dark eldar cruelty and insanity etc. I reckon they'd be good to paint, you can do all sorts of freehand tattoos, scars, and various other dark eldar features ( not to mention massive blood splatters :P )

09-21-2010, 12:38 AM
I wonder if after 12 years will anyone be disappointed by the new Dark Eldar?

09-21-2010, 01:13 AM
Of course. For many people in this hobby nothing will ever be good enough, and for others they simply won't appeal on an aesthetic level.

I wonder if after 12 years will anyone be disappointed by the new Dark Eldar?

09-21-2010, 01:42 PM
Those blurry photos looked kickass-how many people will start DE armies now???

Sister Rosette Soulknyt
09-21-2010, 08:29 PM
At my local gaming club, i know of one guy who will be over the moon with a new codex. He faithfully plays DE and surprisingly still wins, and is competitive with 5th ed armies.
Now with the chance to expand his army i am happy for him (he's a nice guy) and hope they are worth the long wait GW has made others like him endure.

I just hope they change that main SC, his head looks way to big and silly...cant remember his name.

09-22-2010, 01:09 AM
I wonder if after 12 years will anyone be disappointed by the new Dark Eldar?

Raises hand.

Well Im jumping the gun a bit cos Ive only seen some blurry Incubi pictures, but they left me cold.

Why? Well several reasons have got me worried.

The heads ,they look bad, chaos bad, srsly if they make Eldar chaos eldar I will be giving up on this game. maybe.... probably....

The swords, elegant? nope. Deadly? well yes in the way that butchers hooks and combine harvesters look deadly. The Incubi are blade masters , youd think theyd have more pride in what they weild . From those pictures they look like orks made them....badly....for grots.....as a joke...

Incubi were power armoured and looked it too, These bare a striking similarity in places to some of the old DE warrior legs ,in an Eldar guardian stance.

I really am worried now about the rest of the range. The whole sails on the raiders had me sceptical. These pictures have me nervous beyond all measure. 12 years I have waited 12 years for my first serious army of kickassery to get the look they deserved, and now it looks like its all gone horribly wrong.

I know Im in the minority , its my problem etc. I can only hope the warriors will bring me round again or the witches..... oh god I hadnt thought of the witches..... please dont screw up the witches too....

09-22-2010, 02:08 AM
I have to say I disagree with you. I don't see any more Chaotic influence than the previous incubi had (Drazhar had curly horns), and if anything they look both heavier and more elegant than the previous incarnation. As to the weapons, they look just like heavy hitting Dark Eldar weapons would look in my mind.

I will admit the Wyches are big concern of mine, too. If they aren't nice, I won't be restarting my Dark Eldar kabal (I also won't if they are Chaos Eldar or if the range in general is dissapointing). But based on the improvements in Incubi design I'm more hopeful than worried.

09-22-2010, 02:26 AM
Drazhar did have horns , but they flowed with the helmet, he had style and grace.

Old incubi=KISS

New Incubi=GWAR

Im trying to put a positive outlook on things but its hard. I thought the Incubi were 1 of only 3 things in the DE range that looked good, so at least I still have my old ones to use. The new ones Id have to do head and weapon swaps.

Oooh oooh I just thought of how theyd fit perfectly. If a haemonculus had incubi bodyguards, then theyd fit.

09-22-2010, 02:33 AM
Oh and my most disappointing mini, well its not overly gross but Im thoroughly shocked that they havent made a new mini for Ragnar Blackmane. He looks hideously dated compared to the new wolf minis. That and the old Lemartes , awful model.

09-25-2010, 11:25 AM
I would have to vote for the dark eldar warp beast, its like some kind of killer skinned cat! = Fail

Súil Dubh
09-25-2010, 03:32 PM
Abaddon (http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/productDetail.jsp?catId=cat440207a&prodId=prod1090206) - I was never really impressed with this sculpt. It's not terrible, but I don't think it captures the majesty and brutality of the "most powerful Chaos Lord to plague the universe since Horus".

I think Forge World's Lord Zhufor (http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/Warhammer-40000/Chaos/VEHICLES_INFANTRY_AND_ACCESSORIES/KHORNE-WORLD-EATERS-TERMINATOR-LORD-ZHUFOR.html) model is ten times more imposing. Games Workshop (or Forge World!) really need to come up with a better Abaddon at some point.

Similarly, the new Forge World Lugft Huron (http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/New_Stuff/LUGFT-HURON-CHAPTER-MASTER-OF-THE-ASTRAL-CLAWS.html) surpasses the Huron Blackheart (http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/productDetail.jsp?catId=cat440207a&prodId=prod1090212) model. I like the Huron Blackheart sculpt, I think it's great, but Lugft Huron is bigger, badder, and better in all ways. The Chaotic version of Huron is supposed to be more intimidating than the Imperial version, not the other way round.

Just my two bolter shells.

09-26-2010, 02:57 AM
I actually quite like the abaddon mini- I've heard loads of people complain about it, and seen tutorials on how to make "better" versions on line. It is old, but i can still remember the first time i saw it (long before i ever started warhammer) maybe I oughta give you a black eye:p

zhufbor is cool tho

10-03-2010, 06:41 AM
I was looking for a new expansion for my bloodbowl team and was, to say the least, disappointed by what I came across. I think we might have a new winner in the worst model catagory.

Poorly sculpted- check
Contrary to the fluff- Check
Eye-gougingly awful and potentially soul destroying- check


*still not as bad as the cadian helmets IMHO.

10-03-2010, 07:29 AM

Gotta Quote Predator 2:

"You're One Ugly Mother F@&$*$"

10-03-2010, 07:33 AM
This is what happens when you don't wear a properly fitted brassiere.

I was looking for a new expansion for my bloodbowl team and was, to say the least, disappointed by what I came across. I think we might have a new winner in the worst model catagory.

Poorly sculpted- check
Contrary to the fluff- Check
Eye-gougingly awful and potentially soul destroying- check


*still not as bad as the cadian helmets IMHO.

10-04-2010, 11:29 AM
I was looking for a new expansion for my bloodbowl team and was, to say the least, disappointed by what I came across. I think we might have a new winner in the worst model catagory.

Poorly sculpted- check
Contrary to the fluff- Check
Eye-gougingly awful and potentially soul destroying- check


*still not as bad as the cadian helmets IMHO.

But this the way they look - shes meant to be ugly. If you look for some nicer orc-cheerleadrs, check shadowforge out.

10-05-2010, 05:55 AM
This is what happens when you don't wear a properly fitted brassiere.

No, this is what happens when guys search for "hot nude cheer leader image" on a computer that has learned thier (normally Warhammer based) search preferances! ;)

10-05-2010, 06:10 AM
-This is meant to look ugly too

but despite looking like the girl i lost my virginity to is still a great model.

- I can imagine dwarf players having the exact opposite problem. God alone knows what searching for squats would produce.

10-05-2010, 11:56 AM
The heads ,they look bad, chaos bad, srsly if they make Eldar chaos eldar I will be giving up on this game. maybe.... probably....

The swords, elegant? nope. Deadly? well yes in the way that butchers hooks and combine harvesters look deadly. The Incubi are blade masters , youd think theyd have more pride in what they weild . From those pictures they look like orks made them....badly....for grots.....as a joke...

Incubi were power armoured and looked it too, These bare a striking similarity in places to some of the old DE warrior legs ,in an Eldar guardian stance.

I think chaos eldar isn't such a bad idea-after all the dark eldar came into existence just before they gave birth to slaanesh. The blades aren't badly made but there supposed to look lethal and cruel- I can imagine the wounds inflicted by them. They are devoted to destruction and fighting so thats what they would be like.

BTW I love the new incubi :D

10-05-2010, 05:11 PM
There's been a lot of debate on the incubi- but what about the mandrakes- they're very different, almost WOW like in their design

10-06-2010, 06:57 AM
There's been a lot of debate on the incubi- but what about the mandrakes- they're very different, almost WOW like in their design

I like the top half, not keen on the bottom half , so I`ll be converting mine.

Having seen the new incubi next to the old I have to say I`ll probably buy new ones, and convert them too. They might look good with the hellion weapons, and new heads.

10-06-2010, 07:22 AM
Nothing dissapointed me.


10-13-2010, 02:44 AM
Cortez, end of. No model worse. The SM tank commander is bad aswell. Old orks.... I see what your saying but at the time they were amazing. Darkeldar did suck, that's been rectified now. Almost All Necromunda were amazing models!!!!

Never had a problem with cadian heads. Female guard should be more seen however female SMs no such thing, that would be the reason.

11-11-2010, 12:04 PM
after months of waiting sadly this makes the list

Most of the Kitbashed versions I've seen are better. The cockpit and twin linked lascannon are nice, and they've certainly captured the flying landraider feel, but its a bit too stubby- it looks like it would drop like a stone. Its like they put all the effort into the front half, and none into the back

maybe It'll look more aero dynamic once the dreadnaught is attached. Maybe I'm too quick to judge on just one photo as well- what do you guys think?

Drew da Destroya
11-11-2010, 01:36 PM
It's times like this that make me glad I don't play Marines of any color.

11-13-2010, 04:38 PM
my friend said- "it looks like it put the drop into drop ship

11-13-2010, 04:39 PM
my friend said- "it looks like it put the drop into drop ship"

Kieranator K82
11-14-2010, 11:45 PM
Of the most recent era, the Stormraven. ^
'Nuff Said.

11-15-2010, 12:21 AM
Maybe the ugliness will keep people away from cheesing the damn thing to death in the game

11-15-2010, 03:33 AM
I still say loose the top turret and air intake and it will look a LOT better.

11-15-2010, 07:03 AM
I still say loose the top turret and air intake and it will look a LOT better.



11-15-2010, 07:35 AM
I think it looks really cool, you guys are weird...I feel the same way about the new Incubi as well.

11-15-2010, 07:44 AM
We really need to see more angles (come on GW, the cat's already out of the bag), but I'll definitely be making some changes to mine to bulk out the tail section.

11-15-2010, 12:07 PM
If they would have done something like the dropships from Starship Troopers then the boxiness could have worked, but it looks like someone just kitbashed a Land Raider and a Valkerire

11-15-2010, 12:49 PM
For me the most dissapointing mini would definitely be ever single Space Marine miniature GW has created. For me I think the GW space marine looks really ugly and silly looking

Of course thousands of people love them, so obviously my opinion is just a minority - I just have to say that folks' love for those guys is just something I find completely baffling. Different strokes I guess *shrug*

11-15-2010, 02:42 PM
I'm not too thrilled with the basic tactical marine model tbh. It doesn't get my jollies off. The assault marine looks cooler - and the Sanguinary Guard are simply awesome.

The terminators are pretty great models as well but I think thats what a basic marine should look like, and a terminator should be sized between what it is now, and a dread.

11-18-2010, 10:20 AM
I love the Storm Raven. It looks bulky, large and inefficient. Sums of the Imperium of Man nicely.

These things aren't supposed to be sleek, aerodynamic fighters; they should be blocks of crap that make you wonder how they can even fly.

01-17-2011, 08:57 AM
Now that we've seen more of the storm raven are people still disappointed? I know I am.

01-17-2011, 09:14 AM
the storm raven looks like a landraider with wings....its butt ugly. as for my worst mini it has to be the original dark eldar warriors, they look like a 2 year old sculped them.

01-17-2011, 06:30 PM
I kinda expected Marbo to be better looking and the Warp Spider Exacrh disapoints me as well

01-17-2011, 06:53 PM
the new storm raven is about as ugly as a gutter ho on a 5 day crack binge

the worst thing they have ever produced vehicle wise and then expect us to pay 100 bux for it no way jose

01-18-2011, 08:49 PM
I don't like the look of this model either. I think some of the pictures of scrap-made stormravens posted on the web look a lot better.
Well, actually, I also found some really weird-looking models when I looked on the web for stromravens pics:


When you strike at the Imperium, the Imperium strikes back!!!

01-18-2011, 11:57 PM
From that picture, I don't think the Multi Melta would ever have line of sight to anything in the front of the Storm raven, lol... seriously though I love some of the stuff people in our hobby do.

TBH: I like the storm raven model, the more I see it the better it gets.


01-19-2011, 04:19 AM
love it.

here's the real deal from multiple angles. http://anythingbutones.blogspot.com/2011/01/hot-off-press-stormraven-and.html

looks a bit better, what do you think?

01-19-2011, 09:29 AM
You people are crazy. The stormraven looks GREAT. Everyone who claims to hate on the stormraven but just fall over themselves in praise of the thunderhawk are pretty silly considering they use the same visual cues.

And the kitbashed models all look like absolute garbage compared to the new model.

01-19-2011, 10:51 AM
Well the model is now ready to pre order and i really like it ive already ordered 2 and the dreadnought is really nice 2

01-19-2011, 03:39 PM
Actually, I don't really like the look of the thunderhawk either. :(

When I see a stormraven or a thunderhawk, I just think: WTH??? this thing is supposed to fly?

I know the stormraven was supposed to look like a "flying land raider", so I guess it's normal if it looks that way, but I simply don't like the idea of a "flying tank". I know it's the 41st millenium and mankind has mastered mysterious aspects of physics, but still, couldn't GW have made a more aerodynamic look for the stormraven?:confused: