View Full Version : Skaven in 8th Edition

07-25-2010, 05:04 PM
Hey everyone, has anyone played with or against skaven with the new 8th edition rule set? They look pretty strong, what with the horde rule and no unit cap. Thoughts?

07-25-2010, 08:29 PM
I believe skaven will be one of the top contenders in 8th. Haven't played or play skaven in 8th, so don't know for first hand knowledge. Theoryhammer says they'll do well. With Rat Ogres getting fight in two ranks and stomp, these guys will be seen quite a bit. Slaves being only a couple points, you just might see hordes and hordes of these guys. The Stormvermin will be tough to resist also, w/ s4 and fighting in ranks...ouch. The Grey Seer's, imho, are still some of the most potent casters out there. Plague much? Yes please. So, my two cents, skaven haven gotten a great boon with the new edition. But that goes for every army it seems, each has there own benefits and strategies, but time will tell.

07-26-2010, 12:01 AM
well..with rat ogres, sure they have a disgusting amount of attacks but they wont be able to break a unit will they? I mean, they will go down quite fast, so ideally use them to flank charge ya? Regardless, I still think they are beasts.

07-27-2010, 12:35 PM
I have been playing skaven for about 14 years now and have finally found an excuse to use RAT OGRES for the first time. Stomp added with attacks in the back rank not to mention that they are I4 makes them a potent group. They will strike first on a fair amount of occasions save Elves and Chaos. Slaves with the stubborn 10 rule now finally official makes it so you will see mandatory units of at least two.

If you are running these guys be sure to choose your targets carefully and don't get to cocky with them. They will decimate most things but if they lose one combat round they are most likely running.

Abomination is a solid, solid unit choice as is the Doomwheel. Some people claim the abomination is too hard to kill but those are people who need to open their eyes a tad bit more and realise with the added amount of flaming attacks all armies can get now add to that the upgrade shooting got with cannons it makes the job a tad bit easier. Another thing is people need to understand that it isn't immune to psych tests which is a huge deal.

Doomwheel is a well rounded monster killer but with less monsters on the table (due to TLOS and cannon shooting upgrades) you may see less of these around although I find it too cool a unit to resist :D.

Clanrats with shields are the way to go now with the +6 ward in hth

stormvermin with a solid back up of a general and the 2d6 str 2 hits banner is a nasty little bugger to deal with.

The only thing I really don't like is that it used to be maybe 1 other guy besides myself would be playing them at a GT or local tourney. Now I feel as We will be seeing a crap ton more making it less appealing as I think the powergamer may be drawn to them :mad:.

Only time will tell, and I think that if a person is willing to paint a 200 plus model horde and spend time making it look nice then all the power to them. I look forward to seeing what happens in Vegas next year though!


07-27-2010, 10:54 PM
I played as skaven with allies in a huge a** 6000 pt battle.

The battle bunker was closing so we only got 2 turns in within about 4 hours...

Teams were OK, skaven and VC(Although the vc player was much more of a noob than he lead on), against HE and Empire.

Between gut magic all casting on a 3+ and the low casting costs of skaven, even on poor rolls for winds of magic we killed a decent number of enemies. WE plus warp lightning and a power accumulator can dish out good hits before combat.

Running slaves into swordmasters until they explode worked better than expected. :)

Doomwheel absolutely kills small Cav units, when you deny the charge bonus to lances and don't provoke a charge reaction, it makes for a deadly combo(a lucky str 10 zzzzzap helped too!).

Having a death globe scatter onto a dragon was fun. Unfortunately, my stormvermin never saw combat...

Overall, we did pretty good! The game ended at the bottom of 2 between the store closing, a feedback scroll killing their general and our running off the board. We called it a draw, and left to plot for another day!

The weekend after next we hope to battle at at most half that size, so hopefully I'll be able to try out a few new things and let you know.

07-28-2010, 10:26 AM
Cool thanks!