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View Full Version : Alpha Legion Color Question

08-14-2009, 02:16 PM
I'm in the middle of painting my squad of Chaos Chosen SM in the colors of Alpha Legion. At the moment I've got the Armor color that I want but I have no idea what colors to paint their cloaks. I tried purple, but it looked rather hideous. I'm leaning towards a dark green ala Dark Angels Green.




If the picture doesn't show, you can see their current paint scheme on my blog HERE! (http://hotschnitzel.blogspot.com/)

08-14-2009, 07:11 PM
You could try a deep red on the cloaks, such as, Scab Red base followed by a light highlight of Blood Red-then wash it with either Baal Red or Gryphon Sepia.Yeah, i know xmas tree color is shunned by some but it would look nice! Other option could be a light tan, Kommando Khaki with a Devlin Mud wash or Ogryn Flesh wash. The Green you were leaning toward would just drown the model in one color,not good:), however if you can get good clean lines between the two different greens,i refer to as color seperation. Then yes it could turn out decent!
Happy painting:)

08-15-2009, 01:53 AM
Trying a blend of reds is pretty tempting. Maybe I'll try that one one....
For now I have an experimental green cloak one. I'm fairly happy with it, however it does seem to "drown" the model a bit like you said....



08-15-2009, 08:43 PM
Keep us posted, with pics, on how the painting goes. I have some A/legion to finish off and would be most interested in how yours turn out.

08-16-2009, 04:03 PM
Finished them this morning before heading into work.
This bumps me up to about 30 painting points for the year. Sadly, they've all been this past month. lol.

http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_sTv7H55XnBc/Soh8QAGflxI/AAAAAAAAACE/j_gg7pc04Bk/s200/alpha+legion+weapons+squad_1.JPG (http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_sTv7H55XnBc/Soh8QAGflxI/AAAAAAAAACE/j_gg7pc04Bk/s1600-h/alpha+legion+weapons+squad_1.JPG)
http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_sTv7H55XnBc/Soh8Qj5oiDI/AAAAAAAAACM/fN-T8ZFAL-I/s200/Ubaid+and+alpha+legion_1.JPG (http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_sTv7H55XnBc/Soh8Qj5oiDI/AAAAAAAAACM/fN-T8ZFAL-I/s1600-h/Ubaid+and+alpha+legion_1.JPG)

The only Marine I gave shoulder pad trim to was the Sgt, or rather, Aspiring Champion. I bit of boltgun metal really did him good. For the rest, any iconography on their chests was given a dash of bleach bone. Unorthodox as it doesn't go with the GW Alpha Legion scheme, but then again my paint scheme doesn't follow that anyways. :p
The entire squad is missing a shoulder pad still.... I plan on ordering up some scaly ones as soon as I get the chance. A 988 euro baggage claims robbed me of my hobby funds for the moment....
I'll also be painting up some flamers/meltas and a combi here soon to arm them all.

Also featured is my fallen chaplain Seti Ubaid, or Seti the Faithful. He's missing his wings at the moment... Never the less I'm quite happy with that model. It was also very fun to paint. Chaplain models are so wicked. They're even better when they're corrupted by the ruinous powers.