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View Full Version : HE for a newbie

07-26-2010, 03:22 PM
Hey so jumping on the 8th edition/isle of blood band wagon i've decided to start fantasy as well.

Written two lists, one for a 1000 point starters and one for 2400 which is what my friends play at.

Looking for crtique, not bought anything yet...


No Lords
Heroes - Level 2 Mage, with Folariaths robes
Core - 24 spearmen, standard, musician
- 20 seaguard with shields and musician
Special - 17 Swordmasters
Rare - 1 Bolt thrower

Lords - Prince on Griffon, Great weapon, heavy armour, shield. Annulian Crystal, Vambrances of defence
Heroes - Level 2 Mage, Foliarths robes
Core - 24 spearmen with standard and musician
- 24 spearmen with standard and musician
- 20 Archers with light armour
- 20 Seaguard, shields, musician, standard
Special - 15 men, bladelord, musician, standard, with standard of balence
- 5 Elyrrian Reavers, spears and bows
- 8 Phoenix guards
Rare - Bolt Throwers
Bolt Throwers

My main opponents round here are empire, deamons, vampire counts, wood elves and warriors of chaos

Ta for any help!

07-26-2010, 05:27 PM
40 Spearmen in one unit is vastly superior to 2x 24. 40 ASF attacks is nothing to sneeze at.

More Swordmasters > Phoenix Guard.

At 2400 points you need a L4 wizard.

07-26-2010, 07:30 PM
8th edition is all about big combat oriented units. Combine the Spearmen and the Seaguard and make a big unit of Sea Guard. You'll also need full command for that squad.

The 8 Phoenix Guard aren't going to do a whole lot for you, I'd definitely shoot to expand them up to at least 15 models, again with full command.

The Arches could be divided into 2 squads if you want, depends on what's played in your local meta.

Hope that helps :)