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View Full Version : Blood Angels Vs Eldar suggestions

07-22-2010, 07:26 AM
So tomorrow night I have my first ever game against Eldar, and in terms of games I normally place, this will be a pretty competitive one. My problem is that I have no idea what to field against them, as I have no idea what they can do. All I know that I can expect to face is Warp spiders, Banshees, Scorpions, backup up with a fire prism and some warwalkers with scatter lasers.

So I was hoping if anyone had an experience with Blood angels against Eldar they could give me some tips for what to take. The game will be 1500pts.

Thanks a lot :)

07-22-2010, 07:49 AM
To fit that many elites into a 1500 list theres got to be some weaknesses. Not many troops or weak HQ. Don't combat the banshees cos they will slice through your marines like...well...a power sword through power armour.

If hes got any farseers kill them 1st turn if you can. If he gets them fortuned up they can be reallly hard to kill.

07-22-2010, 09:54 AM
you have to be willing to sacrifice some of your units, for example: a unit of 8-10 banshees will definitely f**k up any uinto of marines witin 1 or 2 turns of combat, once theyre done tho... shoot em as much as you can they wont be able to stand up against a hail of bolter shells, mostly the same for any unit of eldar, they hit hard but are very fragile you have to exploit that. playing blood angels help, get as many charges as you can so you can negate their high initiative value. bring armor which is higher than AV11 that way you can ignore his str 6 shots (most eldar shots will be str 6).

07-22-2010, 10:19 AM
Normally I would say you might have to worry about his mobility, but as blood angels all you need to do is include some assault troops and fast Baal preds and you should be set. Besides, as mentioned before, that many elites at the 1500 point level will limit the number of transports he will be able to take.

Sanguinary Dan
07-22-2010, 02:33 PM
Descent of Angels is your friend against Eldar. As are Flamers, Frag Cannon and Typhoon Missile Launchers.

With a good assault force you can DS enough units using Descent of Angels re-rolls to really put a hurting on any of his counter charge units. Things like Banshees and Harlequins hate it when you nail them with templates. Flamers and Frag Cannon are always winners against T3 troops of any type. It's amazing how quickly Eldar evaporate when you DS assault marines with Flamers. Small squads and Combat Squads to be sure you land close enough to really hurt them.

Out flanking Baal Predators can handle almost anything they try to keep out of range, as do LS Typhoons and Stormravens.

Don't forget the joys of Sternguard and their special ammo.

07-22-2010, 09:24 PM
Do not forget he Prism Cannon, and he might take a Lance weapon on hid walker, know the armour down to 12. As per Psykers of your own, I would not take any. Unless you destroy his farseer early on, you will probably kill yourself off from all the perils of the Warp you keep getting form the 3 dice you have to roll.

I agree with the comments evryone has said. If you can get drop pods, they are a very nasy option to drop next to his Farseer, especially with a tactical squad armed with flamers.

I hate fighting against Blood Angels with my Chaos Space Marines, I have only beaten them 2 out of 5 games so far, and I hate fighting against Eldar even more. 15 games of which I won 3 and lost 8 so far. There are not many Eldar players in my area. you see.

07-22-2010, 10:11 PM
Right now I'm looking at taking a dakkabaal and a 10 man assault squad loaded with flamers. I was also thinking a drop pod loaded with sterngaurd and a vindicator. I have no idea what to take for a HQ though, I normally take Mephiston, but with Eldar psychic dickery and this not being a 2000pt game, I'd rather something different. Any suggestions?

07-23-2010, 04:47 AM
Right now I'm looking at taking a dakkabaal and a 10 man assault squad loaded with flamers. I was also thinking a drop pod loaded with sterngaurd and a vindicator. I have no idea what to take for a HQ though, I normally take Mephiston, but with Eldar psychic dickery and this not being a 2000pt game, I'd rather something different. Any suggestions?
Try Sanguinis, so you also can give Sanguinis's chosen upgrade to a sergeant, Corbulo is alway a good choice. as are some other Sanguinary Priests. The feel No Pain works well for Blood Angels, unless he has Str 8 or higher weapons. If you do decide to take a Librarian, then try this - Do not cast any psychic powers, until the farseer is dead, Equip the Librarian with a psychic hood, and try to cancel out every psychic spell/ attack the farseer and warlocks attempt to do. This will cull his effectiveness during the game. It may even force the farseer to try mind war with the Librarian, and so divert his attacks, and other little nasty powers away from hurting you or aiding his troops.

Sanguinary Dan
08-02-2010, 12:50 PM
I think you mean The Sanguinor? Bringing Sanguinius would be totally OTT. ;)

Mephiston doesn't actually need his psy powers to destroy damned near anything the Eldar field. And his [bela lugosi accent] Look into my eyes [/bela lugosi accent] isn't a psychic power so if you want to use that there is no test.

But there are many cheaper ways to do it. Even a Furioso Librarian is a good way to bring a Psychic Hood. And probably a better choice than a regular Librarian since all the Eldar have high initiative. A regular Librarian is only a 4 so he could get killed pretty fast.

Regardless, a Reclusiarch is a good HQ against Eldar since he comes with a Crozius at I5 and Rosarius for a 4++ and gives the unit he is attached to some very good bonuses. And with a jump pack he's only 155 points.