View Full Version : Buying at GW vs the Internet vs FLGS

07-31-2010, 03:56 AM
Dear BoLS Readers,

I have thought about this topic a lot before and have been recently thinking about it. I did a search on the forums and couldn't find anything exactly about what I want to talk about, so I hope this thread isn't a repeat, at least not a recent one.

When buying models and other warhammer related items I find myself torn between buying them from GW directly, discount internet stores, and my FLGS. I have a few pros and cons that I think about when I purchase models, but I'd like to hear what you have to say about why you purchase from where you purchase.

Things I consider when purchasing:
- I want to support GW, so sometimes I buy models directly from the website or a GW retail store. I do this because in my head I feel that I'm somehow ensuring the continuation of GW.
- I also like to save money, so sometimes I go to various discount stores on the internet. I rationalize in my mind that I'm still supporting GW indirectly because the discount stores had to buy from GW.
- At the same time, I want to ensure my FLGS stays in business, so I buy from them from time to time too. I look at it like a monthly membership fee or something, so I try to buy something from my FLGS when I can and when they have it in stock.

I don't think there's really a right answer to my feelings, but these are things I consider when I purchase things.

What are the things you consider when you purchase gaming stuff?


07-31-2010, 04:51 AM
First I ask myself what I want my army to look like and are GW figures the best for the job. For example; My Traitor Guard. GW do not make Traitor Guard, unless you count the incredibly overpriced Forgeworld conversion kits. So I look at people like Wargames Factory and Pig Iron, both of whom do lovely figures which are perfect for the job. I also scour E-Bay etc. to see if anyone is scrapping their army cheap.

If I decide to buy GW then there's a range of discount sellers in the UK I can choose from. I would support a FLGS if we had one in Mid-Wales, but we don't. I reason that as these shops are selling genuine GW product GW still makes a profit from the sales so what the hey.

I would only go to a GW outlet as a last resort - after all they are full price, full of spotty youths (the staff) who treat middle-aged chaps like me either as 'dumb parents' to be talked down to or some sort of dinosaur. After all I was outside the door when Steve and Ian opened Dalling road...

If it is a vehicle I want I generally scour the internet for plans and then build it from scratch myself. I remember the days when you had to scratchbuild every vehicle because GW only had Rhinos and Landraiders to offer. Besides there something honest about plonking your army down knowing you've literally sweated blood (usually on an X-acto blade) to build it.

When trying out a new army I tend to create a Paper Figure version first, just to see if I actually like the way the army plays before placing my hard-earnt cash in GW's corporate coffers.

I know I am a heretic, and a good few people here would rather die than play my fully-painted, half-scratch built but less than 95% pure GW armies. As far as I am concerned that is their loss, not mine :P

It's about time people realised that GW is not the Hobby. It is a significant player to be true, but they do not hold the monopoly on creativity, artistry and craftsmanship.

Dreg Warpspawn
07-31-2010, 06:20 AM
We don't have a GW Retail Store in Hawaii. Our local FLGS's run in store open gaming, organize events, and are the face of the hobby, and they are GREAT!!! (Especially 'Other Realms', you guys rock!). So if I can possibly buy something from the FLGS, I go there first. GW may not make as much money as if I bought directly from them, but they make some, and my FLGS makes some, and I get wonderful GW product!

What I've been worried about is that some models are GW direct sales only. I don't want to buy models from GW mail order and then go and play at my FLGS without contributing to their local sales! Without the FLGS, gaming would dry up in Hawaii, mostly I'm sure! So GW, stop it, make everything available through my local store, and I'll be happy!

--- Dreg

07-31-2010, 07:51 AM
When you purchase Games-Workshop goods at your Favorite Local Game Store, you ARE supporting G.W. AND you're helping your FLGS stay open as well. Face it, your FLGS is the place where you and your friends can gather and play.

Sure, everyone likes to save money. And these days money tends to be more difficult to get than it was in the past. But think about this, when you purchase from eBay, or some Internet Discounter, you're NOT supporting your FLGS. What if your FLGS were to disappear into the warp, where would you play??

Buy Local. Support your Favorite Local Game Store !

07-31-2010, 07:55 AM
FLGS: Our stockist keeps prices at what they were set at when he received it, so I pick up things that have been sitting a year or so. Also some new items. GW price increases have really cut down my business with him. unfortunate

Internet: Recently became my primary purchasing area.

GW: Only if the model I want can't be found anywhere else on discount

07-31-2010, 09:00 AM
Buy from your FLGS.

Online and direct from GW should only be used if you have no FLGS or your FLGS is worth boycotting.

A FLGS should be able to order you anything that GW offers.
Build a relationship with the store you like and don't go to the one(s) you don't.
Nearly all brick and mortar stores can offer you a discount below GW list price. This might not be as low as the online stores but view the difference as a "field fee" to be able to play and hang out in the FLGS.

The simple reason that a FLGS charges more is so that they can cover their rent, which gives you a place to play.

There are a hundred reasons that you should buy local (for everything, not just GW).
There are very few reasons to buy via the internet, GW or otherwise.
In fact don't ever buy direct from GW unless it's the only option. GW has made it clear that they want you to buy through your FLGS.

just my .02 for my first post on BoLS

07-31-2010, 09:16 AM
Thanks for the replies. It's good to know that LGS are supported.

I really want my FLGS to stay in business. I've been playing there since college. And the staff are great and the players are good too. One of the reasons I haven't bought any High Elves is that I'm waiting to buy them at my FLGS.

07-31-2010, 09:17 AM
I buy from the FLGS when possible. It's hard to compete with ebay, though. I recently got a Devilfish for under $5 on ebay. I also buy a lot of bits from ebay because you can't buy bits at the local store. I managed to get all of the bits to construct a Baneblade (minus the hull) for $25, and I figure it should be pretty easy to use plasticard to replace the missing parts. I love my FLGS but I wouldn't have bought a baneblade for full price.

07-31-2010, 09:24 AM
Lerra, I think it's really cool that you have the skill to build your own Baneblade. Down at the LA Battle Bunker some guy built a Warlord or Imperitor (sp?) class titan out of card. It is one of the best 'models' I've seen in my life. It's absolutely amazing.

07-31-2010, 10:22 AM
I buy from the FLGS when possible. It's hard to compete with ebay, though. I recently got a Devilfish for under $5 on ebay. I also buy a lot of bits from ebay because you can't buy bits at the local store. I managed to get all of the bits to construct a Baneblade (minus the hull) for $25, and I figure it should be pretty easy to use plasticard to replace the missing parts. I love my FLGS but I wouldn't have bought a baneblade for full price.


I buy pretty much anything I can from the LGS (both of them.)

The only time I don't buy from the LGS is out of print stuff on eBay, or when I get a really good deal.

For me, it is all about how I budget things. I have a set amount of money I am willing to spend on GW/PP/Malifaux stuff from the FLGS. I don't spend that money on eBay. What I do spend on eBay is leftover money after I have payed the bills and put money in savings.

This way I always have a flow of cash going into the FLGS, and I can still buy stuff on eBay if I need to.

07-31-2010, 11:02 AM
I like to scour the internet for stuff to buy then possibly buy it unless its more expensive than norm (unlikely). Otherwise I just buy it-then you can model it straight away if your in a hobby centre.

07-31-2010, 12:16 PM
As my gaming club rents our gaming space in an industrial park I buy my miniatures from where ever it is cheaper for me. But since I have a rather large FW habit it mostly goes to them lol. Several of the local gaming stores offer discounts to our club so when I need something I cant get online I will visit them.

07-31-2010, 12:29 PM
I usually buy in person on a FLGS... I´ve not been to a GW in about 2 or 3 years... The little things I buy to GW I do it by their website.

I also buy on Ebay or shops like encobertura or cajaderestos, spanish kinds of Maelstrom and Wayland

07-31-2010, 02:41 PM
I'm lucky. Both the LGS by my house and the LGS by my workplace offer GW product at substaintially discounted prices. I have no reason to buy anywhere else :)

07-31-2010, 02:54 PM
1) If you buy GW product, regardless of the venue you are supporting GW. Of course, they get the highest profit margin from their website/GW storefronts.

2) LGS's are a dying breed. Partly due to a decrease in overall involvement in gaming (RPG, wargaming, etc) and at least in my area, mostly due to GW stores opening up and taking revenue away. Even the smaller stores which offered a membership discount lost out because they didn't have the gaming space, and in part, due to arguably predatory business practices by GW. (orders would not be completely filled, or would arrive late, which encouraged people to buy direct from the GW store to get it on time.)

That being said, buying from a LGS is a good way to support the community at large, and many do offer some sort of discount for loyal customers, etc. Many also have internet stores as well. You can't go wrong frequenting a LGS if you have one that's local.

Sadly, even though I'm in the "Second City" area--there's no LGS within 30 miles of me. And that's not rural 30 miles, that's Chicago stop-n-snore traffic miles. So I don't get to frequent them as much as I'd like.

Which leads me to

3) Internet shopping. The best bang for your buck--usually the 20% discount allowed by GW, plus no tax (unless it's from your home state) and many have truncated, or even free shipping if you order above a certain amount. Not to mention, there are bitz stores, and ebay/bartertown/rogue market for even better deals, but with more commensurate risk (since you're buying/trading from another person instead of a business.)

Ideally, I'd love to see the community follow the LGS>'Net>GW paradigm, but it's not likely to happen.

Where there are GW stores, you will find focal points for new people entering into the hobby. (or at least the GW hobby) as it's a one-stop shop kind of establishment.

We can just hope they'll evolve from there. ;)

07-31-2010, 04:59 PM
My first choice WAS the FLGS. At first their prices were lower and occasionally they would match internet prices I had seen, but their prices are now on par with GW.

I'm the sole income earner in my family (gee that makes me sound like an old fart) so I need as much bang for my buck as I can get. Ebay and online stores are now my vendors of choice, unless I need advice on painting, in which case the choice becomes geographic - FLGS if I'm near home, GW if near work.

07-31-2010, 06:20 PM
Here is the thing to think about when you make a purchasing decision: GW makes all GW items. They set the retail price based on what they need to make when they sell wholesale. So every GW item you buy makes the minimum plus profit they have decided they need to remain in business.

The difference is who makes that retail minus whole sale profit. If you buy from a GW store, GW makes that additional profit. If you buy from an online discount, they make the additional profit. If you buy from a FLGS, they make the profit.

Buying a GW product from any retail store ensures that GW will continue business and is supporting GW in general. So you have to ask yourself, who do you want to support in addition to GW. Your FLGS or the online discount (which is normally someone else’s FLGS)?

As others have said, support the store that supports you by giving you a place to play.

07-31-2010, 11:47 PM
Lerra, I think it's really cool that you have the skill to build your own Baneblade. Down at the LA Battle Bunker some guy built a Warlord or Imperitor (sp?) class titan out of card. It is one of the best 'models' I've seen in my life. It's absolutely amazing.

The basic hulls are actually really easy to do, if you know what you're doing. It's all the details that are tough.

07-31-2010, 11:59 PM
When you purchase Games-Workshop goods at your Favorite Local Game Store, you ARE supporting G.W. AND you're helping your FLGS stay open as well. Face it, your FLGS is the place where you and your friends can gather and play.

Sure, everyone likes to save money. And these days money tends to be more difficult to get than it was in the past. But think about this, when you purchase from eBay, or some Internet Discounter, you're NOT supporting your FLGS. What if your FLGS were to disappear into the warp, where would you play??

Buy Local. Support your Favorite Local Game Store !

This is pretty well my feelings on the subject. The only time I don't buy from a FLGS is when I want to incorporate non-GW models, need specif Bits, or want one of the larger GW kits. This is when I order from a internet retailer.

I only order from GW direct when I need something that's "direct only". There bit packs, Special Characters, ect. Sometimes I'll order them threw the FLGS, but due to how long it takes to get them in. I will opt to get it strait from GW if I don't feel like waiting.

Thow recently they have set it up so they can get people's direct orders shipped to them with there regular GW orders. They even started stockings some of the more popular direct order items. Dark Angle Upgrade Sprues, SM special characters, The little baggies of GW bases, ect.

08-01-2010, 06:41 AM
On a related note, has anyone else noticed that black library books are cheaper at bookshops than at gw shops?

I can't thinnk of any reason for this, surely if gw is selling them to a third party why should they then charge more to customers than the third party does?

08-01-2010, 09:42 AM
Its probably already been said, but: If you buy a GW product, you are helping GW, even if you buy it on eBay*. So you might as well buy it from your local store to support it.

*Contrary to popular belief, lol.

08-01-2010, 11:26 AM
We don't have a GW store nearby, around here, and I don't really feel like driving to Chicago just to shop. The LGS is really the only option. I do buy on E-Bay, but mainly only things I can't get locally, (OOP products, stuff that just doesn't sell locally, ect. ) Anything I get on E-Bay that I can get locally has to be a hell of a lot cheaper for me to buy it there. I consider the extra cost as part of keeping the local store open so I have a place to play. :) There is also the fact that what I buy locally I can start working with immediatly, as opposed to waiting for it to come by mail. Personally, I like that a lot.

08-01-2010, 11:58 AM
When I lived in NY I went with my FLGS all of the time. I knew the guy who ran it personally and is a good friend of mine so I tried to help him out as much as possible. Plus he never charged me an my friends full price or tax on anything.

When it comes to minis that are oop or direct only or something like a character blister, I tend to buy direct from GW or Ebay. The reasoning for the Character blisters is because we had a very small group of maybe 6 or so regulars so a lot of times the second blister that came with the shipment would just sit and collect dust on the wall.

But yeah FLGS ftw!

08-01-2010, 12:37 PM
Its probably already been said, but: If you buy a GW product, you are helping GW, even if you buy it on eBay*. So you might as well buy it from your local store to support it.

*Contrary to popular belief, lol.

Can you please explain? How do you support GW when GW dosn't get a cent from a sale on Ebay. Unless you mean you will eventually buy GW product from them for other things.

But what about a person who only buys from Ebay. How does GW get money from them? :)

08-01-2010, 02:30 PM
Can you please explain? How do you support GW when GW dosn't get a cent from a sale on Ebay. Unless you mean you will eventually buy GW product from them for other things.

But what about a person who only buys from Ebay. How does GW get money from them? :)

Because someone originally had to buy it from GW.

If you buy something used from eBay, technically GW isn't making a profit. However, if you buy something new from eBay then whoever is selling it still payed the same exact price to the distributor as the LGS would. They can just charge less money because they don't have nearly as much of an overhead to maintain.

08-01-2010, 09:04 PM
On a related note, how many people here have FLGS that sell at a discount? None of the one's I've seen do.

08-01-2010, 09:57 PM
It is quite an expensive hobby here in Australia, and I find that if I purchase from Wayland Games in the UK, once I factor in postage etc, it is still about 40-50% cheaper than if I were to buy it "locally" (I use the term very loosely as I live in rural Australia and all purchases need to be done online regardless).

I used to purchase minis from Wayland and Army Books/Codex from GW, but now I just decide to be more patient and get everything internationally.


08-01-2010, 10:41 PM
On a related note, how many people here have FLGS that sell at a discount? None of the one's I've seen do.

The one I used to go to in upstate NY used to give a couple bucks off the list price and charge no tax on stuff to me and my friends who were regulars.

I go to 2 here in Boston. One gives a $10 gift card for every $100 you spend on minis (books and codex's don't count) and the other one I go to has 10% discount for club members and has a lot of old stock that is still at its original prices. That helped my Beastmen and future Dark Eldar armys out a lot! :p

So yeah I mean I guess it depends on the FLGS but I've had a pretty good experience with them so far.

08-01-2010, 11:01 PM
The rule of thumb is this:

If you have an FLGS, spend at least half your model money there. That money not only pays for the model itself but for the upkeep of the store.

The rest of your money should be spent either at your FLGS or at discount internet stores.

The only real reason to buy from GW direct is if you need some of their metal bitz :)

08-02-2010, 04:48 AM
GW generally makes more profit on stuff you buy from a FLGS than on stuff you buy from a GW store. The costs of running their own stores typically exceed the trade discount they give to indies. Of course they make the most profit from sales through their own website. This is onw reason I think they're foolish to be trying to expand their own stores in the US - better to let the already existing network of indies do the work, and just sell wholesale.

I'm a great believer in 'pay where you play'. If we had an FLGS in southampton I'd shop there. As it is, its a mix of the local GW store and online.

08-02-2010, 05:13 AM
Personally I'm not really purchasing much new GW these days, certainly not compaired to the amount I used too, but thats probably more because I plan my purchases out rather then succumbing to lots of impluse purchases as I did in the past - thats more of a machurity thing I think though.

Also while I do continue to buy my hobby supplies from my local GW store, my models tend to come from online retailers, that reflects the way my 'Hobby Fund' works (where I only spend money that I've made either through selling old models or commissions on new purchases) as much as it reflect the discounts that you get though.

This is onw reason I think they're foolish to be trying to expand their own stores in the US - better to let the already existing network of indies do the work, and just sell wholesale.

I agree completely that they make more net profit from FLGS and even online retailers then they do from there own stores, however the policy they have on expanding these is probably as much about market penetrations as anything, GW are not that big a fish in the US simply having a rack in a FLGS probably won't get you as many new customers as having your own store.

08-02-2010, 07:08 AM
I can't recall the last time I bought a new model - everything I've bought in the last year has been second-hand. That's probably not great for the FLGS or GW, but it's not my fault they jacked up prices, either. Otherwise:

1. FLGS: paint, hobby supplies, board or card games (when Internet price differential isn't sky high)
2. GW Direct: bitz (mostly meltaguns, plasma guns, and jump packs)
3. Internet stores: bitz, stuff not in the FLGS (Wargames Factory Shock Troops)

I play at my FLGS, so I definitely make sure they get some of my business.

08-02-2010, 08:59 AM
Because someone originally had to buy it from GW.

If you buy something used from eBay, technically GW isn't making a profit. However, if you buy something new from eBay then whoever is selling it still payed the same exact price to the distributor as the LGS would. They can just charge less money because they don't have nearly as much of an overhead to maintain.

Ah, thanks I forgot you can buy brand new from Ebay as well, not everything is used.

08-02-2010, 03:19 PM
I prefer NOT buying from GW direct.

I am still giving money to GW - BUT - I don't have to deal with their psychotic upselling of the "NEW!" product or their inflated prices. Not buying from GW direct is hardly not supporting them - as they get their money anyway - just not as much as they might have.

I don't game in a GW store - so there is no need for me to frequent one.
I don't play in ANY stores - so I am free to pick and choose where I spend my cash equally.
I will exhibit 'brand loyalty' to GW when they show some customer loyalty (until then, I will freely play with non-core models and minis in my games with their rules).

08-03-2010, 08:24 AM
I will exhibit 'brand loyalty' to GW when they show some customer loyalty (until then, I will freely play with non-core models and minis in my games with their rules).

Oh so true.

08-05-2010, 10:01 AM
What are the things you consider when you purchase gaming stuff?
DarkAngelHopefullI see no reason (other than when they give away exclusive minis) to ever buy direct from GW since there are online discount stores. I am lucky our local FLG store gives a 20% discount on retail prices so if I want new GW stuff I will buy it there. Mostly though I buy my stuff second hand off e(vil)bay.

If Mantic Games produced Space Marines I doubt I would buy any GW stuff other than rules. :D

08-06-2010, 01:24 PM
Yeah my local game store offers 20% instore too. Which so far seems better than anyone online even before postage! I don't game there but lets be honest, there is no reason for me to wait x ammount of days for a delivery from an internet stockist or pay full price at a GW when i can pop into a local shop for 20% less. I am married with 2 kids, my hobby funds are seriously lacking so i will always go to the cheapest.

That said, kudos to anyone who uses the local store no matter what. Best case scenario they are your place to game and to some the lifeblood of the hobby and worst case just one of us gamers trying to make an honest living. Eitherway, support them where you can if you can afford to i guess.

08-06-2010, 09:24 PM
I used to make massive compulsive plastic crack purchases, facilitated through the Warstore. Now I have a massive pile of unpainted minis. When I need some thing to expand my army I go to my FLGS now. If you're just buying one box or blister it's better to go there. As an example, shipping at the Warstore is $5.99. If you're buying a $30 box you're paying the same price as if you bought it at your LGS. Granted, you won't be paying sales tax (which is ridiculous in CA) but there's no wait.

Now I just buy one box at a time, which I get at the FLGS. I may pay a bit more but I can get it with no wait. Even if they have to order it, I don't have to worry about missing the shipment or some of the sketchy drifters that pass through my neighborhood absconding with it.

08-07-2010, 11:14 PM
i always keep an eye out for good deals on ebay, but with 20% off at LGS thats tax and some, taken off. and i've learned (the hard way :( ) NOT to buy large amount of stuff that may seem cool, but i never play with...

08-08-2010, 10:42 AM
On a related note, how many people here have FLGS that sell at a discount? None of the one's I've seen do.

My FLGS sells at normal price. Thow for awhile they were selling there stuff at par with US prices. (Canadian prices are for the most part higher.)

Unless I need alot of stuff at once, Bits fr a converstion, or alot of stuff at once. I try to buy from them 1st since I wish to support the store I game at.

09-27-2010, 09:38 PM
If picking up bits n pieces I usually go to the FLGS. But for large orders, certain internet stores price is soooooo much cheaper. It's too hard not to take the discount. Sometimes I can get the same product for almost HALF PRICE! I support FLGS as much as possible, but not all the time.