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View Full Version : High Elves - October Forecast

07-19-2010, 06:44 PM
So basically what do we forecast to be in the October release?

Here is the current range:


silver helms
repeater bolt thrower
mage kit
noble kit
chariot kit


phoenix guard
white lions
special characters
ellyrian revears
dragon princes
Great eagle
shadow warriors

Right so from the current range heres whats new

Mage kit
noble kit
chariot kit
shadow warriors
some special characters
repeater bolt thrower

Now i think with the island of blood box set coming out, they will have to release a stand alone unit of spearmen/seaguard.

so my predictions include:


spearmen and or seaguard
One of the special choices
maybe eltharion given the new griffon plastic

New character models perhaps tyrion or teclis.
One of the specials

Based on 2nd waves we mght be lookign at 2-3 new plastic releases and 1-2 metal, however with the island of blood as well we might get a few more.

So what do you guys think we might get or what would you like?

07-19-2010, 08:06 PM
I would love to see plastic Swordmasters & Phoenix Guard.

Preferably the SM before the PG (because I'm more naturally inclined to swords...) but either would be nice.

Lions I could frankly do without--never been much of a fan of the concept.

Herald of Nurgle
07-20-2010, 06:30 AM
- IoB minis are going to be IoB only, so that means no Plastic Swordmasters/Phoenix Guard

I feel that the following will be in the release:
- Reaper/Repeater Bolt Thrower kit for HE and DE.
- Plastic Phoenix Guard
- Plastic Silver Helms/Dragon Princes set
- New Metals for Teclis and Tyrion

07-20-2010, 05:27 PM
I actually hope they make new WL minis, the curent ones are horrible, PG current minis are much better and imho dont need a remodel as bad as WL do... Plastic eagles would be nice too, maybe in a box set of 3

07-20-2010, 06:51 PM
- IoB minis are going to be IoB only, so that means no Plastic Swordmasters/Phoenix Guard

I feel that the following will be in the release:
- Reaper/Repeater Bolt Thrower kit for HE and DE.
- Plastic Phoenix Guard
- Plastic Silver Helms/Dragon Princes set
- New Metals for Teclis and Tyrion

i wouldn't be so sure on the IoB mini's being box set only. The specific models yes, but i recall after skullpass pass, in the orcs release they introduced goblin units (very similar but multi part instead of single cast)

so that being said one of the plastics in skull pass either skaven or high elves (most likely high elves as they are getting a 2nd wave) will mostly likely get one of the units redone from the IOB

-i don;t see why they would make another repeater bolt thrower. its a fairly new plastic kit.
-i would prefer swordmasters, and they would have to be amazing plastics to make me want to buy them over the loverly metal ones
-either would be nice ( a kit where you could make either or would be fantastic)
-yeh i think definetly for tyrion and well whenever he gets changed so does his twin bro :D