View Full Version : How do people feel about the daemoneculaba concept?

Primarch killer
05-25-2017, 12:26 PM
I know it's heresy to discuss in public but I'm wondering, was there a way it could have been done "better"? Like treated as an actual tragedy rather than it just becoming a caricature of grimdark going too far? It just seems like if something that horrific is going to be done by the author, it should have been given more weight or taken more seriously by the setting. An atrocity on that level feels so much more personal compared to all the other sick things that go on, but often gets devalued as a sick joke.

The way it came off seemed to be like a bizarre pregnanCy fetish. I dunno but If you are going to do something like that and show it in detail, it should be treated more "respectfully". There are so many rape analogies and violations that it felt so personal, and a step up from all the horrific things that usually happen, even in a universe like this.

Not knocking the idea, just the execution. It makes sense given the setting, but think it could have been handled better by maybe showing it from the perspective of a victim, or someone about to go through that kind of process. The terror and fear and suffering would have felt more real from a tragic perspective. Your thoughts?