View Full Version : Furioso Dreadnoughts vs Death Company Dreadnoughts

07-26-2010, 01:35 PM
First off I'd just like to state that both Dreadnoughts are great. But I want to get some feedback/thoughts from people if you could only run one of them (equiped with blood talons), which would you choose?

I've made up a quick list of pro's and con's for each dreadnought:

Furioso Dreadnought

- WS 6
- Front Armour 13
- Chance of getting "Red Thirst"
- No Death Company Marines required to take the dread
- No Rage

- Only 3 Base Attacks, 4 on charge
- Only Intiative 4 on the charge (if Red Thirst doesn't work)

Death Company Dreadnought

Pro's- Furious Charge (I5 and Str7 on charge)
- Fleet
- None Can Stay My Wrath
- 4 Base Attacks, 5 on charge

- WS 5
- Rage
- Need to run at 5 Death Company Marines to take the Dreadnought
- Front Armour 12

What are your thoughts?

07-26-2010, 01:58 PM
Wouldn't really call WS5 a "con". Its still better than average. Personally based on those numbers there ( i don't play BA so have no clue) i'd say the death company dred is the one. The lower front armour is still nearly immpenetratable to most things in combat so not too much of a draw back. And BA should take a few death company in my eyes so its supported

Silver Drakes Legion
07-26-2010, 02:33 PM
I think rage is a huge problem bc you don't have control. Heck I play eldar among other armies and have led two Death company dreads on a merry chase on one side of the board with a Waveserpent basically making them worthless against something moving 24 a turn. While the rest of my army took out his other forces on the other side.

I think it really depends. I'm starting blood angels and I think the furioso is more to my style of play.

07-26-2010, 02:51 PM
The armor 13 means that it's immune to krak grenades and can walk into many infantry squads and wipe them out without fear.

07-26-2010, 02:51 PM
I think rage is a huge problem bc you don't have control. Heck I play eldar among other armies and have led two Death company dreads on a merry chase on one side of the board with a Waveserpent basically making them worthless against something moving 24 a turn. While the rest of my army took out his other forces on the other side.

For some reason the Benny Hill music is playing in my head...

And i also feel the need to quote Bruce Banner on the Incredible Hulk when asked if can control it "Control it...no. I was just gonna try and aim it". Rage isn't such a problem with good deployment. Can a DC Dred take a drop pod?

Drew da Destroya
07-26-2010, 06:36 PM
Can a DC Dred take a drop pod?

I think it can. And even if it can't, there's always the Dropship. Dumping dreads directly into combat since 2010.

07-26-2010, 06:48 PM
Both the Furioso's and DC Dreads can take drop pods. The rage rule in my eyes is a big hinder because you're opponent has just as much control over your DC dread as you do, possibly more.

07-26-2010, 06:49 PM
Can a DC Dred take a drop pod?

If it can't, then my BA opponent has been cheating ever since the codex came out ("but Army Builder says I can do it!")

(but I'm sure he's not cheating)

07-26-2010, 09:52 PM
I like throwing DC Dreads in Stormravens and Furioso Librarians in Drop Pods. Makes for a nasty first turn blitz if things go well. :D