View Full Version : Pic of the day

07-23-2010, 01:08 PM
Pic of the day is one of my favourite features of this site. I have one complaint to make tho. Its always uploaded at about 2 or 3 in the morning over on this side of the Atlantic. Why not for a change give Us here in Europe a chance to be the first to caption the pictures by uploading the picture of the day a couple of hours later than usual.

I know that there is a substantial portion of this site from England and Ireland (and Scotland and Wales)- Why not give us the chance to show of our wits?

Just throwing it out there- what do people think, and am I alone in this thought amoungst my fellow Europeans?

07-23-2010, 01:57 PM
I'm pretty sure that you can submit pictures from anywhere, at any time of the day. Bols will just post them at a time is convenient for them, which happens to be 2-3 am for you.

07-23-2010, 03:04 PM
I have no problem posting pictures, I was just asking of Bols could put them up at a later time- not always maybe even just for a week or a few days

07-23-2010, 10:15 PM
He's right though. It's not much to ask..... I mean hell... Just an hour or two would probably mean the world to the Europeans. They do love their wargaming.

07-24-2010, 03:10 AM
He's right though. It's not much to ask..... I mean hell... Just an hour or two would probably mean the world to the Europeans. They do love their wargaming.

yes we do :D

The Inner Geek
07-27-2010, 08:51 AM
I certainly understand your dilemma, but can't you still post witty comments when you get up in the morning? Sometimes my wittiest comments are after a good nights sleep...

07-27-2010, 09:35 AM
Is this really a thread asking for posts to be submitted later, so that Europeans have a better chance of getting "First!"?


07-27-2010, 11:39 AM
Pic of the day is one of my favourite features of this site. I have one complaint to make tho. Its always uploaded at about 2 or 3 in the morning over on this side of the Atlantic. Why not for a change give Us here in Europe a chance to be the first to caption the pictures by uploading the picture of the day a couple of hours later than usual.

I know that there is a substantial portion of this site from England and Ireland (and Scotland and Wales)- Why not give us the chance to show of our wits?

Just throwing it out there- what do people think, and am I alone in this thought amoungst my fellow Europeans?

No, you´re not alone!!

I´m a non UK/Ireland/Scotland european member of the forum and either I don´t see my country represented on this forum, however in Spain we have lots of good 40K and Fantasy players and maybe one of the 3 world best miniature painting teams...

07-27-2010, 12:08 PM
Is this really a thread asking for posts to be submitted later, so that Europeans have a better chance of getting "First!"?


That's what I'm getting here. It's not like the posts dissapear 5-6 hours after being put up. Even if they get posted at 0100, they'll still be there when you wake up at 1100 hours (if you're lazy enough to sleep in that long).