View Full Version : Shadow War Zone - Create and Track your Kill Teams

05-13-2017, 01:02 AM

I have created this site, it allows you to create Kill Teams for Shadow War Armageddon - no downloads, no app, no downloading data files - register and go.

I am looking for feedback, bugs and ideas to take this site to the next level.


Current Features:

Create a Kill Team for any faction
Create Fighters (and Drones)
Add Equipment and Weapons
Track points and Promethium Cache
Add Skills, Rules and Serious Injuries
Rearm and Recruit after battles

Features Coming Soon:

A more detailed rules and help section for when you play
A more streamlined Battle Mode for use during battles
Add your photos to showcase your minis against the history and stats of your Kill Team
Toggle a Fighter's state during a battle: Down, Pinned, Out of Ammo

05-16-2017, 09:11 AM
The horrible page refresh is now gone! Making Kill Teams is now much faster.

05-17-2017, 08:44 PM
This is such a good idea!

I thought GW would make an app for this game. Using QR codes under the bases of models would be the coolest way to track things.

It sounds a little lame, but maybe a place to write Future Plans for your Fighter/team; like what Skill Group you want to roll on, the skills you'd want to get, equipment you'd like to buy.

Also, cross connecting with the profiles of other opponents you've played. Tracking grudges, prisoners etc. It would be cool if an opponent could vouch for what skills you generated.

05-19-2017, 02:49 AM
This is such a good idea!

I thought GW would make an app for this game. Using QR codes under the bases of models would be the coolest way to track things.

It sounds a little lame, but maybe a place to write Future Plans for your Fighter/team; like what Skill Group you want to roll on, the skills you'd want to get, equipment you'd like to buy.

Also, cross connecting with the profiles of other opponents you've played. Tracking grudges, prisoners etc. It would be cool if an opponent could vouch for what skills you generated.

Hi and thanks for the input!

There are the Notes for each Fighter, you could use that area? Its just a text area for stuff about them. This team uses them a lot https://shadow-war.zone/view-killteam/167/militarum-pro-valore

Validating data is something that I have thought about and it will probably be self done within Campaigns. A group of friends can join the same Campaign and all their data is then shared between them. If someone does something wrong the other players can see it and call out the plater on it.

05-21-2017, 02:03 AM
I have now added some new features:

- Images for your Kill Teams, individual Fighter images are coming soon
- Battle view is now a handy Print view too
- Lots of weapon profiles for use in Battle/Print view

Next is
- More weapon profiles
- Exchanging equipment
- Improvements to print mode

05-26-2017, 03:02 AM
New features and changes

• Lots of weapon profiles added
• Images for individual Fighters
• Equipment now dynamically effects a Fighters stats, e.g. multiple pairs of Scything Talons on Tyranid Warriors
• New stat line values for Armour Save and Inv Save based on a Fighter's equipment
• You can now move equipment between Fighters while re-arming and recruiting
• The right injuries now force fighters to miss battles
• Its possible to now give a fighter two skills after a battle due to an Advance and What doesn't kill you...
• Collapse and expand all Fighters to view the Fighters you need to more quickly

05-30-2017, 10:35 AM
Shadow War Zone now has PDF Roster generation. Create a team, one click and you get this now!

PDF Demo http://bit.ly/2rBp1HU

Register here https://shadow-war.zone/register/

05-31-2017, 03:10 AM
Quick update:

It is now a lot easier to create a Kill Team that already has games under its belt. Simply select the new checkbox when creating a Kill Team and the 1,000 pts limit will be ignored and you can add Skills, Injuries, Equipment to your heart's content without needing to "Complete a Game".

Manual Mode is now a lot easier to use because the page reloads are all gone now when editing a Kill Team.

06-09-2017, 08:45 AM
You can now create Kill Teams anonymously!


Its been asked for a lot, but now it is here. You can create a Kill Team without signing up. You can later of course provide a username, email and password to "upgrade" and gain full access thus making the Kill Team yours.
Points of note:

Anonymous Kill Teams will be deleted after 1 month.
You can create a single Kill Team .
Anonymous Kill Teams cannot add images.
Anonymous Kill Teams cannot be viewed publicly and will not appear on the Kill Team lists.
Anonymous Kill Teams cannot be added to Campaigns.

What this does do is enable users to see and use the site's main functionality (making a Kill Team) without needing to provide any info!

This may all change depending on feedback. Its a new feature so please do let me know about bugs!
Thanks Jake

06-21-2017, 09:01 AM
New feature!

You can now Comment on and "like" comments for Kill Teams!

06-22-2017, 02:54 AM
Search box is not showing desired result many topics are missing.