View Full Version : Proof GW's pricing is better but still out of control

06-05-2017, 06:17 PM
okay GW, i know you're getting better with the pricing but jesus dude look what you did....


"3 of the Space Marines Skyhammer Tactical Squad boxes – that’s a total of 3 10-man Space Marines Tactical Squads, and 3 Drop Pods," - so 30 marine bodies and 3 drop pods.... $165


"In this bundle, you’ll receive six (six!) Sternguard Veteran Squads, and three Drop Pods – one for each set of ten Sternguard Veterans. " So three droppods and 30 marine bodies..... $411

Uh i get sternguard are sexy and all but over twice the price for what amounts to basically the same thing? jesus dude lay off the crack

06-07-2017, 12:34 AM
I'm guessing that you haven't noticed that the one-click package prices are exactly the same as if you bought all the component boxes separately.
Just like all their one-click packages.
At least they are on the UK Website, which is the one I access.

6 x £30 = £180
3 x £22.50 = £67.50

Total £247.50 which is the UK Price of the one-click package.

06-07-2017, 04:25 AM
I'm guessing that you haven't noticed that the one-click package prices are exactly the same as if you bought all the component boxes separately.
Just like all their one-click packages.
At least they are on the UK Website, which is the one I access.

6 x £30 = £180
3 x £22.50 = £67.50

Total £247.50 which is the UK Price of the one-click package.
That's not the point. The point is each box is 30 Marines and 3 drop pods. The only difference is a different looking sculpt. And i get it. one looks better so it should be more expensive it's sternguard not bog standard marines. but dude to charge over twice for what is physically the same basic thing with maybe one or two more sprues (being generous) is ridiculous.

Especially when they have boxes like the Betrayal at calth box which is an amazing deal in comparison.