View Full Version : People who are going to the event formerly known as bolscon

07-21-2010, 10:20 AM
So who is going and what are you looking forward to? If we aren't Going why not and what would you have brought if you could come?

Myself and three other guys are coming down and were all bringing space marines of one sort or another (original I know)

I am pretty much done painting and everything, which was a pain cause I have freehand done on all my vehicles! ack! I still have to work on my display board but that should have a good chiance of getting done too.

See you all there (or not)


07-21-2010, 11:12 AM
I take it you're representing the blood angel side of "space marines of one sort of another".

I too will be playing blood angels. I plan on being there all 4 days just to hang out, but am only playing in the 40k Championship. I'll probably play in the team event next year though.

07-21-2010, 11:30 AM
I will be there for the narrative gaming, but also to visit family I've not seen in a goodly long time.
I'm bringing 3000pts of Kroot Mercs, and I've still go plenty to paint!

Also, drinks with some of the BoLS folks.

07-21-2010, 12:14 PM
Going for the full 4 days.
Playing in the narrative games and doing the hobby seminars on friday.

I think this will be a nice change from some other cons I've been to.

Went to Gencon one year. Got lucky on the pre reg for modeling/ sculpting classes but a total bust on miniatures gaming. In three days the only game I played was a 4hr RPG session.

A con in Seattle (forget name) was even worse. No pre reg, signups for a session started in the time slot prior to the game. Most games were full within an hour and none past two hrs. One game I played ran the full 4 hrs, got in line right away and everything was full before I got to the front. Total for two days was two scheduled games, two pickup games after hrs. One scheduled game lasted less than 1 1/2 hrs because the game was not going the way the GM expected, got his panties in a wad and walked out. Did not bother with that con in the remaining four years I was in the Seattle area.

Millennium Con, a small general gaming con held in Austin, TX, is actually fairly cool. It's fairly small, just a few hundred people but often more game slots than players. No pre reg before the con but once the doors open you can sign up for as many things as you want. Some games may fill up quick but there is usually something open at the last minute.

BoLS/ Wargames Con looks like it should be fun. Two days of gaming on a single sign up. The Narrative track is a nice option for those who do not play competitive, and lots of time for open gaming.

07-21-2010, 12:21 PM
If we aren't Going why not .....


5. It costs money.....I don't have any.
4. I don't have my army painted yet.
3. If I go to Austin, I have to go to the Salt Lick BBQ then I'll be in a food coma and be unable to play.
2. Austin is humid at the end of July & big fat guys don't like humid.
1. They're not giving out free beer

07-21-2010, 01:29 PM
I am not going because it's too far from where I live. If I was going it would be either Tyranids or Dark Angels.

Now here are my questions. 1) Where is it? 2) What is it called now? 3) Why the name change? Why is it not called BolSCON anymore?

07-21-2010, 10:30 PM
Not going, unfortunately. Baby on the way, which means vacation time is already allotted.

(Not to mention weekends, week nights, etc.)

I'd bring my eldar though--for sure.

07-22-2010, 01:29 AM

5. It costs money.....I don't have any.
4. I don't have my army painted yet.
3. If I go to Austin, I have to go to the Salt Lick BBQ then I'll be in a food coma and be unable to play.
2. Austin is humid at the end of July & big fat guys don't like humid.
1. They're not giving out free beer

Reasons I am still going to BoLS Con.

5. Bought my ticket before they cut our hours at work. Took cash for Hotel reservations out of bank so I would not spend it before the con.

4. My 3k point army for the narrative games is only 10 models, all on foot (of various sizes). I'm still painting them. I would have taken IG but they need a lot more paint, and my Reaver has more pinhole bubbles and flash to remove than the Phantom.

3. I have never been defeated by food. I'd ask about good Indian or Thai food nearby but that would be unfair to the other players.

2. Houston is hot and humid on a good day. Some times I'm not sure if I'm sweating or if the moisture is condensing on my skin.

1. Mmmmm, Beer. Any brew pubs near the con?

07-22-2010, 10:09 AM
So many comments, so little time

1.yes I am running my blood angels, keep an eye out for my "dukes blood angels thread on the painting forum tonight/tomorrow night

2. What is this BBQ place?!!

3. No free beer!!!! Nerd-rage smash!!!

4. I will be playing in the 40k championships so I should get a whole gang of games in... In theory

I am kinda sa that I won't get to do the narrative thing cause it sounds great. Also some of the classes sound awesome too... I still can't believe how cool my wife is for letting me go!


Cruor Vault
07-22-2010, 10:14 AM
So many comments, so little time
3. No free beer!!!! Nerd-rage smash!!!

Calm down boy... We can find you some beer!

07-22-2010, 12:04 PM
Nerds drink beer? I guess I am not a good nerd then eh?

07-22-2010, 12:45 PM
We have learned many lessons from last year:

1) The concessions right outside the hall will be better.
2) There will be beer concessions roaming the halls inside the ballroom all day long. Yes even before noon.
3) Austin's largest art-supply store is right across the expressway for hobby emergencies.
4) Did I mention the beer???

07-22-2010, 01:40 PM
Thank you big red... Does this mean that I should stop working on my display board that is on top of a roller-keg? I was sure that alone would get me best opponent (cause I likes to share) ... One thing for sure is that darkwynn would Ike it! (or is that margaritas?)


Ps thank you CV for calming nerd-hulk down I almost broke the excel spreadsheet of my army list.

07-22-2010, 01:48 PM
We have learned many lessons from last year:

1) The concessions right outside the hall will be better.
2) There will be beer concessions roaming the halls inside the ballroom all day long. Yes even before noon.
3) Austin's largest art-supply store is right across the expressway for hobby emergencies.
4) Did I mention the beer???

Awesome! You guys are on top of things this year!

07-22-2010, 04:31 PM
Awesome! You guys are on top of things this year!

too true

07-22-2010, 10:07 PM
[QUOTE=Duke;90029]Thank you big red... Does this mean that I should stop working on my display board that is on top of a roller-keg? I was sure that alone would get me best opponent (cause I likes to share) ... One thing for sure is that darkwynn would Ike it! (or is that margaritas?)

Only if they're pink and have umbrellas in them. Darkwynn is all about the foo-foo.

07-22-2010, 10:11 PM
@CRP: Noted! I just may have to bring an umbrella with those fake cherries on it for him.


07-23-2010, 01:14 AM
You have beer at gaming events?????????????

07-23-2010, 01:48 AM
The real question is

"What kind of Beer?"

Because bad beer is worse than no beer. I believe in recycling, give the budweiser back to the horse it cam from.

Margaritas would be acceptable as well. Wish my "awesome party blender" hadn't died. It had a built in battery and could make about 2 gallons of frozen margaritas on a single charge.

07-23-2010, 08:09 AM
The real question is

"What kind of Beer?"

Because bad beer is worse than no beer. I believe in recycling, give the budweiser back to the horse it cam from.

Margaritas would be acceptable as well. Wish my "awesome party blender" hadn't died. It had a built in battery and could make about 2 gallons of frozen margaritas on a single charge.

I'd hope Lone Star. Tasty and cheap. One of my favorite things about Texas. Gotta go bottle or draft tho. Cans are are okay but not as good ;)

I absolutely would love to go some time but living in the north east makes it a hell of a trip. Plus there are some good GT in the region coming up in the fall that I'm saving for (Da Boyz and Mechanicon woot!). Austin is an incredible city tho and always makes for a great time so I encourage people to make the trek to see the city and participate in what sounds like a pretty awesome event.

Maybe in 2011 the Vostroyans will make it down there to hand out some Mustache Rides of DOOOOM!

07-23-2010, 08:15 AM
I'd hope Lone Star. Tasty and cheap. One of my favorite things about Texas. Gotta go bottle or draft tho. Cans are are okay but not as good ;)

By your avatar I thought you'd request PBR. :)

I'll be there from setup to tear down. Only playing in the 40k tournament right now, but maybe I can get a last-minute team mate.

And maybe I'll finally be able to finish my podracer for some after-hours fun.

07-23-2010, 12:22 PM
Will there be Pod-racing again this year? The champion SentinOMG! may be making a return!

07-23-2010, 12:38 PM
Bigred has told me there will indeed be Podracing.

And some crazy form of Podracing for Warmachine as well!

07-23-2010, 01:28 PM
When is the pod racing?