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View Full Version : IG orders and friendly units - Possibilities in Doubles Tournaments

08-14-2009, 01:51 PM
What possible tactics can result from IG units ordering allies in a doubles tournament setting e.g. space marine devstators receiving 'bring it down' or a fire warrior unit fleeing from a lost combat receiving 'get back in the fight'

08-14-2009, 01:55 PM
If the orders are allowed by the organizer, I think it's pretty self explanatory.

08-14-2009, 01:59 PM
I would say run it by your opponent first, if they say ok then ok, but only with other Imperium armies only, thats were I think the line would be drawn. I think is would be awsome for my marines to shoot tiwn linked lascannons, or plasma cannons:D

08-14-2009, 02:46 PM
"and select a single friendly non vehicle unit within his command radius to carry out the order"

Dont see why not.

08-14-2009, 04:18 PM
"and select a single friendly non vehicle unit within his command radius to carry out the order"

Dont see why not.

not because of the RAW but because every 2v2 or similar game is house-rules and so common sense would not allow any non-ig unit to benefit from orders.

I mean while I still can somewhat imagine a fleeing tau firewarrior turning around if he sees an angry (friendly) IG officer yelling at him while waving with his powerfist in a commisar-a-like manner, there is no way a space marine should suddenly shoot better just because a small mortal tells him to.

on the other hand nothing would be the hilarity of 30 orkboys WAAGH!ing while under the effect of RuN!Run!Run!... yay 3d6 fleet!

08-24-2009, 02:42 PM
"and select a single friendly non vehicle unit within his command radius to carry out the order"

Dont see why not.

There is no reason not to. I run IG with inducted Seraphim and Cannoness. I leave them in reserve as one unit and have Creed outflank them right on target with the help of an Astropath. They're brutal. I am still learning to use them to their full potential but I find that people are really thrown by the tactic. No one expects a unit of that potency to arrive on their short board edge. Not only will they likely decimate a unit with shooting but if you split the cannoness from the squad and multicharge you can often hit three units at a time (this isn't always a good idea but it can work on soft targets, like Guard, Tau, or Devastators).

08-24-2009, 08:10 PM
Cannoness is basically a much better Commissar Lord. In the past I've outflanked with a pair of Battle Sister squads in Valkyries, although lately I've switched some of my shooty veteran squads over to platoon squads, and have started running one big squad of sisters along with the footslogging squads. Run run run! makes them practically as fast as Rhino squads. Incoming! can almost double as a Spirit of the Martyr if you can get enough of them in cover. Divine Guidance bolter shock stacked with Bring it down! or Fire on my target! is absolutely brutal. Plus, they act as an anchor for the nearby combined platoon.

Of course, if at all possible, I like to involve Straken in this equation as often as possible, so the squad can dish out up to 38 S5 regular and 3 S8 chainfist attacks when charged. Of course, he also helps the Seraph achieve up to I7 on the charge! Or

08-25-2009, 07:32 AM
I would have to say no. The RAW might seem obvious but that is the Imperial Guard Codex, Not the Imperial Guard and Friends Codex. Letting orders benefit other races could easily unbalance the game.

08-25-2009, 07:43 AM
the rules definately don't prohibit the use of orders on non IG units, although all the games ive playes since the new codex, we generally don't allow players to use orders on anything that they dont control directly

last weekend we had an apocalypse game, 4 ig players against 4 ork players. the ig players all agreed to only use their orders on their own troops, and only the ig ones.

i imagine that most small tourneys would have a house rule to a similar effect.

08-25-2009, 10:38 AM
RAW is very simple. You can issue orders to allied units. Orders and allied units aren't THAT awesome that it would "unbalance the game". Grow a pair, people.

09-01-2009, 12:25 PM
Pretty sure that most doubles tournaments will not allow IG orders to be used on non-IG units. I am pretty sure that Adepticon does not allow this, for example.

09-01-2009, 01:22 PM
RAW is very simple. You can issue orders to allied units. Orders and allied units aren't THAT awesome that it would "unbalance the game". Grow a pair, people.

Amen, Bruddah! Amen! At the shop I play at tournaments follow the rules outlined in the book, which allow IG to issue orders to friendly units. Chaos marines with "for Cadia" is a common thing around here. If you can't deal with it you should pack up your dice and go home.

09-01-2009, 01:26 PM
Besides: a lot of orders only benefit certain aspects of the guard... such as FRFSRF only applies to guardsmen's lasguns. That should prevent too much over-kill on one side or another.

Rusty Nail
09-01-2009, 02:52 PM
RAW is very simple. You can issue orders to allied units. Orders and allied units aren't THAT awesome that it would "unbalance the game". Grow a pair, people.

I would love this to be the case as I'm hoping to be teaming up with a Guard player for a doubles tourney -


twin linked BS4 lasguns from a Dev Squad or even 4 twin linked Missile launchers doubling up wounds against horde armies would I think ruin a lot of peoples day. I'll be waiting for the Rules pack for the tourney with baited breath!

09-01-2009, 03:10 PM
I would love this to be the case as I'm hoping to be teaming up with a Guard player for a doubles tourney -


twin linked BS4 lasguns from a Dev Squad or even 4 twin linked Missile launchers doubling up wounds against horde armies would I think ruin a lot of peoples day. I'll be waiting for the Rules pack for the tourney with baited breath!

"Bring it down", The order that makes your shots twin linked, only affects shots directed against monsterous creatures or vehicles. If people only read what the IG orders actually do then this would not even be an issue of balance.

Then again... "Run Run Run!, Shrike terminators!

09-03-2009, 06:38 PM
The Imperial Guard FAQ is up on the GW site, and it's been clarified: Allies are NOT allowed to receive the benefits of orders. Only non-vehicle units from the IG codex may receive orders.

09-04-2009, 08:54 AM
The recently released IG FAQ quite clearly states that orders only work on units from the Codex.

Crystalmonkey beat me to it, lol.

09-05-2009, 02:21 AM
The recently released IG FAQ quite clearly states that orders only work on units from the Codex.

Crystalmonkey beat me to it, lol.

Sorry :).

Also: while I'm glad they clarified the issue, it seemed kind of silly that allies would receive the benefits of the orders. Why would the sisters receive the same training as an imperial guardsman?

Rusty Nail
09-05-2009, 03:44 AM
"Bring it down", The order that makes your shots twin linked, only affects shots directed against monsterous creatures or vehicles. If people only read what the IG orders actually do then this would not even be an issue of balance.

Then again... "Run Run Run!, Shrike terminators!

Apologies but I didn't have codex to hand and was just going off my old infallible memory - but Shrike + Chaplain + Terminators/Assault squad with "Run Run Run" would have made my day!

Glad the FAQ has cleared everything up though

09-10-2009, 02:25 PM
all sorted then


09-11-2009, 07:31 AM
On an aside,the wording in orders rule is pretty poor. It mentions "any friendly" units may recieve orders. Its good the faq cleared it up, but poor wording in the codex nonetheless.