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View Full Version : New to 40k looking for people to play...

07-27-2010, 03:37 PM
I live in Arlington TX. Im 26 yrs old and am looking for some some cool people to play 40k with. Any caliber of player is fine...a seasoned veteran or a newb like myself. Some background information about myself; ive been sporadically interested in 40k for about 10 years. i have played only a handful of games, all of which used the 3rd ed rules. I typically painted armies, found it relaxing and a great way to use my imagination. Got back into 40k at the beginning of the yr when I was out of college and had nothing to do for a month. Returned to my first love, the Blood Angels, only to see GW come out with a bunch of new units for them and I was hooked again. I would consider my painting ability above average. I have painted up a small army that is expanding rapidly and am looking to play some friendly fun games, perhaps host a painting social, or just meet some people who are excited about the game like myself.

If you live in Arlington or any of the surrounding cities in the DFW area please let me know if your interested in hanging out and playing a some games every once in awhile.

12-29-2010, 09:38 PM
Still looking for some games in DFW area? I game often at the GW in the Grapevine Mills Mall. How far is that from you?