View Full Version : When picking Kill Team USRs...

Master Bryss
07-23-2010, 04:32 AM
Just something stupid that came up in a round of Kill Team, but is it technically possible to give a model Turbo Boost? Although the rules bit mentions bikers, it never actually states you MUST be on a bike, it just assumes you are. And Scarabs and Wraiths get to do it anyway...

So what do you think? Is it feasible to give a Kill Team model super powers?

07-23-2010, 07:01 AM
im pretty sure you cant but its something ive also wandered cause it would be amazing to give it to a Deldar wych with a shad field :)

Commissar Lewis
07-23-2010, 09:05 AM
That would be awesome, as people on foot would really be hauling *** around the battlefield.

Or more simply:

But as for if it's legal or not, I'm not sure. That said, in a game against me I'd allow it, provided every time it's used the person yells " NOT IF I SHIFT INTO MAXIMUM OVERDRIVE!" For the laughs, if nothing else.

07-23-2010, 09:28 AM
Yes, you could give them Turboboost. However, the Turboboost rules only apply to Bikes, so the model wouldn't be able to use it.

Master Bryss
07-23-2010, 09:51 AM
An interesting case isn't it? I'm looking at it like this:

Reasons for 'yes'

Nowhere does it actually state it only applies to bikers. In the section on bikers, it says they have the rule, not that only they can use it, and the Turbo-Boost is written in a way that only assumes you're a biker (In other words, using the words as written to do daft stuff).
In the offical Necron errata, Wraiths and Scarabs are said to still be classed as infantry. This to me says that infantry may gain the power of turbo-boost.

Reasons for 'no'

When have you even seen a Guardsman do 100mph?
The Necron Codex is ancient and irrelevant.

At this point in time I'm agreeing with Lewis (goes off to paint a Guardsman in the colours of the Flash).

Sir Biscuit
07-23-2010, 11:24 AM
First line of Turbo Boosters:

"Units that are mounted on bikes and jetbikes may utilize turbo boosters to move at extreme speeds."

Even if you "have" the rule, you can't use it unless you're on a bike.

07-23-2010, 11:57 AM
First line of Turbo Boosters:

"Units that are mounted on bikes and jetbikes may utilize turbo boosters to move at extreme speeds."

Even if you "have" the rule, you can't use it unless you're on a bike.

Concur. You can absolutely give somebody the rule, but they have to utilize the rule according to its terms.

Master Bryss
07-23-2010, 12:11 PM
I just assumed that line to be fluff like the first line of every other rule, and it still doesn't say must. That said, I think we can safely conclude that it is a bit daft and shouldn't be used in a 'normal' game of Kill-Team. Case closed.

Commissar Lewis
07-23-2010, 07:47 PM
True, but were someone to give an infantry it in a game against me I'd allow it for the sheer laugh factor of an infantry model tearing around the field at 100mph.

But yeah, in a regular game I'd say you could not do this.

07-23-2010, 08:28 PM
I just assumed that line to be fluff like the first line of every other rule, and it still doesn't say must.

What is or isn't fluff can be tricky to determine. But the rules states "units on bikes... may use turboboost". I'd find it hard to call that only fluff. It sounds too specific.

07-23-2010, 10:05 PM
Wraiths and Scarabs are infantry, but they move as if they were jetbikes. I'd say you can turbo-boost if you are either mounted or have some sort of special movement rule that mentions bikes.

I would allow it on infantry if my opponent had modeled rocket boots, though.