View Full Version : Nitpick: They've Screwed up the Adeptus Custodes

06-23-2017, 05:22 AM
Hey there fellow Loungers.

This might be nitpicking. This might be the time and place when my beard grows in and I become a neckbeard, I don't know, I don't make those decisions. But, as important to me as it is to get things *right*, I feel like GW and FW are usually fairly dependable in making sure that their models look right; that they're a fairly good representation of their fluff counter-parts. I was just re-reading "The First Heretic" (one of my favorite from the HH series thus far) and it got me to thinking more about the Adeptus Custodes.

With the new 8th Edition on the rise and the recent release of Custodes models, I was excited! How awesome! Finally! We're getting and closer and closer to seeing the Big Emprah himself on the board (in HH at least).

I pulled out my copy of "Visions of Heresy" (Sometimes sold as "Collected Visions" , the fantastic collection of artwork that also counts as a sort of companion-compendium alongside the HH series. John Blanche, Karl Kopinski and Paul Dainton -- legends all of them.

As I was looking through the artwork a nagging thought appeared in my mind. I couldn't place it and I wasn't sure, but something felt wrong.

I then looked online at the GW and FW website, thinking about what units I'd purchase to create a new Custodes army for the new edition.

And that's when I noticed it: The Adeptus Custodes, sentinels and Guardians of the Emperor, had been modeled -- everywhere -- with the wrong iconography.

According to every bit of lore and artwork that I'm aware of, the Custodes are alone in wearing the iconography with which they were given by the Emperor during the height of the Unification Wars: the Imperial eagle, single headed, with lighting bolts grasped in its claws.

(links: 1 (http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/warhammer40k/images/b/b6/Legio_Custodes_Terminators_1.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20141223202002) 2 (https://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/warhammer40k/images/0/07/Legio_Custodes_Command_Squad_2.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20170328100502) 3 (http://i485.photobucket.com/albums/rr220/vash1023/emperor-1.png))

The new models have the double-headed aquila of the Imperium, instead.

It's a nitpick.

Will it keep me from buying the models and playing 8th edition? Hardly. But, as someone who loves the lore, it does deflate my enthusiasm quite a bit. Sad day, sad day.

Shas'O Bentu'nan
06-23-2017, 08:31 AM
Oh i love diving into little details myself!

Anyway, could it be that the when the icon changed after the HH (the left eye was blind when the emperor was around, now the right eye is blind) the custodies had their emblema changed as well?