View Full Version : Point system change that caught me out and a power level oddity

06-24-2017, 08:32 AM
O.k my current project is a inquisitional thread I spotted this when trying to rework my servitude henchmen into a squad. At first I was miffed on taking close combat servitude but was surprised how cheap they were. Until I spotted a pricey servo arm in the armoury so I looked closer
Jokaro are armed with digi weapons and in the past you got them with the monkey automatically. Now it appears you buy the jokaro and then you have to fork out for the digi weapons. Nothing else has access to them.
Now this is where things have a more far reaching scope for players messing up their points values. The rhino always has come with storm bolsters but it appears you now have to pay extra points for them. In short the standard load outs that you used to up grade are not standard any more.

Looking at the inquisition list it seems that if you put two lists together one of named inquisitors and one of standard inquisitors same amount of points. The named list would have the lower power level.

Is any one else noticing this with their armies named characters?

Drew da Destroya
06-27-2017, 02:41 PM
Named Characters are weird in this edition, because they sidestep the "Pay for your gear extra" rule that all generic units have (even though most specialized equipment costs 0 now, which seems counter-intuitive, but this isn't the thread for that...). A special character's points cost include their gear.

There is definitely an oddity where Named Characters are allowed to switch gear. The only example I know is Lelith Hesperax, DE Wyche Queen extraordinaire, is allowed to switch one of her "Penetrating Blades" for an "Impaler". In the rules section, it says that her points cost includes her wargear... so do I have to pay the 5 points for the Impaler, or is the possibility of swapping already included in her points cost? It's a weird case, and it's not many points, but still, it would be nice to have some clarity.