View Full Version : Ork Looted Vehicles

07-22-2010, 03:13 PM
In the Orks codex, the looted vehicle fluff text only mentions IG/Space Marine tanks, but it doesn't really specify that anything can't be looted. Can I use a Orky converted Eldar Wave Serpent or Dark Eldar Raider model?

07-22-2010, 03:17 PM
Sure! As long as you don't mind it being not a skimmer.

07-22-2010, 03:47 PM
That'd be fine- though to conform to WYSIWYG, you'd have to strap some wheels on it- though that'd be a pretty cool conversion!

07-22-2010, 03:53 PM
What about a necron monolith?

07-22-2010, 04:14 PM
What about a necron monolith?

Best looted vehicle ever.

07-22-2010, 04:57 PM
My friend has a looted waveserpent he counts a trukk. Generally think you can use other vehciles but they must count as something from the ork codex in rules and points. An ork is unlikely to loot a waveserpent and be able to make it fly, let alone use its defensive shields rules

07-22-2010, 04:58 PM
There's really no limit as to what a looted vehicle can be based off of - it's just that whatever it started as, it ends up a BS2 AV11/11/10 open-topped tank with the options listed in the ork codex. That obviously suggests a Rhino, but other vehicles are totally fair game.

07-22-2010, 06:00 PM
I've a friend who uses a Russ chassis with a rather large hole in the front - to explain why it's only AV11 up there. I've seen chopped devilfish with retrofitted wheels before, so as with all things orky, let your imagination run wild.

07-22-2010, 06:08 PM
What about a necron monolith?

A buddy of mine did this and used the legs from 50 grots underneath it as the "propulsion" method...Very cool as a Loot-alith.

07-22-2010, 07:08 PM
In the Orks codex, the looted vehicle fluff text only mentions IG/Space Marine tanks, but it doesn't really specify that anything can't be looted. Can I use a Orky converted Eldar Wave Serpent or Dark Eldar Raider model?


You buy the model, you convert as you see fit.

07-23-2010, 04:33 AM
My friend has a looted waveserpent he counts a trukk. Generally think you can use other vehciles but they must count as something from the ork codex in rules and points. An ork is unlikely to loot a waveserpent and be able to make it fly, let alone use its defensive shields rules

You could have pointed out that its me with Da Floaty Trukk, DrLove42! It has a couple of wheels underneath (one btween the front forks of the waveserpent and one mounted underneath the main hull with a lascannon barrel as an axel). I've also extended the engine exhausts with a barrel and a ammunition drop box, as well as adding an orky pilot and gunner, a couple of grots and tons of battle damage, glyph plates and all sorts of orkish gubbins to keep the boys on, as well as a few bent bits and the like where the orks have been bouncing it along trying to get it to float properly. If people want I can get some pics of it up.

In general I use it as a Trukk, as it fits better with my force as such than it would as a looted wagon per se, as well as not having a boom gun. that said, using it as a lotted wagon would work equally well.

I reckon orks could would and should be able to loot any vehicles. I know I've used Tau and Eldar parts in a lot of my Ork vehicles. So long as you make it look sufficiently orky, it'd be fine. You could even make a couple of ork trukks based on civilliann vehicles, sufficiently up armoured/armed of course, if you think your modelling skills are up to it. In a similar vein, I'm planning on using orc and goblins, possibly skaven, possibly elves in units of zombies for my vampire counts army. Why are they always human?

07-23-2010, 05:00 AM
Hi guys,

I've got a couple of Red Paint Job Leman Russ' that I use as Battlwagons. There's an Orc commander in each turret and even a crucified Space Marine on the 'dozer blade of one. To conform with the fluff when using them as open-topped, I ask my opponent to assume my Orc Boyz are riding on it, rather than in it!

I'll post some pics later if anyone's interested.

Cheers. Jay.