View Full Version : Eldar & Friends by Dr Love....

07-27-2010, 10:29 AM
My Tau can be found here http://www.lounge.belloflostsouls.net/showthread.php?t=7408 but they're kind of side issue to my main Eldar force. At nearly 10,000 points its grown quickly considering i only started 3 years ago...whoops.

Anyway i won't most everything cos a) i have lots. and b) most my old stuff is rubbish. If this unemployment thing i'm going through continues too long and i run out of stuff to paint, maybe go back through it and bring the rest up to scratch.

I'll start with my work over the last week or so....

My 4th Wraithlord. My first attempt at the power sword effect as well so its a bit naff. More pics on my blog (in my sig)

Karandaras. Its a shame he only ever sees the table in Apoc games, cos hes the best thing i've ever done. This one was my first attempt at proper armour highlighting, without using any washes.

*EDIT* Whoops just realisied i missed a gemstone in his leg...easily fixed..

I'm sure theres more to come...Fuegan, the black reach marine commander, my firewarriors and a 2 Nightwing interceptors are currently on my painting table to be done...least unemployments gives me lots of time to paint!

07-27-2010, 11:08 AM
Looing good so far, I would suggest a little more work on the power sword affect, maybe so the lines look a bit more "lightning like" but all in all nice highlighting on karandras, I also never use mine except in apoc.


07-27-2010, 11:25 AM
having visited your blog it looks like the ultramarines symbol is upside down, and theres a bit of flash on the shoulder cannon. otherwise its a lovely clean job on the wraithlord

07-27-2010, 01:45 PM
very nice :D the wraithlord is exceptional

(hopefully this should propmt me to photo my eldar/BA)

the clean sharp look on the wraithlord is very nice, and the conversion is seemless VERY well done

hpoe you find a job :P


07-27-2010, 02:58 PM
Not a big fan of the Eldar but yours looks very nice indeed.
Respects, Emperorsaxe

07-28-2010, 08:55 AM
having visited your blog it looks like the ultramarines symbol is upside down,



Thats kinda little bit embarressing...:P

08-01-2010, 06:52 AM
Its not the emd of the world, I'd seen your blog on Bols and it was annoying me in an OCD way. Just remember U for Ultramarines.

08-01-2010, 05:09 PM
Love the Spectral Lord buddy, but the Space Marine seems to need a little touch of evil...

08-03-2010, 09:22 AM
Paint some horns on him ...should make him evil. Or paint him yellow to show him angry :P

I have established myself a challenge...42 days before Halo Reach is released. And I stop painting for a while. So challenge myself to finish some of my long outlasting painting queue. By 14th September i aim to have completed...

1 Nightwing
1 Guardian Squad
All my Dire Avengers
Last Fireprism
My Squad of Fire Warriors
2 XV8 Suits
1 Broadside
1 Devilfish
And have all my outstanding Forge World models built, cleaned and maybe sprayed.

Tall order probably, but self motivation is good :D

09-03-2010, 07:24 AM
Had to dig this up from page 5...

So my challenge was simple

1 Nightwing
1 Guardian Squad
All my Dire Avengers
Last Fireprism
My Squad of Fire Warriors
2 XV8 Suits
1 Broadside
1 Devilfish

I have just over a week to go...and i'm definently not gonna make it. Had other commitments. Have however completed....

All my Dire Avengers ( no photo of these though)



Last Fire Prism


My Firewarriors


09-03-2010, 07:24 AM
My Commander XV8


Rebuilt, magnetised and painted the weapons platform for the guardian squad


Got my other XV8 on my board, as well as my XV88 and an FW XV9. Hoping to get them well done in the next 11 days.

12-23-2010, 12:45 PM
So been a while

New Project!

After some spirited discussion on here (which i started) i've invested in my craftworlds future. 1 deathsled, otherwise known as a cobra.


Wonderful FW model, probably the best i've ever had. No warping (cept a very slight bend in the plastic brightlance it can with...but not the resin)


Left the cover off the cannons back to paint underneath before i put it in place. Got my 2 nightwings to do before i touch this guy, so looking forward to it in the new year. Superheavy comp in February!

Also got this from FW


The new hornet...looks a little shrimpy, and very weedy next to the cobra but i likes it. Can understand why its so expensive though...the size of the flash attatched to the chassis. Not featured in this pic, but it was huge. Easily as much resin in the flash brick attatched than there is in the rest of the model. Put it to one side...gonna use it as atank barricade...its big enough, and the right size. So buy a hornet...get a free piece of scenery!

Will update as these go, and when i get some decent pics of me DE.

12-23-2010, 05:46 PM
Can't wait to see them finished mate. A few Apocolypse games in the new year me thinks... might be able to get a few tables together in the hotel!

12-24-2010, 12:40 AM
Looking forward to the paint jobs!

03-07-2011, 12:47 PM

Theres the Cobra...been finished a while, but didn't get round to a good picture

Then zoom out from that photo and you get....


Nearly the full army. Theres a handful of unpainted guardians (like 30 odd), 10 Kroot, 1 crisis suit, 1 hammerhead, 15 DE Warriors, 10 Wyches, 1 Ravager, 6 Reavers, 1 archon, 5 incubi, Urien and a few bits of scenery) since they weren't painted they didn't get photoed.

And individualed....


03-07-2011, 12:53 PM
The important thing about my DE is that the flesh tones are much darker than other DE.

I work on the basis that a DE experiencing the rush of release on kill get rejuvinated, and becomes flushed and alive. So looks much alive!

Also each faction of the army has a different scheme. Kabal in that dark blue, Wyches in grey, Hemoncults in green, and street gangs in red. Just cos they go to war together doesn't mean they dress the same colours. The squads may carry fabric of the Kabal colour to show who sponsors them though...

Lelith (bad picture really...hairs much brighter in reality)

Wych Hekatrix


03-07-2011, 02:34 PM
That Cobra is glorious! I want one myself to keep my Scorpion company! Love the whole tank fleet! Not sold on the colourful panels on the flyers though. Any chance of a close up on them?

03-07-2011, 02:47 PM

03-07-2011, 02:52 PM
That cobra is SWEEEEEET!!! I really love how all your tanks look together on the table just so nice.

On the Hekatrixs' whip I would add some more highlight to make it look more like it was glowing with power, but then again you might be going for a different look.

03-08-2011, 03:15 AM
I'll try and get close up on the fliers next time i get my camera out, probably just the Nightwings, not too proud of the Phoenix, cos it was one of the first models i painted (wierd i know)

More Photos!




03-08-2011, 03:24 AM
Very nice, all of it. Your Eldar vehicles are painted similar to mine, except replace the black with a pretty pink.:)

03-16-2011, 07:03 AM
New (poor quality) Phototime, finished my Ravager last night


Next on the board is Warriors 16-20, and then Urien.

I'm working in a "do the less interesting things (eg squads) first...then reward yourself (or myself) by painting an awesome mini, like a vehcile or or HQ character or a new thing you've never done before". Seems to be working so far...after these next 5 and Urien, theres more wyches, then a succubus (buying one this weekend), reavers rewarded with helions (never painted any before)...

03-16-2011, 10:30 AM
the purple on the aethersail and banner seem a little flat, could probably do with some shading and highlights. Can't quite tell if its the pic or the model, but is the rudder yellow on one side and bronze on the other? Seem rather an odd combination if so...

Other than those couple of points I quite like it. Nice work on the crew's armour especially.

03-16-2011, 10:45 AM
Nah the rudders is bronze on both sides.

As for the banners they are just flat colour for now...i'm practising up my freehand for the logos and stuff that will adorn them soon enough.

03-25-2011, 11:52 AM
Finished the next 5 warriors, and then Urien, then 10 Wyches

And then this guy



Next up Incubi, then the Succubus...then Hellions

04-09-2011, 03:15 AM
Ho hum. Went on a bit of a lul after this guy, but then the FW open day reinvigorated me! So got the Incubi, another 3 reavers and most of my succubus done (ignore the naysayers..its actually a nice model)

Picture today is from a project i've been planning for a little bit, but came to fruition last night when i got all the bits i needed

My custom made Duke Sliscus

(since the photo i've removed the massive mould line on his forehead, i only noticed it in the photo)

The legs come from one of the raider passengers, with the torso removed at the waist.
The body is part of another raider passenger, using the front half of his torso, trimmed down to fit at the waist.
The cloak comes from a Dark Elf Corsair kit, needed quite a lot of the back already in it removing before it fit, but did in the end, with minimal greenstuffing.
The head comes from the Reaver pack
Blast Pistol and Sword come from the Warriors (I think - They were in my bits bag)
And then hes standing on a pile of skulls from the GW Skulls pack. Was gonna use the individual skulls and some greenstuff, but it came with this pile, that was just the right size

05-15-2011, 08:45 AM
Mwa ha ha! Having been asked to photograph my sister in laws wedding (despite me never professing much aptitude in photography) I have finally decided to upgrade my old beat up, never working camera with a nice shiny basic Dig-SLR.

Still working things out with it, and playing with the settings, but should be able to get better pictures out of it! No real intention, or space (or money now) for a lighttent or anything, so they arne't perfect but little more time will get there

And now to celebrate the above guy, finished, as he has been for a while.

Duke Sliscus, the Serpent. Now I know the fluff says 2 swords, but couldn't work out how to do that and give him a pistol. So here he is!



06-13-2011, 12:38 PM
Still working out the camera things....just need to work out what to do with the lighting...maybe see how the sun is outside tomorrow!

Anyway...new (from a certain point of view) model time! Was expecting for this to be horrible to paint, with it not being a nice model. But actually genuinely enjoyed painting this one, more than the Talos I just finished this week

Rather than give him the horrible conehead on the model, a little build up around the face and hes got a nice pointy helmet...which doesn't look at all like Magneto....


06-14-2011, 05:50 AM
I like how you describe the hemonculous as a he, despite hte ample bosom :P I like the metal face loincloth though

06-15-2011, 11:17 AM
Thats Johnny the Hemonculus. The Boobs are...experimental hemonculi surgery. They lactate deadly neurotoxin

Anyway! 2 updates in a week, i'm obviously on the ball...



Photoquality is improving! No blur this time!

Happy with him...I think. Something still feels a bit off even though hes finished. As all my Hemonculi constructs are, the colour is green to go with the Covens colours.

Also my new project on the side...my Trueborn!


Finally managed to acrue enough bits and spare...across 3 warriors box, 2 scourges, 4 reavers and a Dark Elf corsair kit for the capes they live!

Still wasn't enough blasters though, so some are Shredders, with the front end cut off and blaster ends from the Reavers sets on the front.

08-29-2011, 07:10 AM
A few little bits...As per usual picture quality isn't great....things just aren't quite working right for me with this camera yet. Today it was refusing to focus. So i had to keep moving the camera closer to the model to get it to work


My power from Pain Tokens! Have a box full of heads, all drilled through. And then a collection of poles on bases. Unit gains a pain token...they get a head! Got a few of every race (cept Necrons and Sisters) and some nice specials....Sang Guard, Death Company, GK Terminator Apothacary


Quick and easy objectives. Not a great picture, but they definently work!


Hemonculus number 2. I actuallly really like the model.


Wrack Acotyst with a Venom Blade

08-29-2011, 07:20 AM
Very pretty, using the same system for my pain tokens except I've slacked off and haven't painted them. Not as much variety in heads though, might hav to raid my brothers bits boxes to rectify it.

Good use of excess shock prows as well, and nice painting on everything.:)

08-30-2011, 08:02 AM
Nice Wraithlord.

01-11-2012, 12:53 PM

New Wraithseer. Awful photo, will try to get a better one in better lighting soon. But right now my focus is on my 2 new Warp Hunters.

As some of you will know, Warp Hunters come with a complete Fire Prism/Nightspinner kit (sans the clear bits).

I've decided to convert my "free" turrets with a raid into my bit box into something else.

Behold my free Hornet with 2 Scatter Lasers! Its a tiny bit smaller than the real thing, but think it looks the part.


01-12-2012, 05:56 AM
Wraithseer looks tasty! Blue for the face plate is nice and vivid! Can't wait to have a shot ay mine! I used the spare turrets form the Warp Hunters to build three Night Spinner with three spare Falcons I had!

Saying that, using the turrets as Hornets is not something I'd considered before. The results look pretty good!

01-12-2012, 07:07 AM
Very pretty wraithseer, really ought to paint mine soon. I like your Fire Prism turret idea too, I'm converting mine with the cockpit filled in as an wraith-powered defense turret for Planetstrike and whatnot.

01-12-2012, 09:50 AM
I'm converting mine with the cockpit filled in as an wraith-powered defense turret for Planetstrike and whatnot.

Now that is a funky idea! I like that!

01-12-2012, 10:55 PM
Whew, giving me an excuse to go paint up some more of my Eldar, now. I really should finish my Wraithseer. Anyone else just hate that you've gotta take all that wraithguard just to use 'em?

Fortunately my friends say "screw it" and allow him come as an HQ :3

bloodangel 83
01-13-2012, 02:00 PM
Nice idea and all the models look great. BA83

04-19-2012, 03:51 AM
Picture time!


(realised I've missed the Warlocks Pistol)
Going to a Comp and decided that all my WYSIWYG Seers looked like crap (which gave me an idea for another thread - more on that later) so painted new ones.

Very happy with these (they both still need basing though). More pictures will follow soon of the rest of the army, particularly my newest rangers

04-28-2012, 01:09 PM
Got bored this weekend and figured i'd build me another Wraithlord :P. This makes 5 (6 if you include the Wraithseer)

Wanted to do something a little more interesting than the standard stoic stance

So built him crouching in some ruins!


Built him on a raised base so people can't complain about height and modelling for advantage. His knees need a little bit of tidying up, but i'm happy with him. I also managed to avoid making him look like he was going for a dump, which a lot of "crouching" models do. I think he looks a little more dynamic than just crouching on the spot

As for a Wraithseer....at a tournement last week in 4 games he went through Marneus Calgar, 5 Assault Terminators, a Land Raider, a Dreadnought, 3 Flamers, 3 Khorne Juggernaughts, 1 Herald of Khorne on Juggernaught, Fateweaver, 15 Sisters of Battle, 15 Tactical Marines, a Contemptor Dreadnought and 5 Terminators. All in Close Combat. His D Cannon failed to kill anything. I'm taking the D-Cannon off, magnetising the joint and will likely just run him with a star cannon from now on. Just as likely to kill something for half the points cost...and no chance of scattering onto myself

05-02-2012, 05:46 AM
Tidied up his knees last night. Had to remove and resculpt the one on the left though. Looks a lot better now (even with my handmade replacement knee cap). Just got the find chance to spray and paint now

While wiating for spraying weather I started painting my DE Razorwing (the first of 2 at least). Think all these flier rumours have got me back to them :P. Trying to work out some kind of decal to go on to it though

05-02-2012, 05:48 AM
You should do another Wraithlord leaning forward with fist outstretched so that when put in front of each other they fistbump. That would be amusing to me. I really like the pose.:)

How is your freehand? If you have the skills, Wych Pinup wing art! If not, smiley face or something.

05-02-2012, 05:58 AM
You should do another Wraithlord leaning forward with fist outstretched so that when put in front of each other they fistbump. That would be amusing to me. I really like the pose.:)

How is your freehand? If you have the skills, Wych Pinup wing art! If not, smiley face or something.

I agree with all of the above points. You need more wraithelords anyway. Otherwise my dreadnoughts outnumber tham :P

05-02-2012, 06:06 AM
Freehands not that great....i'll work something out. Is it wrong so far i'm most proud of the Razorwings scenic base?

And I don't think i'll buy anything for a while. I needed this WLord for my new 1850 list (it hurts), buit I won't buy anything else till new codexes/rule books.

KNowing my luck Wraithlords will become T6, 300 points with a 4+ save, and if they fail their wraithsight test (which is now a 4+) they explode

05-02-2012, 06:48 AM
Upon that day, we 'counts as' our Eldar as Grey Knights.:)

05-07-2012, 10:22 AM
Updates! Been in a real 40K mood of late (although the 6th ed rumous are doing a brilliant job of putting a downer on it)

So been painting;


Simple paintscheme, as per usual looks better in person. Its been....a while since I built him, so I don't know where his canopies gone ( afew things have gone missing in the move)

Have a 2nd one in a box, unsprayed with Lances, but wanted something a little different with this guy so hes got dissies. He usually only sees use in Apoc, so 2 less lances and bit more Termy killing I can live with.

Next on the board...this guy!


If Hullpoints are such a big thing in 6th ed, Haywire is going to be the way to go!

05-07-2012, 11:11 AM
Wanted to do something a little more interesting than the standard stoic stance

So built him crouching in some ruins!

First, I love how you have that figure posed.

However, although I know it's quasi-heretical (and by no means a reflection on your work) I've not been able to shake the image of four Wraithlords posed doing The Village People's "YMCA" dance out of my head. :p

Sorry ... the only way to get it out of my head is to share it. Carry on.

05-11-2012, 02:44 PM
Ymca wraiths do sound fun. Do they also need to be kn the different costumes?

Anyway hhe reaper in the pic above is finished, bar ots sail which i had lost, but now found.

Also done is my first Ork. Its the free one we got from WD back in the day of Black Reach. Really enjoyed painting something different

Which moves onto the next topic. Painting something new. Im still in a painty mood but have hit a bit of a slump and dont feel line painting anything old. So with the enjoyment I got out of painting something random, in hopes of good weather tomorrow i have prepped my spraying board with random models. Tomorrow I hope to spray

- 2 space hulk terminators
-2 space hulk genestealers
- all the measuring and moving stuff from dreadfleet
- 2 dreadfleet ships.
-The dreadfleet castle
- my old, recently stripped eldar bonesinger (he deserved better than his old paintjob)
-kroot shaper, recently won on ebay
-High elf swordmaster banner bearer (fancy some practise wiyh metal and white)
-Black Reach Marine Captain
-WD pilot subscription model
-Old metal wraithlord (who again deserved better)

Lots of variety hoping itl keep me interested.

Also on the look out for a suitable base for my Revenant Titan. Any good suggestions for buyong precut to shape wood (about 1' across)

Pictures of bits tomorrow if I can

05-12-2012, 03:04 AM
You'll only need about 9"-10" across. My Warlord's base is 12" long by 15" wide. Your Revenant won't need a base anything like that big!

Go to the timber merchant just up from Big George's. I'm sure they'll have some decent size/shape offcuts of MDF or something that you'll be able to get reasonably cheap. They didn't have anything big enough for my Warlord, hence the shelf, but I'm sure they'll had bit more to your needs. If not, BnQ, Wicks etc all have lumber cutting services, so you'll probably be able to get stuff cut to the exact size you need. That's what I did for the wooden base layer for my AoP board.

Edit; I should probably mention, for anyone who doesn't know the Portswiid area of Southampton quite well, that Big George's is a chip shop, and not some men's 'special interest' purveyor.

05-12-2012, 09:55 AM
Might do. Most of them are walking distance from work on lunch...

Anyway...managed tog et all my spraying done (bar the Bonesinger, who didnt quite stick together properly and the metal Wraith, so they're in the next time pile.

Also managed to get a photo of the guy who started all this paint random things spree....


My first, and to this point only Ork. Think in future i'd need to do another lighter highlight on the skin, but enjoyed painting something new!

05-13-2012, 08:50 AM
Not much to add. Been doing little bits.

I find that whenever I play Dreadfleet, as soon as I put the movement stick and turning circle down, i lose them. Grey plastic is not easy to see on the sea board. So they were the first things I decided needed painting.



Done this one in red, the other in the box is going to be purple, so one per team, in the maching colours of the high ship.

Nearly finished my Games Day Kroot shaper I got on ebay a week back, and now doing a random High Elf for something a little different and finishing the crew and sail from the DE Reaper

05-14-2012, 02:41 AM
If people dont' comment I'll just keep posting :P

Originally added this guy to the pile to do some practice with White. Trust me to pick the High Elf with the least White in the world...


Finished the pilot for my reaper and started the sail, so might have that done tonight.
Finished the Kroot, but couldn't get a good picture.
Might be a space hulk genestealer next. Or i might just line up 6 of the models again and roll a dice...

05-14-2012, 02:47 AM
hah! Good pose on the WL. And I agree that a fistbumping pair of dreadnoughts would be all kinds of awesome! :D

05-17-2012, 04:22 AM
I've been on a serious painting binge....


Not a great picture, will try to get a better one...but for now it'll do.

Next project - The Sultans Ship from Dreadfleet (aka the one I'm least looking forward to doing)

05-17-2012, 04:37 AM
Good job. The green makes a great spot colour, with the gold and yellow on the Aquilla and piping respectively tie in with the tones of the red really nicely. Decent job on the eye and teeth too.

Only negative comments would be that the white loinclothe could be smoother (but as you've said, you need practice at white) and the scroll work on the banner has flecks of red on it, particularly on the upper edge. Also, I know it is only a practice model, but his base needs doing :P Being a practice model, practice something different from your usual grey rubble. Some savannah grassland would be good, and would help accentuate the purity seals. A word or two on the scroll work also wouldn't go a miss :)

05-22-2012, 11:17 AM
Blah blah blah, text here...

Some more pictures. Done loads, but a lot of the photos were awful quality. SO only posting some of the good ones;


Dreadfleet bits.

05-22-2012, 11:21 AM
First Dreadfleet boat as well. Averagly happy, didn't anything fancy with the hull and the "reath" doesn't line up cos the hull is really hard to get the masts into properly


The WD subscription model from last year. Had good fun with this little guy


Rest of pictures have turned up crap. I'll try again next weekend, with all the new stuff i've got as well

05-22-2012, 02:15 PM
nice job overall. The map on the wind guage doesn't have Ulthuan on it though :P really like the fire djinn though.

05-23-2012, 05:04 AM
Blurry photos away!

Some more, again not great. Really need to charge my real camera up and make the most of the massive amounts of sunlight i'm getting...

Anyway. Beastmaster - Little blurry but get the idea


And my first Space Hulk genestealer - have improved on the scheme in a 2nd one, but no picture there yet

This guys a bigger to get a good picture of cos of the angle hes at....lot of pictures of just the top of his head...


05-25-2012, 02:25 AM
Someone pointed out i missed Ulthuan on the globe in the middle of my compass....whoops.

Nothing too exciting today, just a few WIP shots I managed to snag this morning;

Librarian from Space Hulk WIP. Getting there, armours mostly finished, its just detailing and then the weapons and face. Good model to paint, only my 2 ever in Termy armour. This guy is the last guy in my pile to do before I get to my bro fisting YMCA dancing Wraithlord


Speaking of Wraithlords - I'm conducting a service on some of my old models, something I like to call model charity. This doesn't involve giving stuff away, but more finding a poor model, languishing under a crap paint job, be it in your collection or on ebay and rescuing it with some much deserved work. I've had this guy for literally years, and his paint scheme was awful, not to mention me, 5 months into the hobby had given him a awful pose.

So a stripping down (damn i painted it on thick on this guy), dismantling, reposing and a few spare plastic bits and hes looking a lot better. Just got to finish the base and paint him now. Found that my leaning the torso back quite a lot the model look doens't change much, except the head is more similar to that of current WLords.


Tzeentch's Dark Agent
05-25-2012, 03:02 AM
There be some mighty fine paintin' going on over here Doc, keep up the good work.

05-28-2012, 04:28 AM
No progress I'm afraid, Ghost Recon Future Soldier dropped into my lap last week, so my freetimes been filled with a lot of stealthy action fun. Will recommend the game

However I did get a game in against my friend on Sunday. Hes just starting a massive modelling project (pre-heresy 1k Sons as Grey Knights (or chaos depending on their new book)). But he was using them a grey knights this past weekend. So i got to try my new 1850 list. Figures I'd write an awesome list 4 weeks before an edition change swoops in and changes EVERYTHING.

But here it is!;

My (improved) 1850 points of D Cannon in Y Face

Bel-Annoth - Named Farseer in IA11 (gives me 4 Heavy Slots!)
Wraithseer with Star Cannon

8 Dire Avengers in Wave Serpent, Twin Linked Lances
6 Dire Avengers in Wave Serpent, Twin Linked Lances
5 Dire Avengers (this might change...guardian squad, or rangers maybe)

3 Wraithguard

Fast Attack
1 Hornet, 2 Scatter lasers
1 Hornet, 2 Scatter lasers
1 Hornet, 2 Scatter lasers

Heavy Support
1 Warp Hunter, Holofields
1 Warp Hunter, Holofields
1 Wraithlord, Lance
1 Wraithlord, Lance and Wraithsword

05-30-2012, 03:11 AM
An update on my current WIP

Nearly done. Just got to finish the weapon and the base now I think. So he might get finished tonight, depends on what I end up doing!


06-23-2012, 07:52 AM
Busy times here at the Love Shack, so not had much painting time

Preordered my Gamers edition 6th ed and Physic cards this morning. WIsh the dice were available to order as well, as if they sell out on release day i'm not going to be happy

Anyway. Pictures

Theres a lot of pictures to be uploaded, that wouldn't let me for some reason at home, so going to try taking them to work and sticking them on their. So stay tuned for them!

In the mean time,



Fist bump is complete. Looking good! But got another Wraithlord conversion in my head, so might be another one coming soon!


This guy has been languishing in pieces in a box somewhere for a while, bearing a "i've been in the hobby less than 6 months" paint scheme. So stripped him, cleaned him up, reposed, plastic accessories and boom! The attention he so rightly deserves. By rotating the body back and having the head frther back, he looks less derpy and more similar to his plastic brothers

06-23-2012, 09:12 AM
I still have nightmares about assembling the old metal dreadnoughts. Sure with the skills I have now it would be fine, but back when I had my first ones I was ten.:( Still hoping you complete the fistbump with another wraithord.;)

06-23-2012, 01:46 PM
Both are looking great. Your highlights are getting much better. The gems look pretty good too :)

Looking forward to trying to kill 'em off.

06-25-2012, 02:51 AM
Don't think the next WLord conversion will be fistbumpy. Keep meaning to take a Wraith family picture...might have to wait till after the next one

Anyways progress. I'm still on my paint random things and just enjoy it hit. So 2 new models to show!

This guy is one of my armies, but is sitting in 2nd place for longest i've had a undercoated model without painting him (2 years). So decided to put him in the mixer, and lo and behold he came up to paint first (I get 6 random models from my to paint pile and roll a dice - winner gets painted)


Secondly comes the main project from the weekend. I really enjoy painting Orks i've found. Might just start allying with them soon....


Haven't done his boots yet or the Klaw wiring, and the base needs finishing. But other than that i'm pretty happy

Next on the board - an ork DeffKopta. Then its back to the dice pit to see who comes out on top. (I'll give you a hint - the pool is 2 High Elves, the Skabrus and Grimnirs Thunder and 2 Space Hulk Termies (Assault Cannon and Thunderclaws)). I'm hoping for the Thunderclaws as i've kinda want to paint him up Death Company Style

06-25-2012, 03:03 AM
I'm loving the yellow on the warboss :)

06-25-2012, 04:13 AM
Both look great mate. Why does the warboss have black spots on his teeth though? Love the slightly cartoony style on him though.

06-25-2012, 04:33 AM
Both look great mate. Why does the warboss have black spots on his teeth though? Love the slightly cartoony style on him though.

He has plaque.

As a rich Bad Moons warboss, hes so reckless with his Teef that he doesn't use his squig toothpaste enough

06-25-2012, 06:37 AM
Remember, Kidz, even Orks get cavities!

06-25-2012, 09:15 AM
Doesn't plaque usually present arount the gumline of the teeth, with cavities presenting in the recesses between teeth and in the dips in molars because that's where foor, sugars and, therefore, bacteria accumulate? Not on the end of the cannines? :P

Not to mention that ork teef continually grow during their lifetime, growing faster as the ork gets bigger. One of the reasons orks use them for currency. So if he had cavities, he'd pull'em out and spend em. :P

I know some rubbish, me.

06-25-2012, 11:29 AM
He has plaque.

In the grim, dark future ... there is only gingivitis.

06-26-2012, 03:34 AM
You'll be glad to know that when finishing him i gave him his fillings. No more black spots!

New pictures. I'm disappointed with the photos, they really donj't do him justice. I promise he looks a lot better in person!



Thta is unfortunatly the end of my orks! No more, till I buy more. And i've enjoyed painting them, so that might not be too long. Allies here we come....

06-29-2012, 08:52 AM
So I know fluff wise this guy makes no sense at all. Cos Death Company can't become Terminators. But this model just cries out for this treatment. I have seen it done before, so I can't claim responsibilty for the idea.


Crappy picture away!

07-06-2012, 02:27 AM
So....holiday time for me in a few days. 2 weeks in the sun....really really need the time off work.

I wanted to get something big done before I left, and didn't fancy painting anything I had in my sprayed board. So went digging through boxes to find anything sprayed but not finished that might catch my eye

This guy did! So old i don't think FW even sell it anymore, its been sitting sprayed there for a good while (quite a recurring theme in some of my bits). With the rise of fliers, i figured some nice scenery would be good to match that


Not quite done, but i go on holiday soon so might not be for a while. Want to put more (and by more i mean some) paint chipping on the edges of panels.

Deliberatly made it look like it'd been there a while as its engines rust away, and had to be as ironic in the naming as possible. It might be simple freehand, but its really the first i've done (for the nose art) so am happy with it

07-10-2012, 07:20 AM
Not a bad start at all. Looking forward to fighting over it at some point.

07-29-2012, 10:04 AM
Back from holiday but no painting yet!


Funk Yea


07-30-2012, 03:50 AM
Well done mate. I knew I should have tried to make it down to ruin your day :P

What list did u take?

07-30-2012, 04:45 AM
Farseer with 3 Divination powers (although did toy with Telepathy at the end....might keep that)
9 Avengers in Serpent
5 Avengers
6 Pathfinders
2 Hornets, 2 Scatter Lasers each
Wraithlord with Lance
2 Warp Hunters

I did get a bit lucky in my matches

I'd have never beaten the 3 Stormraven blood angel list, nor would I have managed to best the deamons with 5 flying MC's including Fateweaver.

Also....Mindshackle Scarabs and 4 fliers is a bent Necron army (guess what won :P)

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
07-30-2012, 04:47 AM
Of course MSS and Flyers are an awesome combo.

Screw you opponent! :D

07-30-2012, 04:53 AM
Had my wraithseer is combat with 2 lords and 3 warriors for 4 turns (he wasn't very good at wounding himself).

By all accounts he should have just walked through the squad in 1-2 rounds of combat. Instead he failed everything and eventually lost. I don't think i'd mind MSS if they were a bit more balenced, or just in round 1 of combat.

But something you're going to fail on average dice that virtually guarentees the enemy a win? Thats not cool

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
07-30-2012, 05:05 AM
That's the Necrons, they've been around for billions of years, they have mastered technology and mortality, of course they can screw with your mind. Plus, it's one of our only defences in CC, y'know, being I2 and all...

07-30-2012, 05:29 AM
My Tau are I2.

And are lower toughness. And armour save. And don't have a magic get back up roll.

Necrons can shoot better than anyone else. They are allowed to have weaknesses!

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
07-30-2012, 05:35 AM
That's because Tau aren't in the water, if Tau were back in the water they'd be unstoppable! :p
We do have a weakness, it's called "Flayed Ones". :p

EDIT: Flayed Ones are actually spectacular! I take it all back.

08-06-2012, 04:13 AM
Been on a painting rush recently, exacerbated by a few days off work ill.

Our newly formed gaming club has also decided to start a Necromunda campaign. So that was the motivation to get my gang finished!


Happy with these guys especially as it was only an afternoons work for all of them, bar the 2 i'd already done.

Bought a few extra randoms off ebay recently so build it up (a gang only comes with 2 Juves...and i want more than that!) should be coming soon.

I've also recently finished a new Farseer converion (bought a headless one on ebay for cheap) and stripped and repainted my bonesinger. Photos to follow soonish....

Next thing to do I think is strip my Eldrad and Yriel down and redo them with more experience.

08-09-2012, 10:56 AM
So my thread comes full circle. The Wraithlord from post 1 has been repaired, retouched and modified into my current list. Just need to touch up the marine on the base (and hopefully put the ultramarine logo on the right way round this time)


Also got some new paintwork on some HQ folk

My stripped and repainted Bonesinger (these guys still go for £30 on ebay)


New Warlock (well old....hes still carrying a Laspistol) from ebay. At this point i need to do more Warlocks, think my Warlocks are outnumbered by my Farseers.


Speaking of Farseers...

Bought a headless farseer on the cheap on eBay, seeing as its one of the bodies i didn't have. Converted her up to be a helmetless Farseer with aspare DE head i had


08-21-2012, 03:31 AM
Long time no post. Not been feeling in a painty mood for a bit, and new games have been keeping me away from paint. But just got a tasty FW order in with a few new bits, and need (another) Wraithlord for a comp in October so will be returning to my brushes soon.

Prince Yriel, Eldrad and Asurmen all went into the pot of Nail Varnish remover this week, so now everything in my spare room smells of strawberries (cheap scented remover). They're nearly done now, so will be on the board to be redone soon. I also snagged a few new Necromunda guys to do of the cheap on eBay.

Also got hold of this guy off eBay as well. Considering the model is only 2 years younger than me apparantly, its not suprising i don't have one. Hes already gone in for stripping, but who ever had painted hadn't used a primer so the paint all peeled off like snake skin after less than 10 minutes in the solution.


In the near future I'll also be buying the Dark Vengeance box set, and keeping everything except the Bikes. Get myself a nice little allied marine or chaos division

08-22-2012, 07:59 PM
Great take on the bone singer, in my opinion a very easy model to do wrong however when done right is simply sublime. I also like the conversion on the farseer, however maybe get rid of the bones in her hair? unless of course it fallows some kind of theme in your army.

08-30-2012, 07:32 AM
By popular demand, I present.....brofisting Wraithlords


Obviously the grey bro isn't finished yet.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
08-30-2012, 07:34 AM
Nice! :D

08-30-2012, 01:40 PM
Well todays been a bit of a bleh day. been home ill, so made the most of my time

Got my next article for the BoLS front page nearly finished, despite having a crap home PC. Got a ton of stuf based ready for spraying and also built a fair bit of stuff


1 Wraithlord (full magentised), 1 Relic Contemptor, 2 Tau Sensor Towers, 1 Apothacary, and 1Farseer and Warlock off eBay. All assebled and based. Just need some good weather at weekend now and i can get it all sprayed and away

And get my copy of Dark Vengenance on Saturday. I'm not too fussed with the loyalists (will likely remain small allied force with this Dread). But the Chaos side....i think i may be on the cusp of a 4th army. See how the new dex looks...

08-31-2012, 05:52 AM
I love the fist pump, very cool indeed.

08-31-2012, 06:48 AM
Love the brofisting Wraithlords.:) I also approve of the vintage Farseer, one of my favourites despite looking a itty bit dated.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
08-31-2012, 06:50 AM
That Contemptor is large and on the charge!

09-03-2012, 07:12 AM
Struggled through this broken *** forum to post a few pics



Couple of old Eldar. eBay for the win.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
09-03-2012, 07:16 AM
Cool stuff!!

Note: BF3 tonight??

09-03-2012, 07:57 AM
Aye should be on.

Few Delaque Necromunda Ganger and Juve as well



Tzeentch's Dark Agent
09-03-2012, 08:06 AM
Nice! They're cool. :)

I'll be on at like... 7 or something.

09-03-2012, 12:01 PM
Nice! They're cool. :)

I'll be on at like... 7 or something.

OOO, thats now :)

09-04-2012, 12:53 PM
Awww... Guessing I won't be able to convince you all to go to Halo? Not actually sure I'll have access to the TV at the moment...

On topic though, models look cool. The bone colour on the Eldar and the skin on the Juves look a little thickly painted though. Could just be the pics I guess? The gun metal looks great!

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
09-04-2012, 01:10 PM
Maybe one day Soton, maybe one day...

09-04-2012, 02:32 PM
Just get battlefield shades, im sure if we put you in a tank you will be to bad. Point the big gun at something, and pull trigger. Thats why dr love is doing so well in the tank

09-04-2012, 04:37 PM
Which Battlefield is it? I just remember I actually have one of them...

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
09-04-2012, 04:38 PM
Battlefield 3. :)

09-04-2012, 04:51 PM
Halo reach it is then...


09-05-2012, 03:57 AM

Wraithwall is another of those gaming terms, like Footdar, and Draigowing. But I've never seen anyone do it properly (i'm not saying to the max...need 2 more for that)

But I figured it'd be fun to celebrate breaking 100 posts in here, and finishing another with a family photo, and a list to go with them (2000 2x FoC)

Farseer, Spear, Both Runes, The 3 Cheapest powers (swapped out)
Wraithseer, Star Cannon
Wraithlord, Lance and EML
Wraithlord, Lance and Sword
Wraithlord, Lance
Wraithlord, Scatter Laser
Wraithlord, Lance and Scatter
Wraithlord, Shuri Cannon and Sword
10 Wraithguard, Spirit Seer, Enhance, Spear
10 Pathfinders
9 Dire Avengers
Wave Serpent, Lances
7 DA
7 DA

Make it up to 2500 with the named Farseer from IA11, 2 more Lords...and maybe some allied DE Talos :P

But anyway....family photos


Newest Wraithlord is centre in the last photo. Hes a mirror inverse of my usual scheme, just to mix things up. His bone looked better a little darker though, so i've left it as is.

09-16-2012, 07:56 AM
Little bit of an unusual post this time. A before and after angle.

First picture marks 3 of my models, as they were 1 month ago. They've since been stripped down and repainted thats what is below.

Old Eldrad wa sprobably painted when I was 5 months into the hobby. Yriel and Asurmen probably 6-12 months

So getting a repaint was definently required....





09-16-2012, 08:04 AM
I like your wraith tribe.

Seen a lot worse paint obs from someone five months into the hobby, but the new ones are much nicer.:)

09-16-2012, 08:13 AM
Love the moustache on asurmen, not sure if that's intentional or just the photo? :p

I think the black-lining on his helmet crest is a bit too extreme, better to use a lighter brown.

Eldrad looks great and I like the colour combos on Yriel.

09-21-2012, 04:15 AM
Its half intentional, half accidental. I jsut followed the line I was painting and liked what I got

Update. With Dv starting me down a dark road, and the new leaks looking freakin awesome, I've decided to add the forces of Chaos to my roster. I settled on the 17th Legion, as I like the background, I like the opportunities, I like their pre-heresy look when FW give me the right book and theres a certain appeal in the rmy that fostered the Heresys beginnings

So I started on painting some of my 40 cultists (fluff Word Bearers army, here we come)


In terms of the fluff army (based on rumours and hearsay) I'm going to have lots of cultists (2x 20). Dark Apostles to the max. A unit of the rumoured "Chosen Terminators" to be the Annointed (might use FW Cataphract Terminators as a base). Some Possesed to be Gal Vorbak members. Seeing as they are also a legion in possession of a traitor Forge World, feature some of the new beasties and warp smiths. Lots of half man/machine half demon to represent Lorgars beliefs of a universe of symbiosis between Warp and Real Space.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
09-21-2012, 04:23 AM
Tasty stuff!

If I had cultists they'd be done up as Marauders from Borderlands.

09-23-2012, 06:23 AM
I like the cultists, look cool. I might get mine out at some point, I want to do some painting but I cant spray anything as the weather is being rubbish at the moment

10-11-2012, 05:27 AM
Wow i haven't posted anything in a while. But then i've been busy and haven't done much anyways

My chaos army is starting to form. Now we've got a codex, and a list, models are being bought and painted.

For those of you who don't know, i'm taking part in a tale of 6 gamers, for a event early next year. Go check us out!


10-19-2012, 04:38 AM

Working towards my end goal for the To7G 300-400 points in October

Worked out as 10 Cultists 50pts. Forgefiend - 175pts. 5 CSM - 75pts - Total of 300 points

So yeah i'm skimming in this month, but have been busy.

Started 2 marines to work out the paint scheme (flash murdered the quality)


And ave moved that paint scheme onto the Forgefiend, and have based most of his armour plates


Also had my first game with the Chaos list. Nearly 60 cultists is a touch impressive


As a side, i also took my Eldar to a tournement last weekend. Did abismally. But here they are in their glory


In November I aim to paint my Warlord (Apostle - 105pts), the rest of the chaos marines (95pts) and my dragon (170pts) giving me my 370 points for the month. And since November is going to be dominated by Halo4 for me, keeping the model count down will help me reach the goal

10-23-2012, 09:16 AM

Crappy Winter Picture time!


Forgefiend is finished. Working on Marines now to bring up to the total for the month.

Also started assembling Dragonboy yesterday. nice and easy, going to be a pain to paint though. Going to try and magnetise the wings for easier transport. Looking at it, might have to attach the arms first, then magnetise the wings to them

Emerald Rose Widow
10-23-2012, 01:34 PM
Are those word bearers I see, rock the heck on. Love your work, really great stuff

10-24-2012, 03:35 AM
These are Word Bearers. And I love your stuff too, some good looking bugs

And now I have some actual Word Bearers. As ever, crappy winter photos, but it was all i could manage. When i have more to show i'll sort out better lighting


10-29-2012, 02:31 AM
Another weekend down. Luckily weather was good enough to get some stuff sprayed.

I managed to finish my Rhino, build and magnetise my dragon and get them both sprayed

In some other time I managed to finish the base of my Helldrake


11-02-2012, 05:10 PM
Looking good as usual. I would've been tempted to make the Dread sarcophogus look a little more damaged and weathered, and/or heavilly burnt around the edges. Flames on the Word Bearers shoulder guards look great though.

11-05-2012, 07:03 AM

Dragonboy! Just needs detailing now. Then hes all done!

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
11-05-2012, 07:07 AM
Looking good man!

11-05-2012, 10:32 AM
Dr your stuff is always a treat to look at and inspiring. Keep up the good work.

Emerald Rose Widow
11-05-2012, 01:37 PM
These are Word Bearers. And I love your stuff too, some good looking bugs

Thank you, I still have a long way to go with my skills in painting, but I am happy with my bugs.

you really do some wonderful work with word bearers, just stunning. A friend of mine has a huge love for word bearers, and these are just stunning.

11-06-2012, 03:01 PM
I think he needs a little more than detailing! You haven't finished assembling him yet :p

is one of the better looking helldrakes I've seen thus far though. The colour scheme really does suit the model

11-07-2012, 03:15 AM
Pretty flying robodragon. I like the dreadnought bra decorating the base too, nice touch.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
11-07-2012, 06:32 AM
Dreadnought bra? DAFUQ? :p

11-07-2012, 06:47 AM
Look at the base, think about it a bit and you'll get there.:p

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
11-07-2012, 06:52 AM
I don't want to think about it. :p

11-07-2012, 09:20 AM
Dreadnought Bra; Garaunteed to give your boyfriend a NERDGASM!*

*NERDGASM not garaunteed unless boyfriend is a Space Marine player. For 100% garauntee, use Pokeball Bra.

11-07-2012, 09:55 AM
*NERDGASM not garaunteed unless boyfriend is a Space Marine player. For 100% garauntee, use Pokeball Bra.

I wanna be the very breast, the breast there ever was...

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
11-07-2012, 10:00 AM
Oh gods...

Cpt Codpiece
11-07-2012, 11:03 AM
*NERDGASM not garaunteed unless boyfriend is a Space Marine player. For 100% garauntee, use Pokeball Bra.

please post a link to buy (not the terrible knitted one, that is just tragic), preferably in larger sizes E/F (heavy ball :)). my mrs could do with a few :) LOL

11-08-2012, 04:00 AM
Dreadnought bra! Can't! Be! Unseeeen!

Oh, but it does open up some interesting female cosplay opportunities, hmmm?

11-08-2012, 05:08 AM
Dreadnought bra! Can't! Be! Unseeeen!
Mission accomplished.

Oh, but it does open up some interesting female cosplay opportunities, hmmm?
Oh god now I want to do this for my next costume, hoist by my own petard.:(

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
11-08-2012, 05:11 AM

11-08-2012, 06:11 AM
Oh god now I want to do this for my next costume, hoist by my own petard.:(

Deal! And... pics or it didn't happen! Or preferably a youtube vid with dread-you running down the street shouting 'For the Emprah!'

Also, petard, good one. As a non-anglophone I had to look that up. Learned something new today, oi did.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
11-08-2012, 06:38 AM
Well done Meph, proud of you. :p

11-09-2012, 12:49 AM
I try, I try :D

11-26-2012, 03:36 AM
Between 12 hour work days and Halo 4 i've barely touched a paintbrush or the internet for weeks


My Dragon. Hvae also finished a Rhino and are working on my Dark Apostle. After that its speed painting a Slaughterfiend and 4 spawn in less than 2 weeks....

Godless Zealot
11-26-2012, 12:03 PM
That looks damn impressive!

12-06-2012, 06:50 AM
Painted a bunch of Nurgle spawn this past week


Everyone is a different green as everyone is a different approach to painting them. Think i like the 2 on each end the most.

Furthest left is base coated white, given a green wash and then 2 heavy athonian camoshade washes.
Furthese right is base coated Nurgling freen, athonian washed and then highlighted in Nurgling green again

01-04-2013, 02:35 PM
Ho hum Christmas is over. NO 40k goodies, only the Word Bearer Omnibus to help learn more about my legion

I needed a Chaos Lord for my force. Rather than use the one everyone will use from the DV box i reappropraited a model i've had sitting around for a few years and never had the need for. Little bit of an arm swap and a power pack and he looks the part, in very antique armour.

Sharp eyes among you will know he is the Games Day Fantasy Chaos Lord model from 2-3 years back.


Working on Obliterators now, then only a few bits left!

01-06-2013, 09:19 AM
Great stuff as always Dr, especially liking the retro chaos lord I think he will really pop on the tabletop.

01-25-2013, 09:40 AM
I'm back. Well its been a horrible time at work. So iv'e barely had time to much else than work.

But thanks to a few days off i've managed to finish a bunch of projects

Chaos Lord http://i106.photobucket.com/albums/m252/drlove42/2013-01-23105052.jpg
HellBrute http://i106.photobucket.com/albums/m252/drlove42/2013-01-23105012.jpg
And a butt ton of Cultists. I should point out thats what i've got painted, got nearly 40 unpainted cultists. So far...the plan to have no 2 cultists in the same style in the same colour is going well. But with more models i'm running out of colours!

I got the Word Bearers Omnibus from my wife for christmas, have just finished reading that. Was a great trilogy and it gave me a lot of background into how the legion works, and stuff. Hence building a terminator unit (The Annointed) and a Chaos Lord (my Coryphaus).

Local comp this week, 5 games, 1250 points. Should be good, see how the list i've been working on fares....

Until Next times

KrewL RaiN
01-25-2013, 10:45 AM
So many cultists. Hopefully you won't run out of colour combos, yet there's so many models to remember who has what colours on aaaa the chaos lol. I like your green variations on your spawn too. Looking forward to seeing your apostle.

I have recently started a word bearers force and still need to read that omnibus.

01-30-2013, 04:59 AM
remember, there are more shades of pink than you can ever paint :P

03-17-2013, 12:45 PM
So all things are changin'. Had a plan to add some deamons as allies. Got a codex and the first model....then boom. Tau.

So deamons are shelved for a while. Tau are next on the horizon.

But first for me is the beginning of our clubs Dreadball League. For those of you who don't know dreadball keep an eye out for a intro piece on the BOLS front page soon.

In the mean time...my team so far. A few guys missing from this photo though


Look forward to this and some new Tau! That Riptide looks like a good project!

03-18-2013, 04:13 PM
I was going to paint some more Chaos Marines this evening, but my backs giving me Jip after 3 hours driving for work today.

So instead I started taking a census of my Tau so I know what i have ready for next weeks new release. While on it, I moved onto my newest army....my Chaos.

Tau I have 2048 without upgrades and bits.
Chaos I have 3239 before Marks and Other Upgrades.

If I get some more time soon....I'll start totting up the Eldar and Dark Eldar. Pretty sure my Seer Council alone will be larger than my entire Tau army

EDIT - Got bored. Without any powers or upgrades my Farseers and Warlocks add up to 969. If I were to add the cheapest power on each Warlock, 2 cheapest on Farseer and Runes and Spirit Stones....that number jumps to 1629. Not quite as much as my Tau....but still an army in themselves

Double Edit - In Eldar HQ choices alone, no Upgrades...2514 points

03-19-2013, 03:58 AM
Hah! Nice. Can't wait to see what your entire Eldar army totals up to!

03-19-2013, 05:24 AM
Total up your whole Eldar, and I'll bring my Imperials down to wreak destruction upon you xenos scum :P

Been far too long since we had an Apoc game, and now I have two RoBBs, so we might actually have a half decent table, rather than just another floor war!

03-19-2013, 06:05 AM
Well i'll have ma Chaos for the Brighton Comp....my Eldar aren't going to see the sun bar a bit of painting till we get a new codex

03-19-2013, 09:23 AM
With No Upgrades (or physic powers etc) just as modelled my Eldar come to 10,578. And I think i may have missed a few bits as well.

Not as big as I thought.....just Dark Eldar to tote up now

03-19-2013, 12:13 PM
SO! Final Counts

Tau I have 2048 without upgrades and bits.
Chaos I have 3239 before Marks and Other Upgrades.
Eldar is a sum total of 10,778 without upgrades. Including lots of compulsory things. So realistically lots more than that
Dark Eldar is 3968 without upgrades. And a few weapons on my HQ's that i didn't know from memory.

So a total of 20,033 points in 4 armies

Plus a few random Orks, Deamons and Space Marines...so in a realistic army and all the other options.....22,000 points.

Whelp time to buy more!

03-20-2013, 09:53 AM
Impressive! Tempted to do this with my Eldar and Wolves. I assume this is all painted stuff, right?

03-20-2013, 10:03 AM
Largely. Only one thing is unbuilt, and the rest are at least basecoated.

04-03-2013, 11:58 AM
Bit of a change...from Dark Chaos....to Bright Chaos!



The only deamons I'll be doing in a while. Friend is borrowing them for a comp this weekend so needed to get them done.

They were going to be allies for my chaos marines, but with Tau...I want to concentrate on one of my existing armies new stuff, not get a 5th one going. And then with Eldar rumoured to be after High Elves....

They're quite different to my normal stuff as they seem much brighter. The models are really nice, but those flames are bit of a bugger to do

05-01-2013, 01:48 AM
Couldn't remember if i'd posted this guy

http://i106.photobucket.com/albums/m252/drlove42/2013-04-26151702_zps58aa9680.jpg (http://s106.photobucket.com/user/drlove42/media/2013-04-26151702_zps58aa9680.jpg.html)

I do love painting Orks. Not sure I could do a whole army though....

http://i106.photobucket.com/albums/m252/drlove42/2013-04-26151725_zps2e3d4742.jpg (http://s106.photobucket.com/user/drlove42/media/2013-04-26151725_zps2e3d4742.jpg.html)

What can I say, I love the Contemptor model. Consider it the first installment in my pre Heresy Word Bearers. And yes I know I put the missile launcher cover on wrong....

My Tau are now sprayed, so will have some of my new Tau soon.....then....ELDAR!

05-01-2013, 03:29 AM
Wait... how? what? So... the missile launcher is an intentional conversion?

05-01-2013, 03:43 AM
That Ork does look smart.
Still not sure what I think about Contemptors, sometimes I'm all They're all awesome others I'm They're a bit silly looking.
Nice colour scheme though

05-01-2013, 04:57 AM
Rules Wise they're awesome

I've always liked the model.....hence why I bought a FW model for an army i don't have any of....

05-08-2013, 03:53 PM
nice collection dude.

05-15-2013, 06:22 AM
OK no pics just an update

I'm coming out of one of my low hobby swings (i get swings of hobby interest. A few weeks-months of intense only interested in painting then a month or so where I cna't find the motivation) thanks to needing my new Tau done by a comp in a few weeks, and the prospect of new Eldar

So expect models soon! Put base coats on some pathfinders and my Fireblade last 2 days, but realised my bone, my edge highlighting colour is dry, so need to wait till GW reopens tomorrow to get some more and continue. After them i've got 2 broadsides and a riptide to do.

I just hope I never have to paint another Pulse Carbine again. Stupid guns....

06-19-2013, 02:38 AM
Yay! Update

So. New Eldar. My Tau are already back on the back burner. Why GW did you decide to release my two armies within 3 months of each other!

But got a little bit of Tau done in tie, and a lot built and sprayed. That'll come round soon. IN the mean time

http://i106.photobucket.com/albums/m252/drlove42/2013-06-16153019_zps66241cad.jpg (http://s106.photobucket.com/user/drlove42/media/2013-06-16153019_zps66241cad.jpg.html)

http://i106.photobucket.com/albums/m252/drlove42/2013-06-16153001_zps4990c9aa.jpg (http://s106.photobucket.com/user/drlove42/media/2013-06-16153001_zps4990c9aa.jpg.html)

http://i106.photobucket.com/albums/m252/drlove42/2013-06-16152947_zps72170f83.jpg (http://s106.photobucket.com/user/drlove42/media/2013-06-16152947_zps72170f83.jpg.html)

Finished my Eldar Defence Line and the first of 5 new Wraithguard the other day, as well as updating the first Wave Serpent i ever painted as its the only one i've built with a cannon, pics to follow.

My painting station is a bit eclectic right now

http://i106.photobucket.com/albums/m252/drlove42/2013-06-16152904_zps137d23ff.jpg (http://s106.photobucket.com/user/drlove42/media/2013-06-16152904_zps137d23ff.jpg.html)

Forgeword Marine Apothacary, Ranger, Fireblade, a possessed marine, a regular chaos marine, Illic, Spiritseer and the Necromunda Farseer...

06-19-2013, 09:57 AM
Nice Fireblade! It's a model I wanna get simply to paint.

Looking forward to seeing what you did for the Aegis Line.

06-20-2013, 02:25 AM
Thanks Grim

Got some quick pics this morning. Lightings not great, but oh well

http://i106.photobucket.com/albums/m252/drlove42/2013-06-20072437_zps8ce2e6e7.jpg (http://s106.photobucket.com/user/drlove42/media/2013-06-20072437_zps8ce2e6e7.jpg.html)

http://i106.photobucket.com/albums/m252/drlove42/2013-06-20072514_zpsbc65d836.jpg (http://s106.photobucket.com/user/drlove42/media/2013-06-20072514_zpsbc65d836.jpg.html)

http://i106.photobucket.com/albums/m252/drlove42/2013-06-20072455_zps39019574.jpg (http://s106.photobucket.com/user/drlove42/media/2013-06-20072455_zps39019574.jpg.html)

06-20-2013, 03:08 AM
Inverted scheme looks great as always. I want to see all your guard in front of all your lords! (and then a knight and a titan to finish the whole progression!)

06-20-2013, 03:12 AM
I've got 5 more Guard to do. That'll bring me to 11 in metal and 10 in plastic.

Then eventually a unit of sword and a unit of a axes on wraithblades....think 31 wraithguard will be a good place to stop.

Eventually i'll get a knight....jsut don't see the need for something so costly right now. And still need to build my revenant....

06-20-2013, 03:22 AM
It didn't twig what you'd done there at first, but yeah that inverted colour scheme is very effective.

06-20-2013, 05:43 AM
Looking pretty swish Buddy! Nicely done!

06-20-2013, 08:13 AM
Ta muchly. Going to try and get the next 5 guard and my "Lascannon" gun built tonight, as well as picking up the Iyanden book.

Also going to finish updating my first wave serpent, and get my Dark Reapers done!

10-20-2013, 09:50 AM
Long time no post, moving house and job will do hat

http://i106.photobucket.com/albums/m252/drlove42/2013-10-20110213_zpsdfaa649b.jpg (http://s106.photobucket.com/user/drlove42/media/2013-10-20110213_zpsdfaa649b.jpg.html)

http://i106.photobucket.com/albums/m252/drlove42/2013-10-20110243_zps0a7a74c0.jpg (http://s106.photobucket.com/user/drlove42/media/2013-10-20110243_zps0a7a74c0.jpg.html)

Current projects ^^

Next project below....

http://i106.photobucket.com/albums/m252/drlove42/2013-10-20110228_zps6c89a0a0.jpg (http://s106.photobucket.com/user/drlove42/media/2013-10-20110228_zps6c89a0a0.jpg.html)

10-27-2013, 01:52 PM
http://i106.photobucket.com/albums/m252/drlove42/2013-10-27092032_zps6aae0251.jpg (http://s106.photobucket.com/user/drlove42/media/2013-10-27092032_zps6aae0251.jpg.html)

Riptide finished...and the recon drone skimming in there as well.

Just scratch built 3 spawns from Vampire Counts Tomb Crypts and bits, and working on a FW giant spawn and predator. Pics when I gets them!

10-27-2013, 10:59 PM
Yay chaos!!!

10-28-2013, 02:49 AM
Yay chaos!!!

No! Bad. Bad Boarder, back in your box.

10-28-2013, 05:51 AM
lol, that's what happens when yopu run out of khornflakes, the bezerkers get restless. :D

11-03-2013, 11:08 AM
A berserker got loose on my broadside.

This was built using "new" GW glue back when Tau were released.

http://i106.photobucket.com/albums/m252/drlove42/2013-10-27160934_zpsc92c9fe7.jpg (http://s106.photobucket.com/user/drlove42/media/2013-10-27160934_zpsc92c9fe7.jpg.html)

And is the reason I don't use GW plastic glue anymore. The whole lot crystallised and broke apart at a light breeze.

Half my chaos need fixing again...

11-03-2013, 08:46 PM
I have no problems with the Thin Plastic Glue from GW. It's the thick one that's pretty crappy.

And on a different note. Nice paintjob.

01-04-2014, 04:17 PM
http://i106.photobucket.com/albums/m252/drlove42/2014-01-04141137_zpse0187447.jpg (http://s106.photobucket.com/user/drlove42/media/2014-01-04141137_zpse0187447.jpg.html)

Decided to go back and basically redo lots of Chaos, as I wasn't happy with the paint scheme. This is the first. My previous scheme was quick, but looked like ****. So heres the new one. Got to try and see how to improve my infantry next

01-04-2014, 04:53 PM
http://i106.photobucket.com/albums/m252/drlove42/2013-10-27092032_zps6aae0251.jpg (http://s106.photobucket.com/user/drlove42/media/2013-10-27092032_zps6aae0251.jpg.html)

Riptide finished...and the recon drone skimming in there as well.

Just scratch built 3 spawns from Vampire Counts Tomb Crypts and bits, and working on a FW giant spawn and predator. Pics when I gets them!

Really like your paint job.

04-21-2014, 01:49 PM
Thanks! Going to be starting Riptide number two soon

But first starting the scenic base for a model i've been putting off for years.

In mean time, in wake of Crimson Slaughter codex, I went back to this guy recently

http://i106.photobucket.com/albums/m252/drlove42/Warhammer/20140318_171141_zpsulzmssra.jpg (http://s106.photobucket.com/user/drlove42/media/Warhammer/20140318_171141_zpsulzmssra.jpg.html)

04-23-2014, 10:35 AM
http://i106.photobucket.com/albums/m252/drlove42/FB_IMG_13981940823551284_zpseg5phuyi.jpg (http://s106.photobucket.com/user/drlove42/media/FB_IMG_13981940823551284_zpseg5phuyi.jpg.html)


Seriously I found the reciept in this guys FW bag. 2 years and 8 days since I bought him, production begins. Cleaned all the bits off last night.

But first you need a base! And what a base a £200 model needs. He needs to be grinding his Mon-keigh foes beneath him. Therefore....a titan must die.

Now i'm not crazy with a massive budget. So a £20 trip to a bits site, netted me enough bits. But rather than buy the entire upper torso I just bought the caraspace covering.

http://i106.photobucket.com/albums/m252/drlove42/20140421_211541_zpsvaaortwc.jpg (http://s106.photobucket.com/user/drlove42/media/20140421_211541_zpsvaaortwc.jpg.html)

Cut up and into position on a sprue framework of my own bodging, the torso in place. The framework was then affixed with a flat layer of card, the rest of the bits were then attached;

http://i106.photobucket.com/albums/m252/drlove42/20140422_192355_zpsidlcfkhf.jpg (http://s106.photobucket.com/user/drlove42/media/20140422_192355_zpsidlcfkhf.jpg.html)

Aim to get all that FW resin washed this evening....maybe. But then away for a wedding this weekend so she'll have to wait till next week to be built. Any advice, i'm a fairly expert modeller, but this lady is easily the biggest i've ever tackled. I already know to pin the ever living crap out of it

04-23-2014, 01:25 PM
Oh, goody! I'm along for the ride. :D

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
04-23-2014, 05:45 PM
Xenos scum.

04-24-2014, 01:42 AM
Impressive way to base...

07-16-2014, 12:41 PM
Hobby Boredom set in hard. Had no motivation to touch owt for ages. Not even 7th ed got me out of it, but thats what you get when your games of 40K are 4 months apart

However I am back up to the plate. New bits to build, and then some fun projects to paint. Gonna save the big bits as a reward for finishing a squad in that army.

http://i106.photobucket.com/albums/m252/drlove42/Mobile%20Uploads/20140713_212251_zpsvbkhktym.jpg (http://s106.photobucket.com/user/drlove42/media/Mobile%20Uploads/20140713_212251_zpsvbkhktym.jpg.html)
"Angel on my Shoulder". Revenant Titan. With Carl the Chaos Cultist for scale purposes....

http://i106.photobucket.com/albums/m252/drlove42/Mobile%20Uploads/20140716_191416_zpsaqrxa3ks.jpg (http://s106.photobucket.com/user/drlove42/media/Mobile%20Uploads/20140716_191416_zpsaqrxa3ks.jpg.html)

Riptide Number 2. With custom head (shamelessly taken from WD Visions) and reinforced shield

Got to build my Sicaran as my Chaos reward. And either Kharn, Lorgar or Erebus for a character reward....

02-15-2015, 01:38 PM
So ive been having a break from everything. Its still impossible to game here amd i have to travel hours to play in comps to get any regular play. And my photo sharing app has been on the blink of late.

However I am back....

Few things to show
http://i106.photobucket.com/albums/m252/drlove42/20141220_113454_zpsfej1jltm.jpg (http://s106.photobucket.com/user/drlove42/media/20141220_113454_zpsfej1jltm.jpg.html)

Sicaran and a Warpsmith.

http://i106.photobucket.com/albums/m252/drlove42/20150209_184129_zpsgpl45jzg.jpg (http://s106.photobucket.com/user/drlove42/media/20150209_184129_zpsgpl45jzg.jpg.html)

Converted some Conversion beamer rapiers

http://i106.photobucket.com/albums/m252/drlove42/20150215_175808_zps8gmwytxf.jpg (http://s106.photobucket.com/user/drlove42/media/20150215_175808_zps8gmwytxf.jpg.html)

Built my Mhara Gal Dreadnought, pre release from the Heresy Weekend.

Also currently working on some Hell Blades and a Land Raider Achilles

02-15-2015, 04:52 PM
awesome, love that rapier

03-03-2015, 11:02 AM

The first two rapiers are done, as is the first Hell Blade, but i'm taking a break from what i need for my new army list to something I have absolutly loved painting

https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/v/t1.0-9/11041728_10100530040469312_8065782219226248190_n.j pg?oh=44d5e5403326d77a78510572e761ca0b&oe=55794BA8&__gda__=1434985981_26265d71824215b561cadaa50ec49fb f

Still a WIP. The armour is done, the flesh, scroll and bone is based and washed. Then need to do the cabling, the gun and the scroll on his shoulder and paint the base. I cannot stress how much fun this guy has been to paint and how satisfied i am with him. Look forward to replciating the process on my Gal Vorbak in the near future.

03-03-2015, 04:11 PM
OK, that looks kinda awesome.