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View Full Version : Very general army advice

07-22-2010, 07:33 AM
I havn't played a GW game in about 15 years, played WHFB 4th ed i think it was. Amongst a ton of other GW games.

Im going to be playing again and need to pick an army.

I dont fancy collecting an army only to find i dont like the playstyle that it leans towards.

I have had no trouble finding the fluff and can see what the armies look like pretty easily.

What im after is a 1 line guide as to what each army is good for tacticaly. For example:

High Elves: low model count, strong ranged, fast movement, strong cavalry
Empire: Average model count, strong warmachines, weak melee
Skaven: very high model count, melee oriented

A link to somewhere with up to date info like this or if someone can give me a summery, it would be much appreciated

07-22-2010, 10:14 AM
Warriors of Chaos: Mixed model count(cheap Marauders, expensive Knights and Warriors), strong melee, access to good magic