View Full Version : Would you allow this?

07-19-2010, 01:02 PM
I'm starting an IG veteran force made from mixed plastics. As of right now the infantry consists of the following bits:

-GW arms
-Wargames Factory British Zulu heads
-Wargames Factory Sci Fi Greatcoats bodies
-GW slottabase
-GW accessories

My question is this: Would this sort of thing be allowed inside a Games Workshop or LGS... or against anyone here lol? My guess is no, but I thought it better to ask the group.

Here's a picture:

I know there's alot of flash and things on the model- they're just mockups, so yeah.

07-19-2010, 01:07 PM
No problem with that at all. Very creative, fluffy and WYSIWYG, whats not to like?

07-19-2010, 01:30 PM
If the weapons are right, the models are of the same species, and you can differentiate between the squad types, most of the people I've played with would not mind. For example, I'd have no problem seeing those as guardsmen in a casual game, but I'd get a bit confused if you try to run those guys as termagants.

Lunar Camel
07-19-2010, 02:06 PM
Shouldn't be a problem. Most GW stores allow conversions if over 50% is GW product. Most indie stores really don't care as long as the pieces look like what they're supposed to be.

07-19-2010, 02:09 PM
Thanks for the responses guys. To that end, what would "50%" be considered? 50% by volume, number of parts? hm.... I guess for that I'll have to check with my local redshirt.

07-19-2010, 02:28 PM
to be honest, most ppl around here would just ask, how did you make that, not why or "wtf mate?"
and thats at GW and LGS, they make great Praetorian's how much is the cost of those bits?

untill you get them painted or have squad colors, i'd paint the ring on the bases different colors, that helps tremendously, "ok, squad green...CHARGE!... sqaud light blue, FIRE!!!...etc.."

07-19-2010, 03:44 PM
Usually it's 50% by volume. Some stores will also require that the model started out as a GW model, but that's less common.

You can always add more GW bits if you need to get up to 50%, like backpacks, a holster, or other decorative bits. You can add GW bits to the base, too.

I saw a model at Adepticon that was 100% not-GW except that it was standing on a 3" tall pile of dead space marines.

Commissar Lewis
07-19-2010, 04:43 PM
I don't think anyone would really care about you using those models. The only times I think people would raise hell is if you were using dollar store army men or the person you were playing against was a real ballbuster.

07-19-2010, 06:28 PM
Those look good. I can't think of anywhere around here that would give you any problem. Keep us posted on your army asyou progress, I forone would like to see how theylook when you are done.

07-19-2010, 06:36 PM
Plasticaddict: Thanks, Will do! Though I might just start another thread for that.

I'm trying to go for a Pre-Heresy Imperial Army, and I'll be using the Tempus Fugitives' rules pack from the Great Crusade. These guys are going to be under my UM Space Marine Legion, and are pretty much all veterans with Rhinos. If someone gets stickler about the rules (as normally IG can't take rhinos), I'll count them as WH stormtroopers, and just pay the extra 15 points per Rhino.

07-19-2010, 07:22 PM
I saw a model at Adepticon that was 100% not-GW except that it was standing on a 3" tall pile of dead space marines.


07-19-2010, 08:02 PM
Those look cool--and I can't think of a LGS who would care one way or the other.

GW store? More likely to be pissy about it.

Tourney? Probably going to not be kosher, based on the lack of a rabbi blessing the plastic, and the lack of the mini being majority GW product.

07-20-2010, 12:22 AM
I'm starting an IG veteran force made from mixed plastics. As of right now the infantry consists of the following bits:

-GW arms
-Wargames Factory British Zulu heads
-Wargames Factory Sci Fi Greatcoats bodies
-GW slottabase
-GW accessories

My question is this: Would this sort of thing be allowed inside a Games Workshop or LGS... or against anyone here lol? My guess is no, but I thought it better to ask the group.

Here's a picture:

I know there's alot of flash and things on the model- they're just mockups, so yeah.

My question would be, "Why wouldn't I allow it?" :)

I think they look good, and around here anyway, the LGS doesn't really care one way or the other on 'official' GW. And anyone who has seen my original tanks for IG knows that I give less than a tinker's damn about official. I will be interested to see them painted up.

Keep up the good work.

07-20-2010, 03:44 AM
How much (if any) cutting and filing went into getting the arms to fit properly?

07-20-2010, 07:08 AM
How much (if any) cutting and filing went into getting the arms to fit properly?

None- The WGF SF Greatcoat torsos are less than 1mm slimmer than the GW cadian torsos, so it makes for a relatively easy transition.

My only beef with putting this together was their bases- I absolutely despise the blob a their feet. However, I didn't want to spend the time cutting it off and re-balancing them on the GW bases, so I just filled the base up to the blob's height and sanded it.

07-20-2010, 06:29 PM
My understanding on GW rules:

Mixed IP is a big no go. Meaning that any symbols, icons etc that dont belong to GW wont be allowed in any GW store or tourney strictly following GW rules.

Modeling that can be considered generic i.e. 'a sword' or 'a head' cannot be anybodys IP and therefore should be alowed as long as there are no symbols/icons/etc. to associate it with someone elses IP.

The mixed IP is the big rule as it has legal implecations. GW's LGS's and tourneys may have a model or army % based ruling but you would need to check with them, just depends how picky they are.

Not too sure about the body from your model, but the head and helm wouldn't break the IP rule.

Hope this helps.

07-21-2010, 11:02 PM
It really depends on your store. Most GW hubs call for atleast 50% GW product by weight or volume. But mine is 75% GW product ask your local store or where you play.