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View Full Version : Allocating Wounds in Close Combat

07-29-2010, 12:51 AM
When allocating wounds in Close Combat, the book says you allocate wounds like in the shooting phase. Now, in the shooting phase, I understand that if a squad was, say, 4 Bolter Marines and a Missile Launcher, and the opponent scores 10 wounds, I would assign 2 each per model, and take the saves on a per-same-model basis (the 8 wounds vs the 4 Bolter Marines, and the 2 on the Missile Launcher are rolled separately). Does this apply in the same way in close combat?

Now, to further clarify, if 9 wounds were scored on that unit, would I assign, one at a time, in a way that would put 8 wounds (2 each) on the Bolter Marines, and the remaining single wound on the Missile launcher, or would it just be 9 wounds against the whole squad since ranged weapons do not matter in close combat?

07-29-2010, 07:04 AM
Assign by the equipment on the model, so 8 for the bolters and 1 for the missile launcher.

07-29-2010, 10:36 AM
Models are grouped by a few factors, such as model name, model wargear, stats, equipment.

Basically, if a model is a clone of another in every way possible, they are one group.

You got it right in the example you gave. The rocket launcher is it's own group.

07-29-2010, 11:56 AM
When allocating wounds in Close Combat, the book says you allocate wounds like in the shooting phase. Now, in the shooting phase, I understand that if a squad was, say, 4 Bolter Marines and a Missile Launcher, and the opponent scores 10 wounds, I would assign 2 each per model, and take the saves on a per-same-model basis (the 8 wounds vs the 4 Bolter Marines, and the 2 on the Missile Launcher are rolled separately). Does this apply in the same way in close combat?

You answered your own question here:p.

Now, to further clarify, if 9 wounds were scored on that unit, would I assign, one at a time, in a way that would put 8 wounds (2 each) on the Bolter Marines, and the remaining single wound on the Missile launcher, or would it just be 9 wounds against the whole squad since ranged weapons do not matter in close combat?

The Missile Launcher would have to take a wound. You would assign either one or two wounds to him, and the rest go to the bolter Marines.

Mr. Black
07-29-2010, 02:59 PM
What you and everyone else has said here is correct, the only special case being Independent Characters, which are treated as separate units for targeting purposes.


1. Unit of ten Assault Marines with Flamer, Meltagun, Power Fist Sergeant takes thirteen wounds. You must allocate a wound to each model, then you are free to allocate the remaining to whomever.

You decide to allocate the three "rollover" wounds to standard Marines, thus you would roll ten saves for the Assault Marines, removing failures as casualties, then make a separate save for the Flamer, Meltagun, and Sergeant models.

2. Same unit as above, except you are hit with eleven armor saves and two power weapon wounds. Using the same process two (well, technically more...) results are the usual:

Allocate one wound to everyone, putting two Power Weapon wounds on standard Assault Marines, and one save each on the specials as listed above. The end result would be roll seven armor saves for the Assault Marines and remove the number that failed +2 (for the Power Weapon wounds), then save for the other three specials as listed above.

Or, Assign one wound to each model, placing a Power Weapon wound on the Flamer model, leaving you one Power Weapon wound and two armor save wounds left to allocate. You now allocate a second Power Weapon wound to the Flamer and two armor save wounds to the Assault Marines.

End result is Eight saves on the Assault Marines, removing any failures as casualties, removing the Flamer marine as a casualty due to the Power Weapon wound(s), and taking saves as normal on the Melta and Sergeant.