View Full Version : Emperor's Champion and IC rule

07-24-2010, 06:38 PM
One of the Black Templar Emperor's Champion's Special Rules states "Always an Independent Character: The Emperor's Champion always fights as an Independant Character and may never lead, join, or be attached to a Command Squad."

Does this prevent him from joining any other type of squad? The main rulebook states Independent Characters can join any squad, and since his special rule only excludes Command Squads, I'm thinking he's fine to join anything else, but I could be misinterpreting this.

07-24-2010, 07:07 PM
You would be correct. The Emperor's Champion would be free to join any squad that isn't a Command Squad.

07-24-2010, 08:04 PM
In 4th edition, characters who had a command squad ceased to be an independent character, and would become, for all intents and purposes, a member of the squad (meaning they couldn't be singled out by CC attacks). Since this rule no longer applies, it's a rather moot point. The way my gaming group always interpreted it was that the Emperor's Champion could always be singled out in CC- which is now the norm. So now he's just an IC, nothing special.

07-25-2010, 07:43 AM
In 4th edition, characters who had a command squad ceased to be an independent character, and would become, for all intents and purposes, a member of the squad (meaning they couldn't be singled out by CC attacks). Since this rule no longer applies, it's a rather moot point. The way my gaming group always interpreted it was that the Emperor's Champion could always be singled out in CC- which is now the norm. So now he's just an IC, nothing special.

Page 51 of the 4th edition book. ICs can always be picked out of combat.

In 5th edition, the same rule holds true, except for Retinues, of which there are not that many anymore. Dark Eldar and Gray Knights are the only armies with this rule, I believe.

07-25-2010, 08:49 AM
Don't Forget Tau

07-25-2010, 08:29 PM
Don't Forget Tau

They have Bodyguards or Retinues? There is a difference between the two.

07-26-2010, 10:32 AM
They have Bodyguards or Retinues? There is a difference between the two.

They are retinues by a different name, "...'retinue', 'bodyguard', or similar.)"p48 BRB

"Unless accompanied by a Bodyguard, the Commander is an independent character . . ." p32 Codex Tau

"Unless accompanied by an Honour Guard, the Ethereal is an independent character . . ." p33 Codex Tau

07-26-2010, 10:39 PM
They are retinues by a different name, "...'retinue', 'bodyguard', or similar.)"p48 BRB

"Unless accompanied by a Bodyguard, the Commander is an independent character . . ." p32 Codex Tau

"Unless accompanied by an Honour Guard, the Ethereal is an independent character . . ." p33 Codex Tau

Hhhmmmmmm.... Interesting.... Maybe because the reason I didn't know this is that any self respecting Tau Player wouldn't take an Ethreal, and Commanders in CC are dead in the first round against pretty much anything anyway.

The more you know!

07-27-2010, 07:17 AM
Hhhmmmmmm.... Interesting.... Maybe because the reason I didn't know this is that any self respecting Tau Player wouldn't take an Ethreal, and Commanders in CC are dead in the first round against pretty much anything anyway.

The more you know!

Tau players that like fluff lists can not hold any self-respect now? I must have missed the memo.