View Full Version : Mostly WIP Guard Thread

07-20-2010, 08:19 PM
My goal with this army is to have at least one of each unit type in the codex painted. I've got a long way to go with almost 200 infantry models and close to 20 tanks/artillery/transports to paint, but this tread is an attempt to keep me motivated.

When I decided I was going to play guard almost a year ago, I inherited a bunch of models, mostly Cadian infantry and Leman Russes, from a friend who was invited to join the elite ranks of all-Forge-World army owners. Additionally, I started seeing a new therapist who, coincidentally (or maybe not), had an office next to a LGS. Every week I would go in and invariably pick up a box of something. Since then I've steadily built up a massive collection of assembled (gotta play with 'em!) but unpainted models.

My scheme is an autumn SS camo, which was borrowed from some of the great logs out there online. I'm putting Pig Iron heads on them, as well. Here are a couple of dudes:



The scheme I'm going for on tracked vehicles is a two-tone brown angular camo. Here's an unfinished Leman Russ:


Also, here's a random wolf lord that I threw together:


Maybe in the future I'll not take pictures at night or have a horribly distracting trygon in the background. That's it for now, but hopefully I can keep it up with regular updates and some finished models.

07-20-2010, 09:54 PM
Don't know how you painted that camo so nicely but I'm both jealous and in awe. Excellent work good sir.